1999/5/10-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:15775 Activity:nil |
5/9 C S U A G E N E R A L M E E T I N G & E L E C T I O N Results: The Fall 1999 Politburo is: President - Paolo Soto (paolo) Vice President - Mike Howard (mikeh) Treasurer - Rhys Cheung (reeser) Secretary - Dan Silverstein (dans) Librarian - Jon Kuroda (jon) |
1999/5/10 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:15776 Activity:very high |
5/10 Stop Bombing. Stop Bombing. US government should apologize and pay for the damage of the bombing of Chinese Ambassador. Would you believe in the Army anymore if they can made such error? One day your home will be bombed because they have receive info that your home have 1 tons of explosives. \_ I think it's time we NUKE china. Communist bastards should die anyway. \_ racist asshole. \_ From what I've read, Clinton has apologized, but the Chinese \_ They didn't PROMISED anything on paying the damage. And, do you know that each bombing is needed to be approved by several stages. No one find out the big fault. It seems to me that the bombing is well planned and targeted to Chinese Ambassador. 4 death and more than 20 injury, remember. You know where is the Chinese Ambassador if you get a local map! And the building is easily distinguished from other since it is a famous landmark. government hasn't acknowledged it. Nor have they allowed the chinese protestors to get wind of the apology. \_ Does age of a building related to whether its a landmark or not? The building can be distinguished from the top easily since the roof is made of Marble. The bombing team need to recognized the building from top, i bet. Why can 3 bomb hit the same target if it the target is wrong?? \_ They have already apologized repeatedly, for all it's worth. Remember, NATO has dropped more than 15,000 bombs, many during demanding more concessions from everyone before they join the WTO. And I don't see anyone in the Chinese government having to apologize for stealing all of our nuke secrets, or if you want to harp on interfering in a sovereign country's affairs, for invading Tibet/Vietnam, causing all kindsa trouble in the Pacific...self-righteous hypocritical morons. Nice grammar, by the way. -John nightfall, so they do have, for the most part, an incredible the secrets. Doesn't American Spy on other countries at all? What is FBI then? rate of success. \_ They didn't PROMISED anything on paying the damage. And, do you know that each bombing is needed to be approved by several stages. No one find out the big fault. It seems to me that the bombing is well planned and targeted to Chinese Ambassador. 4 death and more than 20 injury, remember. You know where is the Chinese Ambassador if you get a local map! And the building is easily distinguished from other since it is a famous landmark. \_ can't be that famous of a landmark, it's only a few years old \_ Does age of a building related to whether its a landmark or not? The building can be distinguished from the top easily since the roof is made of Marble. The bombing team need to recognized the building from top, i bet. Why can 3 bomb hit the same target if it the target is wrong?? \_ Well mr. Red China is so put upon, poor us, evil US, the Chinese are going to use this as the perfect reason for demanding more concessions from everyone before they join the WTO. And I don't see anyone in the Chinese government having to apologize for stealing all of our nuke secrets, or if you want to harp on interfering in a sovereign country's affairs, for invading Tibet/Vietnam, causing all kindsa trouble in the Pacific...self-righteous hypocritical morons. Nice grammar, by the way. -John \_ Once again, Give us proof when and where did Chinese steal the secrets. Doesn't American Spy on other countries at \_ FBI is for spying on ourselves. Perhaps you're thinking about the CIA. all? What is FBI then? \_ What about when the Chinese government dropped missiles just outside of Taiwan a couple years back? Didn't see any Chinese protest the aggression. Hypocrites. \_ Does that missiles cause any death? Remember the 4 deaths under NATO/US missiles. Furthermore, Taiwan is still a part of China, as recognized by US. \_ Maybe the US wants another World War, so they bombed the Embassy on purpose. Like Vietnam (Tonkin Gulf) and WWII (Pearl Harbor) and many other examples of standard State deception. Think of the power, the population, and the social control benefits!!! \_ This is all a conspiracy to bring about the biblical armaggeddon 3) It was the CIA's fault. 