1999/5/13 [Uncategorized] UID:15803 Activity:very high |
5/13 What is the URL for the british agents' names? I could not find it with serach engines. \_ <DEAD>www.answerstounintelligiblemotdquestions.org<DEAD> \_ die, limey spy, die. \_ whaqt the hell are you talking about?! \_ ask jeeves. |
1999/5/13-14 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:15804 Activity:insanely high |
5/13 A Tomlinson published a list of MI6 agents' name on a US based web, according to AP. But I could not locate the site. \_ Richard Tomlinson \_ Isn't it down? http://www.zdnet.com/zdtv/cybercrime/features/story/0,3700,2258075,00.html \_ http://jya.com/MI6dir.htm if Bond were real, he'd be pissing in his pants now \_ Ooops. I suspect some people are about to meet with accidents/suicide. Either that, or it's the end of the UK monarchy. But either way, tomlinson is a traitor for exposing the operatives who were not directly related to the assassination. \_ A traitor to the british, sure, but not to us directly. to police officers and armed forces personnels? Anyway, he'll soon have an accident and that'll be that. And oh yeah we need to censor the internet too. \_ This jerk is full of bullshit. How can he compare MI6 agents to police officers in general and armed forces personnels? Would he publish a "list of current undercover police officers"? Why didn't he identify himself "I'm an MI6 agent!" when he was still working there??? I think he just wants to get rich from publishing books later. I wish other MI6 agents kill him soon, very soon. \_ Why do you care? \_ I thought the British intelligence was called MI5. When did it become MI6? And what does "MI" stand for? \_ MI5 is like the FBI. MI6 is the like the CIA \_ Military Intelligence, dumbass. \_ Your mother taught you to speak that way? You're a foul mouthed child idiot. (Yes, my mother did teach _me_ to speak that way) \_ No, yermom taught me everything. \_ Do others actually find yermom jokes funny in any way or do they just use them out of habit. I never really saw any humor value in it beyond the obvious repetition. It's rather grade schoolish. Have I missed out on some vital bit of the High Art of Humor? I'm guessing not on this one. |
1999/5/13-15 [Computer/SW/Languages] UID:15805 Activity:very high |
5/13 Seen on the "How can we make this computer lab better" suggestions sheet: "Have the printers print directly into the trash can for more efficient wasting of paper." \_ Allow social science students to use the lab. That way increases the female:male ratio. \_ It also increases the female:male fellatio ratio. \_ Anywhere but a computer lab, yeah. \_ The social sciences are all heavily male. You don't even \_ The social sciences are all heavily male. You don'teven \_ well, the social sciences don't have to be heavily female to improve the female:male ration in a cs lab. they just have to have a better ratio than cs. \_ I think we should start charging people for printing. Maybe a few cents per page. People should seldom *need* to print things out anyway, now that big screen displays are common. We can save more trees this way. \_ Yeah, and ruin more eyes while we're at it. \_ This has been tried again and again all over campus. The fact is that the effort required to charge kids for paper isn't worth the tiny amount of paper saved. \_ doesn't stop UC santa cruz from charging 10c a page. know where the chicks on campus are... how sad. |
1999/5/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:15806 Activity:kinda low |
5/13 What a stupid discussion. \_ Gosh, you're a boring ignorant twit and don't understand why something like the MI6 agent release might be interesting to others so you destroy it. Good idea. Never let anyone be interested in anything that you're not interested in. \_ Can someone restore the discussions here? Thx. \_ You are primitive. Try to do something helpful and informative for once, whoever you are. -John [restored by request] |