Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:February:04 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1999/2/4-5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:15356 Activity:moderate
2/3     Perl Gurus only:
        Let's say that I need a Perl module, but I don't have root to do
        "make install". Exactly what files do I need to copy to my local Perl
        directory, and how do I use the module that resides on my local dir?
        \_ when you make install, I believe you can go
           "make install PREFIX=/home/foo/local" or whatever and it'll do the
           right thing. Then stick "use lib '/home/foo/local/lib/perl5';" at
           the top of your script.
        \_ a separate question:  When I invoke multipule copies of perl(cgi
           scripts actually), the machine moves at snail pace.  When I have 10
           scripts running simultanouesly, the load shoot up to 25!! Anyway
           to get around this problem...and is linux/freebsd better at handling
           this type of job? with what type of hardware configuration?
           \_ It's probably out of RAM and swapping.  Does your machine have
              shared memory pages?
              \_ I am not sure.  The server is a ~175MHz machine(SGI most
                 likely) running IRIX with 256Mb of RAM.
                \_ ps.  top.
1999/2/4 [Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:15357 Activity:insanely high
2/3     I'm that fresh out of college sysadmin who uses pico. I posted last
        week regarding my manager's comment on newbie sysadmin+pico. I'd like
        to learn vi to prove them that I'm a good sysadmin, pico or not. Where
        can I find a good vi reference guide and tutorial? Thanks.
        \_ The vi book from O'reilly is very good. --sly
        \_ If I recall correctly, vi was the very 1st interactive text editor
           ever (I don't consider ed to be fully interactive) and, like all
           great things, come from Berkeley.
             2 modes of operation
        \_ The vi book from O'reilly is very good. it'll help you from
             - Typing Mode
           light fu to advanced fu. --sly
             - Special Mode (default)
           \_Ugh, don't by an entire book just for that. In a nut shell
             2 modes of operation       [ plus some obscure ones ]
             - Typing Mode              [ == "Insert Mode" ]
               \_ and hit esc to get back out of typing mode.
             - Special Mode (default)   [ == "Command Mode" ]
               i        insert and enter typing mode
               a        add and enter typing mode
               x        del char
               dd       del line
               ndd      del n lines
               nG       go to line n
               G        go to end of file
               o        add line ahead and enter typing mode
               O        add line before and enter typing mode
               yy       yank line
               nyy      yank n lines
               p        paste line(s) after dd or yy operation
               w        skip forward by words
               b        skup back by words
               :w       write file (use ! to overide)
               :q       quit (same w/ !)
               :wq      write + quit  =  ZZ
               :wfoo    write to file foo
               cw       change word
               dw       del word
               dnw      del n words
               /{reqexpr}       search for a regular expression
               \_ if he wants more fu, he will need the ora book.
                  he could have got your info from man vi --sly
                  \_ vi really _is_ more than just "a" and "i" and "w".
                     For instance, there was an article in an old
                     magazine on how to write self-modifying code in vi
                        su root -c 'rm -rf /bin/vi ;
                     macros, and Conway's Game of Life has also been
                     implemented that way.  -- schoen
                     \_ vi is a toy. Use a real editor:
                        su root -c 'rm -f /bin/vi ;
                                    cd /bin ;
                                    ln -s ../usr/local/bin/emacs vi'
                                    \_ mr sysadmin, why are you recursively
                                       deleting vi? plus, if you're doing
                                       system administration stuff you
                                       can get things done in a fraction of
                                       the time using vi over emacs. Plus
                                       vi works over a slow modem.  Emacs
                                       \_ I've run emacs over a 1200 baud
                                          modem. It works great. Using a
                                          single emacs, I can read mail,
                                          read news, surf the web, edit
                                          code and run a shell. Besides,
                                          vi is the visual editor, while
                                          emacs is EDitor macros, and we
                                          all know that ed is the standard
               \_ hjkl for cursor movement
1999/2/4-5 [Computer/SW/Languages] UID:15358 Activity:high
2/3     Spot the buffer overflow.  I dunno...I think this rules.  Lifted
        from actual source.  ~sky/bof.c         --sky
        \_ This does rule.  What actual source was it lifted from?
           \_ NFR by Marcus Ranum...  Its an intrusion detection
              package.  For those who need hints, it has nothing
              to do with string null termination, off by one, etc...  --sky
              \_ It just uses the canonical Evil Input Function
                 \_ There's nothing wrong with fgets. Were you thinking of gets?
        \_ my guess: atoi goes funky for certain inputs
           \_ Nope, atoi always returns a value between LONG_MIN and LONG_MAX.
              See strtol(3).
        \_ returning a pointer to a static char buf which probably no longer
           exists after being returned.
           \_ It is static, therefore, it still exists.  Static variables
              are allocated ONCE and retained between function calls.  -PeterM
                \_ Yeah I know but I had to guess _something_ different.  I
                   think it works.  I think this is a test of everyone's
                   gullibility.... I just checked.  It doesn't even compile
                   bc 'stdout' doesn't exist.  It's a scam.
                   \_ duh.  add '#include <stdio.h>'   --sky
                        \_ It was a trick.
        \_ Does this occur only for special values of the input?
        \_ I guess when the user enters something like "-1", strncpy will
           treat the len argument as being 4294967295 because size_t is
           unsigned, and overflows the buffer.  Correct?  -- yuen
           \_ yep. strncpy takes size_t which is unsigned.  len in an int,
              so -1 < 99, yet when passed to strncpy len becomes
              4294967295.  -sky
1999/2/4 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:15359 Activity:high
2/4     How do I get c color-coding in x-emacs?
1999/2/4-5 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:15360 Activity:nil
2/4     I'm looking for a good book on Oracle administration, i.e. proper
        care and feeding of the database (as opposed to PL/SQL lessons
        or whatever). Any suggestions? Thanks.
        \_ Debacle DBA Handbook by Debacle Press.
           \_ Thanks, I found this book called Oracle DBA Handbook by Oracle
                Press, not Debacle. Is Debacle a generic Oracle book?

Merriam-Webster's CollegiateĀ® Dictionary contains 1 item
relevant for "debacle".

* n [F debacle, fr. debacler to clear, fr. MF desbacler,
fr. des- de- + bacler to block, perh. fr. (assumed) VL
bacculare, fr. L baculum staff] (1802) 1: a tumultuous
breakup of ice in a river 2: a violent disruption (as of
an army): rout 3 a: a great disaster b: a complete
failure: fiasco
1999/2/4 [Recreation/Humor] UID:15361 Activity:nil
2/4     That was used as an example of a really bad joke. twink.
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:February:04 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>