17/07 I just upgraded from RedHat 5.2 LINUX to RedHat 6.0 LINUX and
latex and tex just broke. Did this happen to anyone else?
Any suggestions for fixing things?
\_ You could reinstall tex and latex from the sources; I usually
have pretty good luck with that.
explains (tersely) how. Red Hat posts patches for 6.0 to
however I didn't notice anything TeX-related there. If you bought
Red Hat, call them up for support. I'd suggest, however, that the
easiest way to avoid this kind of mishap in the future is to
backup and then reinstall instead of upgrading. -brg
\_ Yeah, that is what I eventually decided to do after
discovering some newsgroup postings indicating that
RedHat's update mechanism is broken. If anyone else
out there is considering upgrading to RedHat 6.0, I
\_ freebsd.
\_ NetBSD
\_ OpenBSD
\_ Shaddup Theo
wouldn't trust the upgrade mode. By the way, once I got
it working I was quite happy with 6.0. The GNOME desktop
alone makes switching worthwhile.
\_ Yeah, stop 'upgrading' your system when nothing is wrong with it.
\_ What kind of strangled-brain sysadmin punk are you? This is
somebody's home box, for crying out loud.
\_ I'm the kind who likes his home machine to just work and
doesn't mindlessly 'upgrade' it just because something
WAY RAD AND K00L is available. Why treat a home machine
any differently? You don't like your home machine to work?
\_ So I take it you are still using DOS 1.0 on your box?
\_ No, dork. The phrase was "mindlessly upgrade". Don't
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\_ I gave birth to Norby's love child!
\_ I didn't know tara still logged in.
\_ Every so often, I think. She's pretty busy with
the baby...
\_ http://www.quotidian.com has pictures of Norby's love child.
use cheap straw man arguments. They're childish,
and not considered clever after third grade. And, yes
I *do* have a bootable DOS 1.0 floppy which was still
working about 4 months ago, thanks for asking, but no,
I don't run my company or home computers on it.
\_ So why is updating from RH 5.2 to 6.0 a mindless
upgrade? Even if 6.0 doesn't have any features
which you consider worthwhile, they might be quite
useful for others.
\_ DOS 1.0 is even worse than its predecesor, CPM.
\_ well, one can say that the nfs is borken.
\_ my smb mounts don't work anymore after switching from 5.1 to 6.0.
what gives? has the command line changed also?
\_ You might have to update your userspace smb tools;
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/Changes has a list of
the things you'll want to run at any particular
kernel rev. -brg |