Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:March:30 Tuesday <Monday, Wednesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1999/3/30 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:15660 Activity:high
3/29    Has anyone actually gotten that Melissa virus attachment sent to them?
        \_ According to national news reports about 10,000 people today
           have fallen victims to Melissa.
           \_ You're missing a zero. Articles say 100,000
              \_ 100,000 unique users?  They may be double or even triple
        \-well we hacked a couple of our big mail servers to watch it go by
        and going by it is. so it depends what you mean by "them" [sic]. --psb
        \_ that shouldn't affect us pine-users, right?
           \_ they shouldn't affect non-word users. that's why you use
              wordperfect which has gotten higher satisfactory ratings
        \_ Can anyone send this to me?  I don't have any friend who uses
           Windows - sl
        \_ According to <DEAD><DEAD> the FBI
           says transmitting a virus can be a criminal matter.  When was the
           law passed to make tramitting a virus a criminal matter?  And how
           on earth is FBI going to track down the origin???  -- yuen
1999/3/30 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General, Computer/SW/Virus] UID:15661 Activity:nil
3/29    My parents are getting all paranoid about this new email virus so
        they refuse to check their emails now.  How does this Melissa virus
        work? I figure that if you're not stupid enough to double click on
        the Word icon then you're pretty safe.  Is that true or does it
        execute by itself.
1999/3/30-31 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:15662 Activity:nil
3/30    In a /lib /usr/lib directory what's the diff between a lib*.a and
        a lib*.so file?
        \_ .a is "archive" and produces static (compile-time) linking, while
           .so is "shared object" and produces dynamic (run-time) linking.
           \_ so what the heck is "linking"?
                \_ man ld
              \_ well, if you're a DOS weenie, a .so file is like a .DLL file
                 in short: .a files are things that get added to your program
                 when you compile it; people don't need them to run the
                 executable, but it's huge.  .so files get "added" (linked)
                 when a person runs the program, so they need to have copies
                 of them, but the executable is smaller.  generally .so
                 (shared libraries) are better because then 100 programs on
                 your machine can use one library without (essentially) having
                 100 copies of the library present in every executable -dbushong
1999/3/30-4/1 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:15663 Activity:high
3/30    I don't know what it is with Haas people and web stuff, but if you're
        interested in that sort of thing, /csua/pub/recruiting/pacfirm.sp99
        \_ http://soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU% less /csua/pub/recruiting/pacfirm.sp99
           /csua/pub/recruiting/pacfirm.sp99: Permission denied
                \_ oops, sorry, fixed -brg
        \_ Cuz Haas people are a bunch of twinks.
           \_ Why, just because they think computer science is all about
              how to make web pages?
              \_ It <B>isn't</B>?
        \_ As a CS graduate and Business minor, I have to say that Haas is
        vastly over-rated, and the school has cultivated a culture that
        everyone from Haas looks similiar, think they knew more than
        anybody else, no team work, etc.
           \_ do you think it's different at other (big name) b schools?
           \_ if you think in cs, those teacher's pets who answer
              every single question in class are annoying, wait till
              you take an MIS class with business ppl.  Some of the
              students have absolutely no idea what they are talking about,
              especially when it comes to technical stuff.  But a lot
              of them are usually the first grab the spot light.
              But then again, it's not how much you know, it's
              how much others think you know, sad eh?
              \_ There _are_ times when you're better saying nothing.  The
                 problem is these people don't know when that time has arrived
                 are often end up hurting themselves.  Ever see a Prof tell a
                 one of those pests to shut up?  I have.  It was a very
                 satisfying experience.  Poor thing... she looked crushed.
                 And yes, I did get a higher final grade despite saying
                 nothing in class all semester.  Loud mouths beware.
                 \_ grades != real life.  Business people are learning a valuable
                    skill by being able to talk like an expert on subject
                    they have absolutely no idea about.  Those people get ahead.
                    \_ second that.  Another point: class participation is
                        a big deal.  Business is all about relationships, if
                        you shut up in class and nobody knows you, you're not
                        making much connections.  It's ok in CS, but won't
                        work in business.
1999/3/30 [Uncategorized] UID:15664 Activity:nil
 _   _    _    ____  ______   __  ____ ___ ____ _____ _   _ ____    _ __   __
| | | |  / \  |  _ \|  _ \ \ / / | __ )_ _|  _ \_   _| | | |  _ \  / \\ \ / /
| |_| | / _ \ | |_) | |_) \ V /  |  _ \| || |_) || | | |_| | | | |/ _ \\ V /
|  _  |/ ___ \|  __/|  __/ | |   | |_) | ||  _ < | | |  _  | |_| / ___ \| |_
|_| |_/_/   \_\_|   |_|    |_|   |____/___|_| \_\|_| |_| |_|____/_/   \_\_( )
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        |_   _|  \/  |/ _ \| \ | |  _ \ / _ \| ____|
          | | | |\/| | | | |  \| | |_) | | | |  _|
1999/3/30 [Uncategorized] UID:15665 Activity:nil
3/30 Any thing on soda to scan for viruses before you download your mail ?

