Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:May:26 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1999/5/26-27 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:15877 Activity:low
5/25    Question re: Toshiba Tecra 750CDM.  Does anybody know if there's
        any hard drive encasing that will fit into the Select Bay?  I want
        to get another drive for the 750CDM, but the drives are pretty
        expensive.  I have a hard drive for the 740CDT, which is a lot
        cheaper, but physically bigger, so will not fit into the hd slot
        for the 750CDM.  Is there any such device that will allow me to use
        that 740CDT hd in the 750CDM's Select Bay?
        \_ it should be possible
        \_ a sledge hammer.  no guarantees on being able to use the drive after
           fitting it-
1999/5/26 [Recreation/Dating] UID:15878 Activity:high 66%like:15882
5/25    Less talk about politics and more talk about sex please.
-- random soda geek
        \_ to badly paraphrase someone, "talking about sex is like
           writing about dancing"
           \_ alas, that's as close as some csua'ers get.
                Why did you delete this?  It is a serious question.
                If a girl is giving you a blow job for the first time,
                should you pull out or not, if you dont know if she
                \_ uh, if she doesn't want to swallow, she'll pull it out
                   by herself.  she's in control in this situation unless
                   you've got her tied up and are just face fucking her.
                \_ Just break wind.  If she keeps going, she's sick enough
                   to swallow.
                        \_ why is it sick to swallow?
                \_What the hell has "you pulling out" got to do with whether
                  "she swallows" or not? Duh, it's up to her once she gets it
                        \_ So it isn't rude to just keep going and let her do
                           what she wants?  Are you supposed to warn her or
1999/5/26 [Recreation/Humor] UID:15879 Activity:nil
        For those who have coworkers that do nothing but cruise the net all
        day, tough shit.  For those who haven't seen it yet, enjoy.  There's
        links to some other amusing (and some not amusing) stuff also.
        [Fear the hamsters!  Delete this immediately!]
1999/5/26-27 [Uncategorized] UID:15880 Activity:nil
1999/5/26-27 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:15881 Activity:very high
5/25    Anybody know how to save realaudio files. I am trying to get
        some content from this site. Unfortunately I save link manages to
        get me only a small file with information to where the actual data
        is located. Thanks --marc
        \_ that's how real media works, you can get the real file by making a
           a link in an html file that points to the real file, then holding
           down shift while clicking the link.
           \_ Hmm, What if the real file has the following URL
              rtsp://x.x.x/ ??? Netscape has no idea what to do with this.
                \_ Then you'll need to reverse engineer the proprietary
                   RealMedia protocols or just accept the servers wishes
                   that you not be able to save the file you media pirate.
                        \_ How can this be pirating? I can listen to the audio
                           anytime I want. I just don't want to listen to this
                           stuff over a modem. I hate listening to something
                           and then have it stop every once in a while because
                           of network congestion. You get my drift. I am not
                           downloading this and then reselling it with intent
                           to make a profit.
                           \_ real networks sucks ass.  they are far more
                              interested in this kind of stuff than they
                              are in decent fidelity, consumer empowerment,

                              anyway, i think there are some tools floating
                              around hotline to capture their streams.
                                                        -- caliban
                              \_ when images, documents, and CD-ROMs get
                                 like this, it will all -suck-ass-.
                                 "Back in the day, we could pir8te *anything*"
                                 "no kidding, grandpa??"
                           \_ you are using a service, if you download the
                             file, you don't need them anymore, thus if you
                             steal it, then you are a pirate
                   \_ Or simply write/acquice a dummy device driver which
                      instead of playing the sound simply saves it to a .wav
                      file on your hard drive.  -nweaver
                        \_ Or just attach the sound output port on your PC
                                to the input on a tape player and record it.
                                \_ Well let me think about this one. I don't
                                   think so. I would have to bring in my
                                   stereo system here to Soda and that is
                                   not something I can do easily.
                                        \_ Get a handheld tape player loser
                        \_ Although the tape routine always works, it does
                           result in a loss of fidelity.  The dummy device
                           driver is lossless.
