1998/12/30-31 [Finance, Computer/HW/CPU] UID:15141 Activity:kinda low |
12/29 Does anyone know a hack around the free WordPerfect for Linux's "This program will expire in xx days - please enter a license" message? --cheapo poor guy who can't afford to pay $40 for a word processor \_ If you're an 3L33T HAQR D00D, you can use the 5UP3R S3KR1T C0DZ page at <DEAD>livewire.corel.com/wp8LinuxReg/register.html<DEAD> \_ Learn LaTeX - all the _really_ cool cs people use it. \_ So latex in the cs world doesn't refer to the material used in condoms but some nerdish program. \_ That's more than enough reason NOT to use it. \_ Uh, the license is free for personal use. \_ yes, if you'd read the documentation, you'd find there's a web page to go to to fill out a form and get a license number. -tom \_ Totally! Go get 'em boy! Sick'em! |
1998/12/30-31 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:15142 Activity:high |
12/29 Chinese hackers caught stealing money from a Chinese bank. Sentenced to death. URL: http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/17039.html Talk about unforgiving.... \_ criminals needs to be punished, period. the reason criminals aren't afraid of the law in this country is the law protects them, one way or the other. China can learn everything about the west except their fraggin justice system. \_ So you think there's only one punishment for all crimes? Death? Would you execute people for spitting on the side walk? \_ I'd execute people for posting inanities to the motd. \_ Starting with yourself? |
1998/12/30-31 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:15143 Activity:nil |
12.29 Does anyone know a good automatic spelling corrector for UNIX? -jnat \_ There is no such thing as an "automatic spelling corrector" - computers can spot words that it doesn't know, but not how they should really be spelled. If you want a spell checker, try ispell. \_ Sure there is. The accuracy is just kinda low. What, you don't believe in AI? Surely we can automate automation! \_ philspell \_ if phil<whatever> is so great, shouldn't every phil program just be one program? like phildoit. word processor? phildoit. email? phildoit. quake2? phildoit. webbrowsing? phildoit. \_ No, but PhilOS is currently under development. \_ uh, phillip writes for Unix, not Winblows. -tom \_ Tom, the original writer was looking for a UNIX program. Where did you see "Windows" or "not UNIX" in there? Maybe quake2 confused you? I don't see why phil can't port quake2 in a few minutes with philport. \_ Only MS (and to an extent Netscape) thinks that putting everything in to one enormous package is a good idea. -tom \_ *bzzt!* Take a closer look at HP-UX and try again. Monolithic kernel, and something like a half-dozen utilities (with nine zillion hard links to them) that decide what they are at runtime by checking arg[0]. If you've got access to the sources, get some Pepto Bismal in you before reading. \_ Only? Well well, The Tom Hath Spoken, Thus It Shall Be! All Hail The All Knowing Tom! \_What's the FTP site? \_ ftp://ftp.csua.berkeley.edu/pub/phillip |
1998/12/30-31 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:15144 Activity:nil |
12/28 How does the AMD K6-2 chip compare to Pentium II, realistically? \_ http://www.tomshardware.com http://www.anandtech.com http://www.shakeys.com (not sure on the last one exactly but anandtech has a link to them). \_ I hear it performs very well but you will have a harder time trying to overclock it without nasty things happening. Tperiod >= Tcko + Tp + Tsetup + Thold -- former eecs150 student. |
1998/12/30-1999/1/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:15145 Activity:high |
12/28 Why do phrases like "the City of Berkeley" and "the State of California" refer to the government bodies rather than the city/state as a whole? Does it relate to something in our Constitution? Thanks. \_ It's synecdoche. --pld \_ They're notional places, but when someone says that they do something, or that something is done to them, the default referent is the government. "The State imprisoned..." "...sued the State" "City assessed taxes..." etc. but "I live in the City of Berkeley", "the fastest computer in the whole State of California". \_ I always thought that when you say state or city then that means the state or city. But when you say State, or City then it becomes the government. E.g. "I live in the city of Berkeley, and the state of California." Besides, it's just another way for the government to screw with your heads. \_ Putting it another way: how else would you say you got fucked over by a particular government entity? It's just easiest to refer to the entity as a person. Like so, "Berkeley fucked me for selling \_ And so in this