1999/2/10-11 [Industry/Jobs] UID:15386 Activity:high |
2/9 Job at VA Research doing Linux support -- email me for more info. This is, of course, via Taos. email me at christine@taos.com ...to start ASAP! --chris \_ VA as in Veteran's Association in Martinez? Or a different VA? \_ DIFFERENT VA -- VA as in Linux, in Mountain View. --chris \_ http://www.varesearch.com -- the initials are those of the last names of the original founders, one of whom is Larry M. Augustin. -- schoen \_ CHRISTINE: Give me one good reason why I should quit my 6 digit $, full time job that I love, with full benefits like health, stock, etc, for a Taos contracting job ? (btw, contracting by nature is full of people who love $ and come and go quickly) \_ Taos may pay less than other contracting companies, but they give lots more benefits. -- former taos slave \_ and they also treat you like scum \_ To quote Jesus: "The well don't need healing." And is that six figures on salary, or six figures including bonuses, options, etc? -ax \_ six figures including the two zeros after the decimal \_ I just want to know the best path to a 6 digit full-time job. \_ I just want to know the best path to a 6 digit part-time job. point. \_ Taos doesn't want you. Taos feeds on clueless newbie students who it lures into dropping out of school to make $20/hour + minimal benefits, and who it can sap the life out of for a year or two and then spit out their chewed up bodies. \_ but you're not bitter. - tpc \_ What's wrong with being bitter if you got used? \_ If you want to confront me about it, call me or email me. Some of you have correct info, some of you don't, and I don't want to discuss it on the motd. Taos hires people to be salaried staff consultants, and who said Taos doesn't pay six digits?? And I never asked you to quit a job, I merely posted an opportunity. If you're happy where you are, then by all means, STAY there. --chris all means, STAY there. And sign your name. --chris |
1999/2/10 [Transportation/Car, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:15387 Activity:high 52%like:15393 |
2/9 Can someone suggest a nice place to proposition on Valentine's Day? I'm thinking about either the parking lot outside Lawrence Hall of Science after dark, or Treasure Island facing SF. Thanks. \_ there are some good places in nevada, the Bikini islands, and Amchitka. \_ As far away from Berkeley as possible. You should have planned a lot longer than five days before so that you could plan plane trips to Seattle or Hawaii or something like that. Unless you're poor of course which, in which case, you're stuck here. \_ I suggest _not_ doing so on V-day unless you -know- she's going to say yes. Don't want to ruin your V-day forever.... \_ Something indoors is better because cold noses and blown around hair isn't romantic. A fire is good too. -a girl \_ Set your girlfriend's hair on fire. \_ How about outdoor but in a car? No cold noses and blown around hair. Would a girl think it's romantic? \_ No. My girl advisor says, "No. Cars don't work. It's trashy." She goes on to say, "Just take her to your place or borrow a friend's with a fireplace and make her dinner. He's too late to get reservations at a good restaurant. He needs to show that he's put effort into it". I think the idea is to forget the view and do something nice. She went on and on about it but that's all it comes down to. Don't be a cheap spaz. \_ if you're stuck here, I would suggest The Rose Garden. - tpc \_ Not after dark. I've seen drug deals there at night. Not very romantic. \_ Rose Garde in Golden Gate Park? But there're no roses these days. \_ Don't! It's not good to get married. You lose all your freedom, free spending habits, and all the good looking babes on soda, etc. \_ Who on soda is a good looking babe? Any homepage? Thx. \_ This is exactly the reason there aren't any. Go take a humanities class of some sort and stop looking so desperate and for your own sake as well as God's, TAKE A SHOWER! No, one shower last Thursday doesn't count. Moving it up to at least twice a week is a good start. \_ What do humanitites classes and bathing have to do with good looking babes on soda? I bathe every day and took a few English classes, but I've never seen a babe on soda. There weren't any babes in the English classes either, most were commies with too many body piercings. \_ But I was just trying to conserve water. |
1999/2/10 [Uncategorized] UID:15388 Activity:nil |
2/9 What happened? Tom disagree with someone on the motd again and wipe the whole thing in a fit of pique? \_ That's Most Likely Scenario #1. \_ Tom's troll deleted. |
1999/2/10-11 [Uncategorized] UID:15389 Activity:high |
2/9 Does anyone know the name of the elevated restaurant on Great Highway somewhere between Fulton and Lincoln (ie. along the west border of Golden Gate Park) in SF? I want to push my luck and try to make a reservation for VDay this late. Thanks. \_ that would be the "Beach Chalet", and it's pricey, noisy, and I'm 100% sure booked, but you might get a cancellation :) \-see ~psb/beach_chalet.commentarii --psb |
1999/2/10-11 [Computer/SW] UID:15390 Activity:nil |
2/9 I'm looking for a good web counter. I did a 'locate count.cgi' and the counters that people are using on soda look kinda cheap. Anybody have an example of something that looks nice? \_ the best looking web counter is the one that doesn't display on the page, because web counters are fucking stupid. |
1999/2/10-11 [Recreation/Media] UID:15391 Activity:moderate |
