Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:December:16 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1998/12/16-17 [Industry/Jobs] UID:15097 Activity:high
12/15   Seeking opinion: Would you choose a lower paying job w/ less
        responsibility or higher paying job w/ more responsibility (plus
        lots more stress)?  And lets say the difference in salary is $20K/yr.
        \_ I'd choose a lower paying with more responsiblity over a higher
           paying with less, but that's because I'm not a whore.
       \_  way too vague a question.  would the stressful job be enjoyable
           despite stress, or would it suck?  would the less responsibility
           job be boring?
        \_ It all depends on the person.  What do you value more?  What makes
           you a happier person?  You can have a easy job and use all the
           free time to do other things you like.  Or, you can make lots of
           money and be stressful all the time (and not have time to do other
           activities or spend the money).
        \_ Generally, the higher the salary, the more time you have to spend
           at work.
        \_ What are your goals?  Do you want to be a dude?  Take the job with
           more responsibility.  You can always wimp out later if you can't
           cope.  It's much easier to go from more to less responsibility than
           the other way around.
        \_ As others have said, you're not providing sufficient information
           about yourself or the job to lend a useful opinion.
        \_ "$20K/yr" isn't enough information.  If the choice is between $20k
           and $40k that's much different than if the choice is between $300k
           and $320k...
        \_ troll deleted. Shut up jsl                           -tom
        \_ If you can't assume the responsibility of making your own
           decision, take the lower paying job.
1998/12/16 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:15098 Activity:nil
12/15   On the grad school application, when they ask for your best GRE score
        for verbal, quant., analytical, do they want the best score for EACH
        individual section (which could be taken at different times), or the
        best scores in one test? Thanks.
        \_ Unless they specify otherwise, give your best GRE score for each.
           Read the fine print.
1998/12/16-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:15099 Activity:high
12/15   How would I count the number of occurances of a pattern in Perl?
        \_ the easy but incorrect way to do it is grep pattern file | wc -l
        \_ In a single line?  In a file?  In what?
          \_ Find pattern.  $count++;
             \_ Yeah, this would work if I'm feeding a for loop line by
                line. But what if you have say $foo = "aaabbbaaacccaaa"
                and you want to count the number of times 'aaa' appears?
                \_ Use the same algorithm.  Implement "find pattern" differently.
                   Twink.  Try while ($foo =~ m/pat/g) { $count++ } or
                   $count = length($foo =~ m/pat/g);
                   \_ Thanx, but can anyone ask anything on this motd without
                      being branded a twink? I guarantee you there is not
                      one question here that someone won't think is trivial
                      or self-evident or just plain dumb.
                \_ you then have to decide if "aaaaaa" matches with "aaa"
                   once, twice, or 5 times.
        \_ troll deleted                                        -tom
        \_ tr/// it into its identical string/pattern and catch the returned
                result in a variable.  The result will be the number of times
                the translation (in this case the null translation) was
                performed.  Example from camel book:
                        $cnt = $sky =~ tr/*/*/;  # count the stars in $sky
1998/12/16-17 [Uncategorized] UID:15100 Activity:high 66%like:15109
12/15   Is Earthlink any good as an ISP?
        \_ Yes. You want Earthlink.
           \_ What about Mindspring?  Is it any good?  There's a really
              good sounding promo going now.
        \_ troll deleted                                        -tom
        \_ They're pretty good.  One of the phone numbers up here doesn't
           work very well, but the other is great.  I connect usually
           at 49,300 or so.  And if you travel around, they're great.
        \_ Their tech support people suck!
        \_ you're a geek, you should be your own tech support
        \_ support Scientology!
1998/12/16-17 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:15101 Activity:high
12/15   On your UNIX machine, type "mosaic". I just did it for the very first
        time since 1995 and I totally miss Mosaic. Although it lacked many
        fancy features that we see today, it was fast and reliable. Compared
        to the elgant Mosaic browser, today's Netscrape Bloatware 4.0 is
        simply the ugliest monster (and the slowest) I have ever seen.
        \_ I've got you beat there.  1992 - one of the first versions that
           NCSA came out with and it worked fine for me.  Netscape wouldn't
           be so bad if it didn't have all that java/javascript crap.  It
           would be nice for someone to start a decent GPL web browser.
           \_ Java troll deleted.
           \_ i thought mosaic was from uiuc, not ncsa. - ali
        \_ Bloat good, stability/fast bad.
        \_ one word: lynx
           \_ Mosaic was never reliable, it was if anything more of a
              piece of shit than Netscape.
        \_ troll deleted                                        -tom
1998/12/16-17 [Science/Space] UID:15102 Activity:insanely high
12/15   Is the Space Shuttle capable of taking off on a runway like a regular
                \_ by the way, Space Shuttle is one big glider. Even with
                   full throttle, it can't take off
                   \_ That's not quite true.  It can't take off by itself,
                        but it's not just a big glider.  It needs the help of
                        the two booster rockets to take off, but after the
                        boosters fall off then it's powered by its main
                        \_ which are fueled by the external tank so
                           NO it can not take off. It's all Nixon's fault.
