1999/6/9-10 [Computer/SW/OS] UID:15922 Activity:nil |
06/08 inr-181, soda's router, will be down this thursday morning, 10 june 99, 06:00-06:20 AM, for a software upgrade. please read http://ucb.net.announce for details. -brg |
1999/6/9-10 [Uncategorized] UID:15923 Activity:low |
6/8 Does Soda's httpd allow personal cgi-bin's? Thanks. \_ yes \_ no \_ The answer is hazy. Ask again later. \_ `man www` |
1999/6/9 [Uncategorized] UID:15924 Activity:nil 66%like:15921 |
6/8 What exactly is this ThirdVoice? williamc <DEAD>www.whatisthirdvoice.com<DEAD> \_ http://www.whatisthematrix.com \_ if you need to ask, you don't know. \_ That's exactly why he asked. \_ ... dont know how to look at <DEAD>www.thirdvoice.com<DEAD> A poorly designed website if ever I saw one. |
1999/6/9 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:15925 Activity:nil 55%like:15933 |
6/9 Looking to trade a new copy of Starsiege: Tribes for something more strategic. Preferably StarCraft/Broodwar, but I'll take other offers. Won the game in a contest, but has never been played. -seidl |
1999/6/9-10 [Science/Space, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:15926 Activity:high |
6/9 Warp drive coming soon to a planet near you... http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_364000/364496.stm I love science. Every couple of months you hear something like: "We thought it would take us 100000000*X to do Y, but with this new discovery we can now do it in only X!" Once in a while I get giddy thinking that every wildly positive sci-fi conjecture will be reality in my lifetime (assuming that life-extension technolgy keeps up with everything else!)... -mogul \_ This is some awesome news! However, did Chris Van Den Broeck also researched on what kind of effects the distortion of the time-space continuum has on other things, such as our universe? I was going to post this question at the site, but couldn't find the right place to do so there. \_ This is by someone from a Catholic University? I thought they're still busy arguing that human didn't evolve from apes. \_ what ever happened to that dude (it was Rivest I think) that came up with some factoring algorithm - I saw some legitimate wire reports a month ago but didn't follow up on them - although I imagine if it were true media info was quickly squashed I imagine if it were true media info was quickly squished \_ if I remember correctly, he had a linear speed-up that simply pushed the crackable key size forward a few years. there was no real theoretical breakthrough that would invalidate public-key technology. the moral of the story was to start using >1500 bit keys today. |
1999/6/9-10 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics] UID:15927 Activity:nil |
6/8 http://www.enn.com/enn-news-archive/1999/01/012299/congest.asp |
1999/6/9-10 [Computer/Rants] UID:15928 Activity:nil |
6/8 Does anyone have experience with outsourcing software projects? Is it worth while? \_ How about outsourcing to foreign countries (such as India, Singapore, Philippine, or China)? \_ at my last job international outsourcing turned into a big joke, with crap code, communications problems (the problems you'd expect) - but ymmv \_ No, but I've read only bad things about it in IT mags. They said it sounds good on paper until you get the broken code and spend numerous times on the phone at 2am to try to talk to your Indian counterpart. Never read anything good about it. This was an article for execs trying to get rid of their high priced, lazy, over paid American programmers. The answer was: don't. |
1999/6/9-10 [Uncategorized] UID:15929 Activity:nil |
6/8 Did anybody recognize any other CS references in the 3D Homer episode beside the P=NP and Fermat's Little Thm? |
1999/6/9-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS] UID:15930 Activity:nil |
6/8 Our very own Thirdvoice fan club! http://nototv.hypermart.net \_ Christian fundamentalists. Need I say more? \_ And control freak webmasters/html coders. |
1999/6/9-12 [Science/GlobalWarming, Science/Physics] UID:15931 Activity:kinda low |
6/9 Yet another Nobel prize for Berkeley: http://enews.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/elements-116-118.html \_ nobel prize, huh? possibly, but unlikely i think. \_ wel gee, I could get a nobel prize too, if I had an umpty-billion-dollar cyclotron, and free license to play around as I see fit. \_ D00D!!!1!!!! CYKLOTR0NS R 4 PUSS13Z!!!!1!!!1!!!!! ALL U N33D 2 G3T A N0B3L PR13Z 1Z A TRUSTY C=64 ---- 1F UR *DAMN G00D*!!1! \_ I had a cyclotron once, but then the aliens came and took it away just as I was about to discover The Truth. \_ That's right -- and they gave it to *me*, because they liked me better! Nyah! \_ Go Bears |
