Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:August:04 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1999/8/4 [Uncategorized] UID:16243 Activity:high
8/3     Does anybody have a blow up of this picture?
        \_ Get a life.
        \_ Get laid.
           \_ Are you offended because you paid $10k to make your car vibrate
              and scrape the ground?
        \_ Send them mail and ask if they have one.
        \_ Where did they get those babes? Couldn't be the Berkeley campus...
1999/8/4 [Computer/Networking] UID:16244 Activity:high
8/3     Anyone know what a netbios-dgm and a netbios-ns is?
        \_ dgm= datagram
           ns = nameservice
           \_ But why would a computer on a LAN be sending out UDP packets
              of these type once a second?
              \_ because it's been saddled with a shitty operating system
              \_ I seem to remember NetBIOS being a protocol for a small LAN.
1999/8/4 [Uncategorized] UID:16245 Activity:nil
8/4     try to crack Windows2000 if you can:
1999/8/4-5 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:16246 Activity:high
8/4 - It's All About the Pentiums, Baby!
        \_ If you haven't seen it yet,

now     STL C++ crap deleted.  Anything ilyas touches turns into bullshit.
        \_ You're just feeling sad because ilyas stands up to motd
           punks like yourself. (It is of course well known that any
           interesting argument on the motd gets deleted, but I just
           felt like pointing this out for those who aren't paying
           \_ listen kid. there are people with clue who know what they're
              talking about, and then are people who think they know what
              they're talking about so they completely ignore those who
              try to clue them in. Ilyas falls in the second category, and
              most of the people who replied to him fall in the first. He
              could either take the stance of someone who is about to learn
              something and who should pay attention to what people are saying
              and make an effort to understand, or he could be the way he
              is. The second option gets his posts nuked.
1999/8/4 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:16247 Activity:nil
8/3     For those who thought Unix was written to provide an environment for C
        & C++, a history lesson from the creators:
1999/8/4 [Uncategorized] UID:16248 Activity:high
\_ get a life you stupid troll
1999/8/4 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:16249 Activity:nil
8/4     My gf's period is 7 days overdue and we decided to use EPT. She told
        me that she's pregnant. My heart dropped like stone. The thought that
        she's pregnant didn't sink in until 30 min later. She has UCB's
        student insurance, but is it valid during the summer? Where can we
        go? HELPFUL ADVICE ONLY. Thanks.
        \_ call advice nurse at Tang.  643-7197.  now!
           or browse
        \_ You actually expected HELPFUL ADVICE on Soda MOTD?  Well time
           to get away from the computer and maybe CALL the Tang Center?
           \_ you men the Poon Tang center?
        \_ Go to the bookstore and buy a book on fatherhood and responsibility.
        \_ Go to your local priest and learn about the pitfalls of
           pre-marital sex, and listening to your peers
        \_ try to crack Windows2000 if you can:
        \_ You can also read about the history of C and unix from its creators:
        \_ When your GF is preggers, you definitely should know the difference
           between netbios-dgm and netbios-ns.
                \_ dgm= datagram
                   ns = nameservice
                   \_ But why would a computer on a LAN be sending out UDP
                      packets of these type once a second?
                      \_ because it's been saddled with a shitty operating
                      \_ I seem to remember NetBIOS being a protocol for a
                         small LAN.
        \_ I would recommend looking into software RAID solutions on solaris
           x86 as as way out of the pregnancy.
           \_ why the hell would you think sunsolve would give you free RAID??
              sunfreeware maybe. except it doesn't. you have to pay for
              solstice disksuite.
           \_ Well you can check out RAIDFrame ( )
              but last they published it only supported slowaris2.4, and only
              on sparc. WTF are you running solaris on the x86 for anyway? There`s
              so many better choices... (most of which RAIDFrame supports)
        \_ Can somebody please tell me how the STL can help me figure out
           what my GF and I should do!?!!!
        \_ Ride a Bike.
            \_ Bike accidents are considered a leading cause of impotence
                and sterility.
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:August:04 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>