country now, Corporations (legalized organized crime) have the rights of a person where many people still do not. crack to kids last week." And, "The United States bombed those fuckers again". Or, "The State of California has a primary so late that their primary votes are meaningless". \_ So what does it mean when we say "People vs. Larry Flynt" \_ Since in theory, the government is of/by/for the people, when the gov. takes action, We The People are taking that action. It happens in all of our names. So, the Government = The People and vice versa. We're here to help you. \_ No it's not. It is *metonymy*. \_ These two terms are often interchangeable. Metonymy is just a slightly more general description. \_ The current state government makes me feel all icky. Odds are that if the original poster knew what synedoche Where can I get a synecdouche? \_ Mass qtys of motd crap can be replaced by one word. \_ But only if pld comes up with it. -John \_ You mean you deleted clear English explanations and left the motd with a single word to look up in a dictionary? Odds are that if the original poster knew what synecdoche meant they wouldn't have asked on the motd, you moron. \_ Better living through a college-level vocabulary! \_ kwyjibo - it's a big dumb bald ape, kwyjibo. \_ Better living through clear communications. If a fourth grader can't understand your writing then you're over writing. \_ "Know your audience," you mean. (Wouldn't it make sense to assume a CSUA audience would have a better vocabulary than your average group of 4th graders? Or is the common denominator really that bad?) \_ No. It wouldn't make sense. When I said 4th grade, I meant it. \_ And yet you refuse to substantiate it. \_ Yeah, so what? Your point? Have you put me in my place or something with that comment? I suggest Prozac. I didn't intend for that to be a putting-in-place sort _/ of comment, it just came out all wrong. I just wondered why you chose to make such a strong statement, and what evidence you might have for it. I know the schools are bad, but I hadn't dreamed they were as bad as that statement would imply, if I understand you correctly. \_ Oh. Well excuse my nasty reply then. In any case, yes, even Berkeley, the shining gem of the UC system has deteriorated to the extent that IMHO it is no longer the place of higher learning and thought it once was. Mostly, it's "gimme my degree, I'm gone". For those about to contradict me with "Well, I'm not!", please note the word "mostly". You can look it up. ;-) \_ Delete it all you want, twit. It won't change the fact that if a college student won't or can't acquire a decent command of English vocabulary, he probably isn't worth talking to. -John I deleted nothing. I always judge people _/ by their vocabulary. Because as we know, a big vocabulary means you're a worthwhile person and a lesser vocabulary means you're a worthless scumbag. I base all my friendships on vocabulary size. John, I love you but you're not making sense. \_ To clarify: I was talking about willing- ness to learn, i.e. use a dictionary, when someone uses a word you don't know. I had no idea what "synecdoche" meant, so I looked it up. Maybe that is too much to expect from university students. -John \_ Had someone not deleted the rest of the motd, you would not have needed to look it up. Hence my original gripe about scrubbing the simple English description that was posted. So how do you account for the success of the _/ New York Times, or of the Wall Street Journal, or even of the San Jose Mercury News? \_ Easily. They're written for grade school level. I read 2 of those 3 and you'll *never* find words like that in those papers. \_ I'm stunned. Are you people seriously arguing against clear writing? Where did you learn that it's a good idea to use big words when explaining something to someone? Would you be happy if your Professors used "college level vocabulary" while explaining class concepts? I think not. \_ They had damn well better use "college level vocabulary". I didn't pay tuition to learn academic concepts from "Bow-wow the Dog and the Differential Equation". No one cares if you talk heap big word, but I'd sure prefer people using descriptive terms if possible. -John \_ So you want them to smother you with 'big words' you need to look up while trying to learn about Diff.Eqs.? Most of your Profs have sufficiently larger vocabularies that you'd learn lots of new words in class but no new concepts. While teaching a new concept, it should always be in terms already clearly understood. I didn't come to Berkeley for an in-class vocabulary lesson. I came here to learn. Vocabulary is rote memorization which any 4th grader can master. \_ Well, sure, if you are explaining synecdoche