4) China's going to use it for all that it's worth. 5) If you were China wouldn't you, too? \_ 1) It was an accident. 2) It was an incredibly stupid accident. 3) China's going to use it for all that it's worth. 4) If you were China wouldn't you, too? \_ Chinese leadership is kind of dumb in this regard. They exploit every little opportunity to gain small advantages, only to lose what is important - a good relationship with the US. |
1999/5/10 [Uncategorized] UID:15777 Activity:high |
5/10 Where is a good place to get credit reports online? \_ are you really incapable of going to yahoo and typing "credit reports"? \_ No, I have boobs, Tom. Therefore you will help me. \_ does that mean you're a shemale or just grotesquely fat? |
1999/5/10 [Uncategorized] UID:15778 Activity:high |
5/10 My enemies will be mummified alive. \_ Death is only the beginning! - enemies \_ I want my mummy! \_ Brendan Frasier can give you yer mummy. |
1999/5/10 [Uncategorized] UID:15779 Activity:nil |
5/9 Pepsi paid Lucas $2 bil for the license to put Star Wars chars on their cans!!!!!! \_ and to think, they'll still be Coke's bitch... |
1999/5/10 [Uncategorized] UID:15780 Activity:nil |
5/9 Free big corner desk to the first person willing to come pick it up in Fremont. -cdaveb |
1999/5/10 [Health/Dental] UID:15781 Activity:nil |
5/9 kung fu << tooth gun The Matrix << eXistenZ Tom Clancy vs. Tom Stoppard: no contest ^^^^^^^^^^^^ obviously a chick wrote that \_ or a guy who isn't afraid of having an opinion? \_ no comparison between Stoppard and Clancy? they both suck, in different ways, of course, but there's no denying they're both horrible \_ The tooth gun was kinda neat, but eXistenZ is the worst movie I've ever seen. The insipid plot was definitely no excuse for the terrible acting. The twists left me on the edge of my seat only because I was dying to leave the theatre. To rephrase the movie: DEATH TO EXISTENZ and its director!! -ali _ your pod is diseased! |
1999/5/10 [Uncategorized] UID:15782 Activity:nil 50%like:14979 |
5/9 [stupid pgp discussion deleted. get a life] |
1999/5/10-12 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:15783 Activity:moderate |
5/10 Does anyone know the National average salary of an airplane pilot? What about aviation related jobs? Thanks \_ $115K/year (assuming you meant for all commercial pilots, wish I could give you a break-down by exp / specific field) \_ My NT sysadmin makes more than that! \_ then you have an idiot for a hiring manager \_ Do they really make that much? It cost me mucho to get a Berkeley education, yet, if I go to a flying school for $6000 for a license and aeronautic degree, I can already get paid $115K? \_ You'll need to join the air force, be good enough to get a a fighter plane, and then bomb smaller countries before you can earn 115k with the airlines. -jor \_ Sodan needs clue, badly. \_ <DEAD><DEAD> gawd i hope there's not a sysadmin equivalent of this page \_ Wow, that's one of the most impressive pages I've ever seen. --jnat \_ Wow, that's one of the most on-target (oi, bad pun) pages I've ever seen, particularly given that the alternative transportation movement is in the middle of a similar false reporting about the costs of providing facilities, by the media and the special interests that control the media. --jnat \_ good page,except there's no such thing as a"Cross-country" license (it's covered in the Private Pilot requirement) \_ http://www.propilot.com |
1999/5/10-12 [Computer/HW/IO] UID:15784 Activity:very high |