2/9 Does anyone know what the name of that famous 1920's painting of a downtown diner at the street corner. It was on the cover of Winnsberg Ohio and in the Beer Baron episode of the Simpsons. \_ I haven't seen either of those, but just from "famous painting of a diner" I bet you want Edward Hopper's "Nighthawks". -- goldfarb \_ how about that Vincent Vangogh that was used in the Pontiac comercial. What was that one called? \-there was a simpsons that had a nighthawks ref. i dont remember what other pices there was a ref to but there were others --psb \_ tell me, what kind of pet store is filled with rambunctious yahoos and hot jazz music at two o'clock in the morning? \_ thanks, that was the one. cool site to get free art: http://www.artchive.com \_ yup. There is also a parody of Nighthawks with Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, and Humphrey Bogart as the people in the diner. \_This is called boulevard of broken deams and if you'd like to see it check here for a thumbnail: http://www.ctcsolutions.com/jrdclassics/images/boulevard.jpg --mrehrer |
1999/2/10-11 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/SW/OS] UID:15392 Activity:nil |
2/9 Any local mirrors of the wu-ftpd patches? (either src or x86 RPMs) \_ what exactly was this exploit? \_ no patches known for the academ-wuftpd yet. the exploit was a buffer overflow involving really long pathnames which can be created by an ftp user creating a very deep directory strucutstructure in a world writeable directory such as the incoming directory. |
1999/2/10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:15393 Activity:nil 52%like:15387 |
2/9 Can someone suggest a nice place to proposition on Valentine's Day? \_ hetero couples propose, gay guys in public bathrooms in parks proposition \_ Do you mean "propose" or "proposition"? I'm thinking about either the parking lot outside Lawrence Hall of Science after dark, or Treasure Island facing SF. Thanks. \_ suggestion: die \_ there are some good places in nevada, the Bikini islands, and Amchitka. \_ As far away from Berkeley as possible. You should have planned a lot longer than five days before so that you could plan plane trips to Seattle or Hawaii or something like that. Unless you're poor of course which, in which case, you're stuck here. \_ I suggest _not_ doing so on V-day unless you -know- she's going to say yes. Don't want to ruin your V-day forever.... \_ Something indoors is better because cold noses and blown around hair isn't romantic. A fire is good too. -a girl \_ Set your girlfriend's hair on fire. \_ How about outdoor but in a car? No cold noses and blown around hair. Would a girl think it's romantic? \_ No. My girl advisor says, "No. Cars don't work. It's trashy." She goes on to say, "Just take her to your place or borrow a friend's with a fireplace and make her dinner. He's too late to get reservations at a good restaurant. He needs to show that he's put effort into it". I think the idea is to forget the view and do something nice. She went on and on about it but that's all it comes down to. Don't be a cheap spaz. \_ if you're stuck here, I would suggest The Rose Garden. - tpc \_ Not after dark. I've seen drug deals there at night. Not very romantic. \_ Rose Garde in Golden Gate Park? But there're no roses these days. \_ Don't! It's not good to get married. You lose all your freedom, free spending habits, and all the good looking babes on soda, etc. \_ Who on soda is a good looking babe? Any homepage? Thx. \_ This is exactly the reason there aren't any. Go take a humanities class of some sort and stop looking so desperate and for your own sake as well as God's, TAKE A SHOWER! No, one shower last Thursday doesn't count. Moving it up to at least twice a week is a good start. \_ What do humanitites classes and bathing have to do with good looking babes on soda? I bathe every day and took a few English classes, but I've never seen a babe on soda. There weren't any babes in the English classes either, most were commies with too many body piercings. \_ mmm, commies with body piercings... come to butt-head -humanities h0zer \_ Agreed. I've been in a lot of humanities classes here and the good looks are hard to find. I find that the cutest girls are the bio/wanna-be-premed types. \_ And those at Haas too, I think. \_ But I was just trying to conserve water. \_ When the US military wants to stockpile on chemical weapons they simply go to the 2nd floor of Soda. |
1999/2/10-11 [Academia/GradSchool, Industry/Jobs] UID:15394 Activity:nil |
2/9 If an X application doesn't have the -ncols option, how do I limit the number of colors for it? Can I do something like /usr/local/bin/setcolor +35 <application that takes up a lot of color> |
1999/2/10-11 [Science/Disaster, Computer/Networking] UID:15395 Activity:moderate |
2/10 What is a "SYN Flood"? I keep getting a SYN Flood warning on /var/log/messages from this weird IP. Is it bad? \_ I remember an option on the Linux kernel called SYN_COOKIES which supposedly issues some kind of challenge and prevents denial of service attacks. Don't know much about SYN floods myself other than someone is intentially trying to get your OS to panic. \_ I think the idea behind SYN cookies is that you send a random number to the computer requesting the SYN, and they have to send it back before the connection can continue. I don't think that it can directly prevent SYN flooding, (other than scaring off the flooder) but at least you'll know the real address that's doing the flooding. - mikeym \_ That means that someone is trying to saturate your machine with connections to use up lots of resources. It is bad. - mikeym \_ The flooder creates a bunch of half-open connections till your data structure for holding half-open connections is full and you can no longer accept any new connections. TCP normally has a 3-way handshake: SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK. Client sends initial SYN, server responds with SYN-ACK, and client should send back an ACK. In a synflood the client never sends the last ACK. --sky \- we do a lot of syn flood detection. probably somoem's fucked up tcpstack, but if it is a "rando," ip address you dont do much business with, might be someone scanning you to see what services you are running. see if any other addresses on the subnet got hit. --psb |
1999/2/10 [Uncategorized] UID:15396 Activity:nil |
2/10 Waving Wednesday! All bicyclists *MUST* wave to each other and enjoy it. :) \_ [Tom's troll deleted] -anti-tom \_ the tom has spoken. |
3/15 |