Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:January:08 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1999/1/8-10 [Recreation/Dating, Industry/Startup] UID:15188 Activity:insanely high 69%like:15199
1/7     Today at a company meeting, I overheard an attractive asian
        female engineer say to her manager in another language
        "That young man is very cute," not knowing I knew her
        language.  The problem is, I'm also attracted to her, and
        I see her T & Th's every morning on a weekly basis.  HELP!
        What should I say to her next week, to break the ice?  - 2pac#1fan
        \_ YOU GUYS ARE SO NOT ORIGINAL. "take her to a movie"? "Buy
        \_ Clearly, you're such a pansy coward that you don't deserve to
           her some coffee"? "Cubicle talk"? Sheesh! You're just going
           to end up looking like all the other guys. Make her feel
           special. Tell her that recently you've been thinking a lot
           about her when you masturbate.
           \_ the last girl I told that to filed a restraining order
              against me.
        \_ Clearly, you're such a pansy coward that you don't deserve to have
           her.  Nice guys finish last and rightfully so.  Worm boy!
        \_ Ask her out to lunch.  Or, be a man, just to her cubicle and
           \_ This
           chat with her.  (Cubicle chatting is very common in corporate
           office environment.  Probably one of the easiest ways to get
           to know your co-workers (or break the ice).)  I do envy your
           environment.  In my company, all I see are 40-60 year old women.
           \_ I know the feeling. I work at a huge company, and everyone
              is at least 30 years old, married, repulsive, or some combo
              of the above. Then I visited my friend at a small startup.
              Every girl there was at least above ok-looking, with some
              truly pretty women.
        \_ Oh, hello aaron.
                \_ yeah right. i'd be making her pancakes by now, not
                   asking for help on the soda motd. --aaron
                 a social meeting rather than a busineess meeting. -luv_geek
                   \_ aaron, if i say you're cute, will you make me pancakes?
        \_ Step 0: Get some guts.
                 a social meeting rather than a busineess meeting.
           Step 1: Introduce yourself.
           Step 2: Ask her if she'd like to go to a movie with you.
        \_ Ask her if she's into Japanese bondage and show her your ropes.
        \_ Your "problem" is that you see mutual attraction and frequent
              whine on the MOTD.  My first impression was that it's a troll,
           meetings with this woman to be a problem.
              \_ that's what you get when you call the motd.public
                 expecting Dr. Laura. But just ask this lady
                 out to coffee and make it clear that it is
              whine on the MOTD.  My first impression was that it's a
        \_ Why don't you email her if you're that shy?  The trick is to find
           a way to include her in your social circle at work, whether that be
           through email or through casual "water cooloer" conversation.  If
           you like to send jokes out, maybe include her on the mailing list?
                 a social meeting rather than a busineess meeting. -luv_geek
                 \_ Bozo, he's obviously too shy and clueless to do so.
              virus and bulletins on how she can MAKE MONEY FAST!!!1!, while
        \_ say "Anta wa hosoi uguiso da. boku no ie [de] utanasai ?"
        \_ How do you know she knew you didn't know her language? Perhaps she
           \_ wow, such grace and eloquence, for a common street dog.
              \_ yoroshiku.
        \_ Why don't you email her if you're that shy?  The trick is to
                appropriate for her to approach you? Meaning: go ask if she'd
           a way to include her in your social circle at work, whether that
           through email or through casual "water cooloer" conversation.
           you like to send jokes out, maybe include her on the mailing
        \_ Just go up to her real shy-like, ruffing your hair with your hand
                while looking at the ground before your toes, and say -
                "eeeto desune.... ano... jitsu wa... "  and eventually she'll
              virus and bulletins on how she can MAKE MONEY FAST!!!1!,
                either run away or start talking to you.  If she starts
        \_ How do you know she knew you didn't know her language? Perhaps
                talking to you, then cut to the chase with, "ja, yaroo!"
                Mmm, if she's Chinese, just repeat a bunch of strings of
                "jiba-jiba-jiba-jiba...."  If she's Korean, try something like,
                "shikuro!", grab her and take her down to the ground. -mtbb
                appropriate for her to approach you? Meaning: go ask if
        \_ A girl saying that she thinks someone is cute doesn't necessary
           imply attraction.