to someone whom you suspect has never encountered the concept before, you're not going to just randomly say "Well, that's synecdoche" and walk away. But if you think that, as in the example above, it might be effective to point out that calling the government of the City of Berkeley "the City of Berkeley" is the same sort of literary process as ones that the person may have encountered before when reading, e.g., Shakespeare, why not make a stab at it? It can save paragraphs and paragraphs of typing, and one well-chosen word can often serve your purposes better than hundreds of clumsy examples. I personally don't think that the tradition of American anti-intellectualism (said tradition which gives rise to the epithet of "using big words") is one that I want to have any part in upholding. And you're actually quite wrong about what I expect from my professors; I want them _not_ to talk down to me. (They're often the only ones who don't, and I have never found it to be an unrewarding experience to make the effort to try to understand them.) \_ No one mentioned Shakespear. Someone simply stated, "It's synecdoche" without further explanation. Whether or not further explanation was necessary we can't know unless the original poster tells us if that was useful to them, but since others had already typed out multi line common English descriptions with examples, why not just leave them? Again, I say that IMHO you'd be really pissed off if the Profs all packed their lectures with those 'big words' and you spent your lecture time flipping through a dictionary instead of learning a new classroom concept. Since when is speaking in common English the same as 'talking down' to someone? There's no correlation between 'big words' in the classroom and enhanced learning. God, please don't let any of these people teach my children in anything other than a 4th grade English class. Vocabulary is little more than rote memorization and I didn't go to Berkeley and pay all that tuition and spend all that time to enhance a skill I had mastered by the fourth grade. Oh, btw, I was wrong about the newspapers. They write to an 8th grade level. :-) \_ Shuddup John. You graduated years ago. One of the requirements of old-fart-dom is to not make "back in my day" comments, at least not in front of the children. \_ 1) Not John. 2) John didn't graduate so long ago that he can't have a valid opinion on the subject. 3) Yes, the writer has graduated but there isn't a single "back in my day" comment in there. Had I said, "I don't go to Berkeley and pay all that tuition..." the rest would remain factually correct. The tense of my phrasing doesn't change the facts. You copped out. 4) I would like to say that back in my day, the students wouldn't have made such a ridiculous comment/reply, but their reading comprehension was no better than yours, to everyone's detriment. |
1998/12/30-31 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:15146 Activity:kinda low |
12/28 Help crack DES again. http:/http://www.distributed.net \_ oh boy how exciting. Get a fucking life. \_ If you don't like tech projects, don't read the soda motd. \_ Crunching random numbers over and over again is not a tech project. -tom \_ You tell 'em Tom! Crush their will, destroy their ego! You, truly, are the only one who knows anything! Lend us a tiny fleck of your vast wisdom! \_ Although I think the DES cracking project is ridiculous, I don't see anything wrong with others participating. It isn't as if these people are sitting there putting in real effort instead of having lives. They just run the client and hope to get lucky and see their name in lights. What's wrong with that? \_ Plus, hopefully the government will realize the futility of their cryptography export restrictions when DES is cracked in a short enough time (its down to 2 days). \_ Highly doubtful. The previous cracking attempts merely resulted in the US govt. convincing most of Europe & Asia to join in the encryption export stupidity, to make it harder for us to import software. (Besides, most congressmen wouldn't know a DES crack from the giant holes in their heads.) \_ It hasn't started yet, it was just announced. It starts in January. \_ Sillyness about http syntax deleted. It was too silly even for the motd. |
1998/12/30-31 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15147 Activity:nil |
12/28 Linux pre2.2 released. http://ftp.tux.org |
1998/12/30-31 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:15148 Activity:high |