5/10 Anyone knows if there's anywhere where I can still buy one of those super heavy IBM selectric computer keyboards? Mine just broke down after 6 years of use. \_ http://www.cdw.com might have something like that. \_ no luck there, but thank anyway. \_ no luck there, but thanks anyway. \_ Huh? Try http://www.cdw.com/product/default.asp?EDC=40316 or search for "keyboard" in their product index and page down to the IBM section. You can buy them online at a number of other places, I've seen them at Fry's, or if you're adventurous, visit your local Silicon Valley surplus electronics store . . . \_ Thanks, I will check it out. \_ Weird Stuff and Halted just got in a couple of crates of old IBM keyboards last week, check them out. \_ Thanks, but where is "Weird Stuff and Halted". Sorry but I've been out of school (and the Bay Area) for a couple of years. But I will be visiting during Memorial Day. \_ Weird Stuff: Sunnyvale - see http://www.wierdstuff.com Halted: Santa Clara - see http://www.halted.com \_ You can't find items in online catalogs and don't know where WierdStuff is? What kind of EECS major were *you*? \_ I have never even heard of WeirdStuff. I don't think it existed when I was in school or in the Bay Area. As for cdw, the item was labelled as a Thinkpad keyboard. In fact, I am still not sure if it is the keyboard I wanted. Maybe you can help me out since you are such a smart EECS major. Give me 2 or 3 URLs to the keyboard. Thanks. \_ WeirdStuff has been around a *LONG* time, certainly back as long as when I was in school. -ERic \_ while I was in school, there was one in Milpitas... --tsang Fremont/Milpitas... --tsang \_ so does WeirdStuff even predate psb? \_ When does psb date from? WeirdStuff was the place of legends when I was in High School (1992). Back then it was across the street from Fry's. I bought my first weather balloon to make a remote controlled blimp from WeirdStuff. Halted is apparently older than WeirdStuff. \_ I was a freshie in 87. Partha was old even then.... :-) \_ not likely, since Partha's reign started in 86. Though I guess he had some moral authority even in 87. \_ bought first hard drive (ST-225) for Apple II SASI<->MFM card at (store that became Weird Stuff) around '84. --tsang \_ I thought it was like 87 or 88 when you bought that HD. \_ was it? could be -tsang Or are you talking about a different disk? Anyway, Weird Stuff has moved twice since then, and it's now a mere shadow of its former self. One of the original owners has a store near the SJ Airport, and the original Weird Stuff doubledecker is even parked outside. -tse WierdStuff recently underwent _/ major (re-)expansion (they're in the same place, but they reclaimed a big chunk of the space that was roped off for auctions and turned it into browsable retail space). I'd say it's at least as big/interesting as Halted/HSC now. I agree that the place with the double-decker bus, RA Enterprises (http://www.raenterprises.com is very much worth a visit. -- kahogan \_ if you want real history, go to mike quinn electronics near the oakland airport... it's in a quanset (sp?) hut and has very old relics and lots of strange discrete components for high-power WWII-vintage circuits. ever seen a 100 mF capacitor? you gotta have imagination to appreciate it if you're a modern digital boy. |
1999/5/10 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:15785 Activity:very high |
5/10 I just heard the Chinese ambassador on the News Hour. He seemed to be a complete whacko. Was he just playing games for political reasons, or is the Chinese culture so different than ours that I can't understand him? \_ Do you feel that rough beast slouching towards Bethlehem to be born? \_ Chinamen are brain damaged from being upsidedown all day (that's what you get for living on the other side of the world - sure am glad we live on top) \_ racist asshole \_ racist asshole (and yes, for some reason, it's getting bigger, the arsehole that is) \_ NUKE CANADA \_ I am wondering if you have any basic knowledge of Science. Are you from Cal? We are living upsidedown all the day if u consider Asia is the top side. How can you tell which side is the top when the globe is symmetric? Take Physics classes if you are still in doubt. \_ hello? are your really this stupid? \_ Dan Quayle |
1999/5/10 [Recreation/Media] UID:15786 Activity:nil |
5/10 9 Days \_ only for those of you not k00l enough to see the advance screenings \_ So who is planning on taking a sick day on opening day? Or is are you going to see the movie with your boss? heh. \_ even, getting the bossman to pay for the movie outing! \_ boss's boss is taking the whole division to see it |
3/15 |