                           \_ dat tape is not lossless --caliban
                                \_ What part of "tape results in a loss
                                   of fidelity" do you not understand?
                            \_ It is when you have to go through the
                               audio-dightal conversion twice.
                               Of course real audio is already pretty lossy.
                               \_ what part of not do you not understand?
                \_ I've noticed that it's an nsp://blah.ram type URL at
           For evil hacking purposes, how did RealAudio
                   get my browser to recognize the nsp:// (or rtsp) prefix
                   and talk that protocol?
                   I'm presuming it's not on-the-fly and was installed into
                   my browser somehow when I installed RealAudio. (i.e.,
                   if prefix is nsp:// then start RealAudio and have it
                   talk to that IP - is that how it works?)
                        \_ Your browser doesn't speak that protocol.  RealAudio
                           tells your browser to hand off the .ram/.rm files
                           to it and it reads the URL out and speaks that
                           protocol.   For all your browser knows, the .rm file
                           contains a gif of Queen Amidala doing Jar-Jar.
                               \_ Just imagine what he can do with that tongue.
                                  \_ Can you say... penetration?
                                  \_ "We mazz do zamthing guigly!"
        \_ you save it by doing record from your machine, assuming your sound
           card can handle playing & recording the playback at the same time
1999/5/26 [Recreation/Dating] UID:15882 Activity:nil 66%like:15878
5/25    Less talk about politics and more talk about sex please.
        -- random soda geek
        \_ to badly paraphrase someone, "talking about sex is like
           writing about dancing"
           \_ alas, that's as close as some csua'ers get.
                Why did you delete this?  It is a serious question.
                If a girl is giving you a blow job for the first time,
                should you pull out or not, if you dont know if she
                \_ uh, if she doesn't want to swallow, she'll pull it out
                   by herself.  she's in control in this situation unless
                   you've got her tied up and are just face fucking her.
                \_ Just break wind.  If she keeps going, she's sick enough
                   to swallow.
                        \_ why is it sick to swallow?
                           \_ It isn't.  It's just a weird American cultural
                              thing that cum swallowing women are more whorish
                              than those who don't.  I figure any woman
                              willing to suck cock in the first place
                              shouldn't be prudish about the final stages.
                \_What the hell has "you pulling out" got to do with whether
                  "she swallows" or not? Duh, it's up to her once she gets it
                        \_ So it isn't rude to just keep going and let her do
                           what she wants?  Are you supposed to warn her or
                           \_ if those directly involved can't tell when
                              you're about to cum, i think there's something
                              wrong with you.  however, you can always use
                              the tried and true "oh! oh! yes! oh god! i'm
                              cumming!  i'm cummiiiiiiiiiiiiing!"
                              \_What does she do with it after she pulls it
                                \_ What, do you want me to give you a class
                                   on the proper way to give a blowjob?
                                \_ If she doesn't swallow it, it gets all over
                                   her hands, face, chest, etc, and you're
                                   supposed to lick it off her.  It's the only
                                   civilized thing to do!
1999/5/26 [Uncategorized] UID:15883 Activity:nil
5/25    What the hell is up with net IPO valuations?? Toys R US
        makes $11.7 billion annually and is valued at $5.6 billion,
        while ETOYS made $23 million in its first quarter, but
        is valued at $7 billion. Is there an official group that
        does these valuations?
        \_ Potential for future profitibility, dude.  That's what
        it all comes down to.  I love capitalism.  It's so...
1999/5/26-27 [Recreation/Media] UID:15884 Activity:nil 66%like:15888 66%like:15842 57%like:16417
5/26    See star wars again!!!
        \_ Been there, done that.  I think I'll go watch the original star
           wars movies instead.
1999/5/26-27 [Recreation/Humor] UID:15885 Activity:high
5/26    <DEAD><DEAD>  -- funny  -- read the email response section.  it's
                                  really funny. -- track grosses vs. titanic
          \_ 404 Beeotch.
             \_ oops, my bad.
1999/5/26-27 [Uncategorized] UID:15886 Activity:nil
5/26    loser.  Get back to work.
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:May:26 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>