12/28 How often should I change the air filter on my car? Thanks. \_ This should be in your manual. Call the dealer if you don't have one. \_ Every 30k miles or so, but it varies a lot with driving conditions such as dusty roads, SoCal smog, and the like. \_ 30k miles a about a quarter of the average life of a car. Eveery 3k seems more reasonable. \_ There's only one way to filter the air with your car: DON'T DRIVE! \_ Kinda ironic that the same filthy air that your car creates needs to be filtered for your car to run smoothly. \_ It isn't ironic. You can't survive breathing the same air you exhale any better than a car can. Stop trying to be deep and Politically Correct. Go wear a black turtle neck and down a few triple mocha espresso lattes south side if you're feeling clever or superior. Come back when you're done. \_ Uh oh, the anti-auto "My only tool is a hammer" geniuses got out of their cages again. While you're ragging on cars, let's talk about the amount of perfectly good water the chip industry spoils in their chip fabs. Let's all stop using computers. Do you read the newspaper? Any clue how many trees that kills? Eat meat? Slash'n'burn in S.America plus insane over crowding in chicken boxes in the US. Are you veggie/vegan? Where do you think all the funky veggie foods come from? They get shipped in by some oil burning ocean going tranport. What went into the production of that transport and the trucks that carried the food from there to the store? Clue time people: ALL human activity is destructive to the environment. Stop fooling yourselves. The _only_ way to stop breaking the planet is to leave it (or just kill everyone off quietly). \_ Your argument is short of idiotic, sorry to say. The goal of public policy is to limit things that are enivronmentally distructive. Chip fabs spoil about 0.0000...001% of all the water in this world which is a miniscule amount whereas automobiles emits millions of pounds of waste and toxins every year. No one ever said we should wipe cars off the face of this earth but to limit the amount of emissions by mass transportation, car pools, ev's, bicycle, hybrid cars, cleaner burning cars, etc... \_ I check it periodically (often when I change oil) and if it looks overly dirty then I change it. Works better than some arbitrary number of miles. --dim |
1998/12/30 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:15149 Activity:nil |
12/28 Sorry for the length of the URL. This is what it is. Anyway, "German kills pitbull with his bare hands". Don't mess with those German dudes.... http://www.yahoo.com.sg/headlines/291298/entertainment/914867160-1228184645.entertainment.html |
1998/12/30 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Industry/Startup] UID:15150 Activity:nil |
12/28 Is there no end? 10:00 AM Microsoft has acquired FASA Interactive, developers of MechCommander and the forthcoming MechWarrior IV, according to sources at the company. Several key members of the company have confirmed the deal, and are already making plans to move closer to the Redmond, Washington software giant. \_ Indented for clueless newbie. \_ Thanks, but frankly, I knew and just didn't give a damn. -apathetic to your hobgoblinish little needs \_ I like Saturday Night Live's Microsoft skit on Micrsoft aquires Christmas and will rename the holiday to either Micromas or Christmasoft. \_ first you forgot to indent, second, why is this news we should care about \_ I didn't. I cut'n'pasted it. Who appointed you the Miss Manners of the Motd? Secondly, if there was a minimal interest criteria for motd posts, then we should disable this entirely since all of it is crap by your "standards". |
1998/12/30 [Uncategorized] UID:15151 Activity:nil |
12/28 Everytime you nuke the whole motd, you'll get this again: \_ hopefully, since this is only part of the motd... [stupid chain letter deleted] (btw, it's "every time", moron) \_ OH MY GOD!!! A TYPO!!! WHAT A MORON!!! OH PLEASE KILL ME NOW!!! I'M ASHAMED AND SO ARE ALL MY ANCESTORS!!! YOUR BRILLIANCE IS ASTOUNDING!!! YOU FOUND A TYPO!!! EEEEEEEK!!! NOW I MUST KILL MY SELF TO RESTORE MY FAMILY HONOR!!! YOU ARE TRULY THE HERO OF ALL MANKIND AND BRINGER OF ALL GOODNESS TO THE WORLD!!! THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH FOR HAVING BEEN BORN IN THESE TRYING TIMES!!! \_ It's MYSELF, you idiot. A typo is different from a grammatical error. \_ THANK YOU ABE!!! YOU HAVE SAVED THE WORLD!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!! THANKYOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOO!! ABE, WITYHOUT YUO THE WORDL WOULD BE A LESSRE PLAEC!!! \_ Every time your sister gives me head, I will crow about it here. \_ I luv Berkeleee..... \_ I love you...nited Airlines. |
1998/12/30 [Uncategorized] UID:15152 Activity:nil |
12/29 tom put in place for being loud mouth know it all braggart egotistical twink that he is. |
1998/12/30 [Uncategorized] UID:15153 Activity:nil |
12/29 tom returns to the motd |
12/23 |