          | | | |  | | |_| | |\  |  _ <| |_| | |___
          |_| |_|  |_|\___/|_| \_|_| \_\\___/|_____|
1999/3/30-4/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:15666 Activity:kinda low
3/30    I've got a friend who'd like to config a Linux machine to act as a
        a gateway so that their home network can share a DSL line -- I've
        never done this (and obviously they haven't, since they're asking
        me) . . . any good FAQ's I can point them to for advice?

 _   _    _    ____  ______   __  ____ ___ ____ _____ _   _ ____    _ __   __
| | | |  / \  |  _ \|  _ \ \ / / | __ )_ _|  _ \_   _| | | |  _ \  / \\ \ / /
| |_| | / _ \ | |_) | |_) \ V /  |  _ \| || |_) || | | |_| | | | |/ _ \\ V /
|  _  |/ ___ \|  __/|  __/ | |   | |_) | ||  _ < | | |  _  | |_| / ___ \| |_
        \_ A friend of mine uses ip masquerading. here's an email blurb:
           >lines added to the end of file /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
           >echo "ip_masq"
           >echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
           >/sbin/depmod -a
           >/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp.o
           >/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio.o
           >/sbin/modprobe ip_irc.o
           >/sbin/ipfwadm -F -p deny
           >/sbin/ipfwadm -F -a m -S192.168.1.0/24 -D0.0.0.0/0
           >/sbin/ifconfig eth1
           >/sbin/route add -net
           >also you have to set up the linux machine
           >as a gateway in tcpip settings in w95
           I'm not exactly sure what each line does. Don't forget to compile
           IP Masquerading into the kernel.
           \_ This is for Linux 2.0.x, which is what the latest Redhat
              distrib ships with.  You should really upgrade to 2.2.5 (it's
              \_ oh shit, i didn't know they were up to 2.2.5 already. it
                 was only a month ago when people were boasting about 2.2.2
                 \_ As you wrote this, three newer versions were relased.  By
                    the time you finish reading this sentence, they'll be at
                    version (or so - depends on your reading speed).
              pathetically easy), and use the ipchains stuff below.  Better
              yet, use FreeBSD --dbushong
        \_ natd
           \_ That's for FreeBSD.  On a modern Linux box, use ipchains:
              ipchains -A forward -s -d 0/0 -j MASQ
              (where is your internal subnet).  You probably
              also want to add the built in proxies for things that doesn't
              insmod ip_masq_cuseeme

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| | | |  / \  |  _ \|  _ \ \ / / | __ )_ _|  _ \_   _| | | |  _ \  / \\ \ / /
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|  _  |/ ___ \|  __/|  __/ | |   | |_) | ||  _ < | | |  _  | |_| / ___ \| |_
|_| |_/_/   \_\_|   |_|    |_|   |____/___|_| \_\|_| |_| |_|____/_/   \_\_( )
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        |_   _|  \/  |/ _ \| \ | |  _ \ / _ \| ____|
          | | | |\/| | | | |  \| | |_) | | | |  _|
          | | | |  | | |_| | |\  |  _ <| |_| | |___
          |_| |_|  |_|\___/|_| \_|_| \_\\___/|_____|
              insmod ip_masq_ftp
              insmod ip_masq_irc
              insmod ip_masq_raudio                 --dbushong
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:March:30 Tuesday <Monday, Wednesday>