                           Challenger was Nixon's fault, too. He hated NASA
                           It's a shame that his signature is on the moon.
                           \_ So no external tank = no fuel? So from, say,
                              the new Space Station to a reentry point to
                              atmosphere to touchdown, no fuel whatsoever?
                              Or am I missing something here?
                                \_ there several small rockets part of
                                   the RCS and OMS that do the little
                                   manuevering in space but there is
                                   a limited fuel for those.
                            \_ There are other sources of power, but it
                                needs the external fuel tank for the 5+
                                minutes between when the Solid
                                Rocket Boosters burn out and when it has
                                enough energy to reach orbit.  For
                                minor maneuvers, it either uses the main
                                engines with another, smaller,
                                fuel source, or it has other smaller
                                engines.  I'm sure the information can
                                be found at
                                  \_ the main engines are not fired again
                                     after they detach from the external
                                     tank. for forward momentum stronger than
                                     a RCS (reaction control system) burn
                                     they use the two bigger OMS rockets.
        \_ I've always wondered why after so many years they're still using
           the same Shuttle design that they have for twenty years.
            \_ Why the fuck would we need a new shuttle? The
               current shuttle fulfills all of its mission requirements.
        \_ no
          \_ It can take off a runway on the back of a 747, I think.
             \_ I'm pretty sure that the 747 is only used to transport it from
                Houston to Kennedy when it lands in Texas.
                \_ yeah and it can't detach from that carrier plane
                   in mid-air.
        \_ troll deleted                                        -tom
        \_ No
                \_ by the way, Space Shuttle is one big glider. Even with
                   full throttle, it can't take off
                   \_ That's not quite true.  It can't take off by itself,
                        but it's not just a big glider.  It needs the help of
                        the two booster rockets to take off, but after the
                        boosters fall off then it's powered by its main
                        \_ which are fueled by the external tank so
                           NO it can not take off. It's all Nixon's fault.
                           Challenger was Nixon's fault, too. He hated NASA
                           It's a shame that his signature is on the moon.
                           \_ You should re-read what I wrote.  I said, "It
                                can't take off by itself, but it's not just a
                                big glider."  It uses the main engines to slow
                                down for re-entry, and then glides to a landing.
                           \_ So no external tank = no fuel? So from, say,
                              the new Space Station to a reentry point to
                              atmosphere to touchdown, no fuel whatsoever?
                              Or am I missing something here?
                                \_ there several small rockets part of
                                   the RCS and OMS that do the little
                                   manuevering in space but there is
                                   a limited fuel for those.
                            \_ There are other sources of power, but it
                                needs the external fuel tank for the 5+
                                minutes between when the Solid
                                Rocket Boosters burn out and when it has
                                enough energy to reach orbit.  For
                                minor maneuvers, it either uses the main
                                engines with another, smaller,
                                fuel source, or it has other smaller
                                engines.  I'm sure the information can
                                be found at
                                  \_ the main engines are not fired again
                                     after they detach from the external
                                     tank. for forward momentum stronger than
                                     a RCS (reaction control system) burn
                                     they use the two bigger OMS rockets.
                                     \_ don't you mean "SRB"s? What does
                                        OMS stand for?
                                                \_ Orbital Maneuvering System.
                                     \_ Are you sure?  I thought that the
                                        shuttle turned around and fired
                                        the main engines to slow itself down
                                        for re-entry.  You're saying that it
                                        uses the manuvering engines to do this?
                                        \_ SSME (space shuttle main engines)
                                           have no fuel while in space.
                                           OMS may sound misleading but
                                           they are bigger than the RCS nozzles
                                \_ Having only power but no mass to throw out
                                   is not enough.  You're not going to get
                                   anywhere with a huge nuclear reactor if
                                   if you don't have any mass to jet.
                        \_ The moon landing was a Cold War hoax.  Ever wonder
                           why there are no stars in the photos or why they never
                           took a photo of the earth from the moon?  Because we'd
                           know it was FAKE!
                           \_ They took several pictures of the earth from the
                              the moon. Probably the most famous was the "Earth
                              Rise" shot. Several of the photos from the Moon
                              Landings also feature stars.
            \_ Space shuttle is a waste of money.  "Preparing" one for
                launch is several times more expensive than a single-use
                rocket.  Russian space program was much better, anyway. Oh well.
1998/12/16 [Uncategorized] UID:15103 Activity:moderate
12/15   I'm bored. Where are all the single women?
        \_ they alleviate boredom?
        \_They're busy ignoring *both* of you losers.
1998/12/16-17 [Academia/Berkeley/Ocf] UID:15104 Activity:nil
12/15   Pay your final respects to the deceased Apollos now lining the hallways
        of the Barrows basement awaiting removal by Excess & Salvage.  The
        pile of dead bodies includes not only the workhorses that served the
        OCF for nine long hard years, but pieces of the machine that was once
        known gloriously as Soda Mark I.  RIP Domain/OS.
