8/1 http://istpub.berkeley.edu:4201/bcc/Sept_Oct99/avc.students.html
IS&T once again tries to catch up to what student groups have provided
for the last 10 years, and only manages to see part of the picture.
(Last time, they decided all students needed was e-mail and we got
UCLink. Just imagine how screwed up this new file server will be.)
\_ soda [21] wc -l /etc/passwd
2501 /etc/passwd
Think of how disasterous that would be to provide 30,000
traditional style login acounts on a single computer (not to
mention how expensive the hard disk space would be). The fact
is that most majors don't require a unix shell account but it
would be nice for the common Berkeley student to have some unix
experience. Unfortunately costs and needs don't always coincide.
\_ Utterly lame! If i'm making $20+/hr being a paralegal
or a doctor I don't have the time or the inclination to
fiddle around with unix man pages. I am more productive
using 1. an interface I'm used to (since I'm not a
programmer what do I care about software development) and
2. an interface that supports applications ALL MY
COLLEGUES IN _MY_ (not YOUR) FIELD USE. I'd rather spend
my time ski-ing or outdoors than fiddling around with
.conf files.
\_ That's funny. I have time to do my regular school
work, fiddle with .conf files, read the fucking man
pages, and go skiing. And unix is VERY useful for
people not in the CS major. Go ask the people at
LBL what they use for physics simulations.
\_ dear God, is the bigotry so deep within you that you
fail to see the point? The point is that I AM NOT
said I was a pre med student who spend time commuting
to various hospitals in the area? That's more than
just regular school work. Tell me, is unix helpful
in my anatomy class? Is it useful for LabView?
is it useful in my philosophy class? Is it useful
when I call my girlfriend up and see what time she'd
be ready to go see the opera?
Climb out of your cubicle, man.
\_ idiocy deleted.
\_ fascist nazi. What gives you the right to delete
people's opinions at your whim? What's next after
your ssh tactics? rm -rf people you don't like?
my time with my friends or girlfriend than fiddling around
with .conf files. - Publius
\_ uh, so why do you care if people who are *not* idiots
have Unix shell access? You can diddle around with
Netscape all you want, regardless. -tom
\_ It's about the oppurtunity to do what you want.
\_ Why use a single computer? The OCF provided 12,000+ login
accounts 5 years ago on a cluster of 1989-era machines
(Motorola 68030 & 040 based apollos). As for disk
space, that's what IS&T is proposing to do.
\_ providing shell access to uclink4, for example, would
lower CPU usage (POP is very expensive) and support costs.
The support cost argument is bullshit; if you look at
the total cost picture, having shell access is much
cheaper. What IST means when they say "it costs less"
is "it costs US less". -tom
\_ IS&T has a history of ignoring reality, tom. you
should know that.
\_ Support costs go up when idiots start wanting to use
\_ I would say, rather, that they ignore campus concerns in
favor of doing things which are convenient for them. -tom
\_ They should buy a NetApp.
\_ NetApp's suck. EMC, dude.
\_ lets take this to http://ucb.computing.announce (ucb.computing.discussion
would be better but there is no such group ... yet) --jon
\_ hence, mail root@agate
\_ hence the "... yet" --jon
\_ Okay, now lets take this to http://ucb.computing.discussion --jon |