           \_ This certainly _does_ imply attraction.  I think the problem
              is that the poster can't think of anything to do other than
              whine on the MOTD.  My first impression was that it's a troll,
              but everyone's taking it so seriously...
              \_ No it doesn't. Esp. if she's native Asian, you hear that
                 kind of stuff a lot.
        \_ I envy you!!! :-(   -- yuen
        \_ show up to your next meeting naked with a can of crisco.
        \_ Why don't you email her if you're that shy?  The trick is to find
           a way to include her in your social circle at work, whether that be
           through email or through casual "water cooloer" conversation.  If
           you like to send jokes out, maybe include her on the mailing list?
           \_ Yeah, include her on your joke mailing list so that she can
              include _you_ on _her_ list of "idiots who mail useless stuff
              to me".  Don't forget those warnings about the Good Times
              virus and bulletins on how she can MAKE MONEY FAST!!!1!, while
              you're at it.
        \_ How do you know she knew you didn't know her language? Perhaps she
                purposefully said it in a language you understand, but that
                she could pretend she didn't know you understood, because
                you're too shy and won't approach despite the fact she's
                been giving you other signals, yet she doesn't feel it's
                appropriate for her to approach you? Meaning: go ask if she'd
                like to get dinner and a movie sometime, duh.
        \_ tell her you are gay.  Problem solved.
                \_ Three's Company, all over again!
        \_ okay, dude, when you snap out of your little fantasy, post to
           the motd again and ask "how do i stop deluding myself into
           thinking that people find me attractive? it's really ruining my
           score." -ali
1999/1/8-10 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15189 Activity:nil
1/7     Has anyone used TripWire and Sentry on RedHat Linux Powertools CD?
        Is it a full version, and is it worth getting/installing? Thanks.
        \_ The free version of tripwire hasn't been maintained in years
                and has several known security holes.
1999/1/8-10 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15190 Activity:nil
1/7     Does Linux now recognize FAT32? How do I make it so that it can
        recognize FAT32? Thanks!!
        \_ It has since 2.0.35 or so (though there has been a patch for
        \_ It has since 2.0.35 or so (though thise has been a patch for
           over a year).  A current distribution would do it natively.
           If your kernel doesn't support it, you must compile it with
           NLS and vfat.  In current Linux kernels, you then get FAT32.
           It will work fine.
        \_ IIRC, vfat = fat32 support under linux. Provided your kernel
           has support for vfat, which the newer versions of the Red
           Hat distro do, you'll be ok. If not you can compile it in.
           Afterwards, a "mount -t vfat /dev/(your fat32 drive) /mount-point"
           should do.
1999/1/8 [Uncategorized] UID:15191 Activity:nil
1/7     troll on picking up asian coworker restored:
1999/1/8-9 [Recreation/Dating] UID:15192 Activity:high
1/7     aaron's troll on dating Asian women erased.
        \_ Prick.  Just because you're not interested doesn't make it a
           -not aaron and didn't write the original post
1999/1/8-10 [Uncategorized] UID:15193 Activity:low
1/8     best recipe for jello shots is?:
        \_ forget the jello, just do the shots
        \_ jello and a sterile syringe
1999/1/8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:15194 Activity:high
1/7     As an Asian woman on Soda, I find the Asian Women MOTD post to be
        quite offensive. If you must post this kind of trash, please post
        it on trash newsgroups like
        \_ as a non uptight person on soda I find the size of the stick
           up your ass to be quite offensive.  If you must be so uptight
           please keep it to yourself or better yet go shoot yourself.
        \_ How do you know the foreign-language-speaking woman in
           question was Asian?  Perhaps she was a strapping Teutonic
           blonde, making her comments in German.  It's sad, the way
           that people jump to conclusions and rush to take offense.
        \_ Idiot/feminazi.(redundant?)
           There was nothing really specific to "asian girls".
           It could well have been "I was working near an air-duct, and
           I heard this girl say "I think xyz is a cute guy". It just so
           happened that the different language issue brought up the issue,
           instead of an airduct, or hidden message, or "I can lipread", or...
1999/1/8 [Uncategorized] UID:15195 Activity:nil
1/8     can someone please repost the asian women motd post? - tpc
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:January:08 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>