1999/8/23-24 [Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:16373 Activity:low |
8/22 Anyone know of free ansi cobol compiler for unix? Beta is ok. \_ Y2K problems? |
1999/8/23-24 [Science/Disaster] UID:16374 Activity:nil |
8/22 Help the USGS determine how strong last week's earthquake was felt in your part of the Bay Area (or if you were around 10 years ago, what you remember of Loma Prieta): http://www-socal.wr.usgs.gov/shake/STORE_2/X40104152/ciim_form.html |
1999/8/23-24 [Uncategorized/Multicategory] UID:16375 Activity:high |
8/23 RHAT is now at 66, after peaking at 90. Wel, whaddya know. Bite me, mister "internet IPO" pessimist. \_ That's great!!! now get back to your keyboard. \_ Yeah, so what? What point are you failing to make? That many tech ipos skyrocket and then drop back like a flying rock after all the quick-kill players bail out leaving all the folks who bought at 66+1/8 or higher screwed who thought they'd be rich when it climbed into the hundreds like amazon or something? Now that it's lost 1/3rd it's value watch it continue to drop over the next 6 months. Pretty much this is a giant "yawn" situation you're raising. \_ I'm making the point that this is exactly what I said it would do two weeks ago, when someone said "who really knows what this thing is going to do?" this thing is going to do, this internet stuff is all random." \_ two weeks ago you did not say, "RH will climb to 90 and then lose 1/3rd of it's value in 3 days." No one said, "who really knows ... is all random". Stop altering the past to boost your ego. If you're such a genius, why are you still fucking around on the motd instead of buying your own island? When you're fabulously wealthy from your internet ipo fortune you'll have something to talk about. In the meantime you're just another wannabe who falsely thinks he knows something. It dropped like a rock, fool. It'll continue dropping. boost your ego. \_ stop rewriting the past to boost your OWN ego. If you weren't reading the motd every second, then shut the fuck up, instead of making absolute claims like "nobody said that" \_ If it didn't make it into the log, it wasn't in the motd long enough for anyone to read and therefore doesn't count. \_ The above about making it into the log says it all. If it was only there for a few seconds, it wasn't said. It's still unbelievable that you said RH was going to hit 90 and then drop back to 66. \_ to be more specific, I said "reach at least 90, then stabilize around 60-70" |
1999/8/23-25 [Transportation/Car] UID:16376 Activity:high |
8/23 Where's a good place to go to get a car's brakes fixed? \_ Your own garage. \_ Big-O left my brake fluid low even after I told them to redo it because it was so low the first ime I could feel the car sliding. At my next 5k check, the deal caught and fixed it without being because it was so low the first time I could feel the car sliding. At my next 5k check, the dealer caught and fixed it without being told to look for it. Ford. \_ Geez, even an infant could top off the brake fluid. Helloooo... \_ After sitting on my thumb for 2 hours, I just took it as is and left. A third time wasn't going to improve matters. The second time wasn't great but it wasn't bad enough that I'd slam into someone. Moral: don't go to Big-O for brakes. \_ No, you missed the real moral: Learn about your car so you can add brake fluid yourself in 5 minutes instead of wasting all day waiting for the morons at Big-O to screw it up. \_ The real lesson is: learn how your brakes work, morons. You probably needed a bleed, not just a top-off. \_ You'd void the warrantee doing it yourself. If you're driving an ancient piece of shit, go ahead, it doesn't apply. \_ I wasn't there for brake fluid, I was there because the calipers were shot on one side, among other things. Since I didn't give you a full damage list or how it happened, you have no clue what my car needed. You just assumed you're really smart which you may be but you still don't know what you're talking about. |
1999/8/23-24 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:16377 Activity:kinda low |
8/23 Anyone else anticipating the C&C: Tiberium Sun release? \_ Nope. Am anticipating Homeworld, though. \_ You want a copy? I picked it up this weekend. |
1999/8/23-25 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:16378 Activity:low |
8/23 Does clone() in Java clone every single private variables? What if the private variable is just a pointer to another class? will that get duplicated? \_ no, it doesn't do deep-copy. \_ Cloneable does really give any gaurantees. It's one of the most useless interfaces in Core. It's supposed to be for ease-of-use, but I think it's more trouble than it's worth. |
1999/8/23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:16379 Activity:nil |
8/23 Why are we asking technical and personal questions on motd? Do they relate to CSUA? No. We should implement a law delete all trolls not related to CSUA. |
1999/8/23-24 [Uncategorized] UID:16380 Activity:very high |
8/23 What the hell is up with the cult today. Five hours on campus and I've been mobbed three times already. Someone should teach those mo-fo's a lesson. \_ RESISTANCE IS FUTILE. HAIL TO THE LEADER. WE LOVE THE LEADER AND THE LEADER LOVES YOU. \_ Drink Kool-Aid. RIDE BIKE! \_ You must look lonely or despressed or something. They have victim target profiles you must fit. \_ You're kidding, right!!?? |