1999/6/9-10 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:15932 Activity:very high |
6/9 http://www.wired.com/news/news/technology/story/20101.html See the book burners and other control freaks take on Thirdvoice. Do all web designers think surfers are morons? A wd quoted in the article: "If somebody attached such a note to my site and a visitor is running Third Voice, they will see that note," Pastras said. "Because most general surfers are ignorant, they will think I'm supporting pornography." How common is this "surfers are ignorant monkeys" concept among web designers? \_ in general, not really. i wouldn't say they are ignorant, but when doing mass-appeal sites, one often has to consider the audience. some sites and online businesses have target audiences that are not net-savvy at all. what we take completely for granted is a new concept, a concept *at all* for someone who is 42 years old in their second month on aol or webtv. i had to teach my paents to use a mouse, and menus. i took it very for granted, but if you have never used a computer, and don't understand *remotely* what the internet really is, then you're not going to understand that thirdvoice is a completely different thing than the site you are looking at. their comment is out of line, it's not ignorance, it's just inexperience. and at the end of the day, i think thirdage is fine and dandy and wouldn't think of whining against it. it's fun to grafitti sites. having been in this industry for years and years now, though, i certainly know the types of people who are going to shit a brick over this. -caliban \_ Hmmm... ok I can see that after trying to get my parents on the net. However, people who are inexperienced to such a degree are likely to be completely incapable of finding a place like thirdvoice and installing the plugin. Is this an honest concern or are the designers just being pissy and controlling? \_ both. designers are pissiy and controlling - it's why i am stuck trying to impliment things in html that the language was never meant for. pixel perfection? feh. anyway. the clients tend to be very controlling. they are spending $2m for this project and they do not want any aspect to be out of their control. clients are rabid, insane beasts. i can also see it being an honest concern. i show up at mom & dads to install software for them - i have done this a few times. anyway, i install all this stuff, including 3rd voice. mom & dad could then have no idea the extent of the seperateness of these things, so could reasonably assume that it's all one package, and that the people on http://starbucks.com put the notes there. did i happen to mention that http://starbucks.com made my day hell today? --caliban \_ Surfers aren't *just* igorant monkeys -- they're ignorant monkeys looking for schoolgirl porn! \_ Well then we should use thirdvoice annotations to help them find their schoolgirl porn! \_ help them? Help MEEEEEEE! \_ hmm, try <DEAD>schoolgirlporn.com<DEAD> |
1999/6/9-12 [Finance/Investment, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:15933 Activity:nil 55%like:15925 |
6/9 Looking to trade Starsiege: Tribes for a more strategic game. Preferably Starcraft/Broodwar. I won tribes in an online give-away, but I don't play networked games much. -seidl \_ Are you willing to trade a "backup" copy? \_ maybe. since I'm not using the game at all now. I would like documentation though. mail me and we'll talk. \_ WAREZ! \_ Yeah.. sure.. I'll trade you StarCraft, which requires the CD in the drive and the exclusive use of a license key for Tribes, which doesn't require the CD after installation and has no license key.. suuuuuuuuuuure \_ Starcraft runs with license key 1234567890123..whatever, except that you can't play <DEAD>battle.net<DEAD> with it. And assuming you don't have an ethical problem with warez hosing, there are plenty of key generators on the net. -John \_ If you don't trust the person you're trading with, don't trade with them. I have no interest in networked games right now (in fact, my PC currently has no way of connecting to the net except through floppy-net) -seidl |
3/15 |