1999/1/28-29 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:15307 Activity:kinda low |
1/27 I just turned on the radio to KCBS and I heard a sentense which apparently is the end of a piece of news: "Pluto might not be a planet, but it has been for a lot of time." What's going on? Is there some new space discovery that shows that Pluto is not a planet? Thx. -- yuen \_ http://www.cnn.com/TECH/space/9901/20/puny.pluto \_ It's all poltics. Disney didn't pay off the right astronomers. |
1999/1/28-29 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:15308 Activity:nil |
1/27 Is it possible to automate password cracking on an NT network, aka crack on a UNIX network? I ask because I am allowing SMB access to our unix backbone, but I want to make sure they haven't picked bad passwords (and for political reasons, cant force them to use their unix passwords for the SMB server). Any other thoughts on this matter are appreciated. -- NT clueless \_ "password cracking on an NT network, also known as crack on a UNIX network" you really are clueless to our unix backbone, but I want to make sure they haven't picked bad passwords (and for political reasons, cant force them to use their unix passwords for the SMB server). Any other thoughts on this matter are appreciated. -- NT clueless \_ only the best: http://www.l0pht.com/l0phtcrack |
1999/1/28-29 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:15309 Activity:nil |
1/27 If the name server (DNS/named) caches the domain name<->IP pairs, where is the cache file located? Is the cache persistent in reboots? \_ It caches them in memory. That's one of the reasons why named grows in size the longer it's been running. A reboot (or even kill and restart) will clear the cache. --dim \-bind is moving away from kill -SIG "control" to use ndc [named control program] for more sophisticated control/ communication with a running named. i dont remember off the top of my head if the onld-style signals will continue work. --psb \_ ndc is just a shell script that sends a kill -SIG you dork. \_ If you kill the named process, they will. :-) |
1999/1/28-29 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:15310 Activity:moderate |
1/27 Why isn't biff working? Why isn't comsat running? \_ because comsat is a stupid idea and a security hole. \_ What kind of security holes exist? Can't we just use pam.d to block all comsat access EXCEPT \_ root compromises from are still root compromises. \_ just run philbiff +lots, its much coooler. -ERic \_ use "newmail" \_ Procmail and a few lines of perl works better. |
1999/1/28-31 [Finance/Shopping] UID:15311 Activity:nil |
1/27 Where is a good place on campus to get cheap intro to swing dance lessons? \_ I tried the Tuesday-night swing dance lessons at Hearst Gym a few months ago. It wasn't exactly cheap ($5), but it was alright. I _think_ it's on Tuesdays. --jsjacob \_ It's on Fridays this semester. You may also want to check out UCBD on Wednesdays, also in Hearst. Re $5, it's cheaper if you join the club (at which point it's free). \_ what room and what time? is there an url for this? \_ Oh god. Will all the cs geeks please stop going to swing clubs? It's starting to make me sick. \_ That's right, they should all become Mambo-dancing sexpots, like me. -John \_ That's funny; all the CS geeks I meet at clubs are good dancers. |
1999/1/28-31 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15312 Activity:low |
1/28 What's the difference between linux-aout and linux-elf? \_ executable link format is the newer and more universally used binary/object/core/so format used by most unixes. aout is reserved for the socially backwards programmer. Nevertheless, you should still compile aout support into your linux kernel for the rare instances that you do run aout programs. \_ Does linux support coff? \_ Is that contagious? |
1999/1/28-31 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:15313 Activity:low |
1/28 Let's say I have root in my house's intranet. How do I perform sniffer using tcpdump or other tools? Thanks. \_ download snoop \_ where can I get it? \_ also sniffit \_ get tcpdump from ftp.ee.lbl.gov. You also need libpcap. If you use FreeBSD, recompile your kernel w/ BPF -sky \-the answer strongly depends on the OS you are running. it also depends on what you want to do ... if you want to spy on people or do qualitative meansurements tcpdump isnt the right tool. if you want to build tools or do precise things, then tcpdump/libpcap probably are. there are some bugs but assuming you dont have split routing or a 100mbit saturated full duplex, they probably wont affect you. --psb \_ I doubt he wants to spy own ppl in his own house. But there are plenty of scripts to display tcpdump output in ASCII format, etc... if you want to spy. If you really want to spy on ppl, get SessionWall-3 or something similar. --sky |
1999/1/28-31 [Uncategorized] UID:15314 Activity:nil |
1/28 I'm looking for any student who has gotten a job offer from the University during January and has a copy of the offer letter. Please let me know if you can help. -- schoen \_ It has been my experience that the univ does not send out actual offer letters, but simply call you. If you just need the salary or benefit ranges, I can probably get you that. \_ Thanks, but it's political -- to verify that a particular paragraph is now included in all mailed offer letters. I know I got some such letter when they hired me last year... -- schoen |
1999/1/28-29 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/RealEstate] UID:15315 Activity:high |
1/28 Five years ago I fell deeply in love, but when I got out of the army she was married. I bought a house across the bay from her, so I could see the green light out at the end of the dock behind her house every night. Recently I learned that her husband was having an affair. Fast forward to a few weeks ago, my love's cousin moved into the house next to me. I'm considering asking him to ask her to tea so we can see if we still have a relationship. What should I do? \_ Just Do It! \_ If you believe she still has feelings for you, go for it. But the most preferable method is to do it YERSELF, aka do not rely on her cousin. You get more brownie points this way. \- And remember you DON'T ask her out for relationship but to rekindle the long lost tie and to catch up. In another word, to let her know you're there for her and but don't confront her about relationship yet. \_ NOT a good idea. She's not a virgin anymore. \_ can we got some lady to comment on this, please? \_ Yeah. Fitzgerald sucks. |
1999/1/28-29 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:15316 Activity:nil |
1/28 Lately motd seems to have a lot of personal attacks on poor graduate student, professors, and other intellectuals. Yes, they have a miserable life, they do not know how to enjoy life, and they do not understand the meaning and value of money+power-- things that you industry people take for granted. However, without these sorry ass graduate students/professors/intellectuals, there wouldn't be RSA/DES, no e-commerce, no internet, no power computing, NOTHING. So the next time you see one of these sorry ass poor intellectuals begging you for food, remember this: Without these shitheads, you wouldn't be in this industry -poor grad student \_ you're not a real grad student. You're the same fucker who is getting wasted in industry bitching about GREs. Real grad students wouldn't bitch in this self-deprecating manner. Get real, "no understanding of money+power"? Fuck you. Brewer and Inktomi proves you wrong. The sooner you realize that you're a cog in industry and you BELONG there the happier you'll be. \_ That's right, we all know businesses don't have R&D depts, troller. |
1999/1/28-29 [Uncategorized] UID:15317 Activity:moderate |
1/28 0 When you try to recover from Jove 4.12 (by typing jove -r) and you get ------X-the message: "/usr/local/lib/jove/recover: execl failed!". What does that mean? I have the jreca* and jovea* in my home directory. Thx! -jt \_ It probably means /usr/local/lib/jove/recover doesn't exist. -tom |
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