        \_ Shouldn't we save at least one of them for posterity's sake?  Like
           maybe set it up in the lounge or at least have the box in a corner?
1998/12/16 [Uncategorized] UID:15105 Activity:nil 76%like:15107
12/16   Is it just me, or is Starr's case largely based on the Lewinsky
        Tripp tapes?  (which were gotten illegally)
        \_ shut up cmlee
1998/12/16-17 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:15106 Activity:moderate
12/16   Anyone have an Illuminati deluxe boxed set they want to sell me for a
        reasonable price?  I've been looking for one for a few months now,
        and all the ones for sale online are either in shitty condition or
        atrociously expensive.  I just want to play the game again... -John
        \_ wait a couple of weeks.  SJG is rereleasing it. - seidl
          \_ So I heard.  Hacker, Nuclear War, and Cosmic Encounters
             still seem to be dead, though :(  -John
             \_ hacker and CE are OOP, but I think NucWar is still available.
                or at least I've seen copies in my local game store. - seidl
                \_ GoB has gone mainstream.  No cool games anymore.  What
                   store are you talking about?
1998/12/16-17 [Uncategorized] UID:15107 Activity:moderate 76%like:15105
12/16   Is it just me, or is Starr's case largely based on the Lewinsky
           \_ This "troll deleted" crap is getting more annoying than
              even kchang's asinine postings.
                   \_ tom or someone: define troll please.
                \_ An inflammatory, anonymous comment said just to set off
                   a stupid argument on the MOTD.
                        \_ great, now explain why it's not appropriate. -appel
                \_ who said it's not appropriate?
        \_ troll deleted                                        -tom
1998/12/16-17 [Uncategorized] UID:15108 Activity:low
12/16   for some old memories of the bad ole days of uclink:
1998/12/16-17 [Computer/Networking] UID:15109 Activity:high 66%like:15100
12/16   Is Mindspring a good ISP?
        \_ either earthlink or mindspring is a front for the church of
           scientology, I don't know which one but one of them is.
                \_ soda is a front for Scientology
        \_ Earthlink was started by and is owned by devoted Scientologists,
           but it is not actually owned by the Church Of Scientology - danh
           but it is not actually owned by the Church Of Scientology -
1998/12/16-17 [Uncategorized] UID:15110 Activity:very high
12/16   Hot off the presses!  O'Reilly's "Tom in a nutshell" book!  Chapter
        title high lights:
        1) Tom and the Short Penis
        2) Tom and the Over Inflated Sense of Self Worth
        3) Tom and Why You Need His Opinion
        4) Tom and Why The Previous Chapter Title Is So Painfully Incorrect
        5) Tom and The Delete Paragraph Key
        6) Tom and Why Your Opinion Isn't Worth Posting But Is Worth Deleting
        7) Tom and Tom
        8) More Tom
        9) Tom and His Need For Attention (such as this, but I don't care)
        10) Tom and The Desire To Abuse Others To Further Boost His Sense Of
            Self Worth (advanced topics first touch on in chapter 2)
        11) Tom and his best friend: cmlee, without whom his life would
            have less meaning than it already does.
                \_ HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! This is great! Do we get to bury him alive?
                \_ stop responding to your own post.  -tom
                   \_ Tom, stop being a fucking know-it-all fuck-wit idiot.
                      I posted 1-10, someone else added 11, and I don't know
                      or care who responded to 11.  Either way, you're still
                      a fuck wit know-it-all jerk off.  -nottom
                        \_ And you're still an insipid, sophomoric coward.
                           Sign your name.  -tom
                           \_ not everyone who finds your
                              self-righteous attitude and
                              censorship annoying does so anonymosly.-lafe
                                \_ I bet you're not one of the trollers,
                                   though.  -tom
                                   \_ As if that makes a difference.  Maybe it
                                      does in TomThink.
                           \_ Ooooh aaaah, the standard 'Tom' threat... fear!
                              As if not wanting to sign my name makes your
                              abusive behavior acceptable.  I would sign if I
                              had an honest reason to believe that your
                              knowing my name would change your behavior in a
                              positive way.  All you'll do with it is give me
                              "twink points".  Talk about sophomoric.  -nottom
                        \_ For the most part, I don't delete signed trolls.
                           But most trolls, including you, are fucking pussies,
                           unwilling to stand behind their inflammatory
                           words.  -tom
                           \_ Yup.  Tom, he who would save us all from the
                              evil trolls.  Gosh, thanks!  Without you around
                              I might mistakenly read something you felt was
                              unnecessary for me to read!  Thanks for saving
                              me from impure thoughts and ideas!
                           \_ Hey, Big Brother Tom knows what's best for us.
                              He's protecting us from posts that might cause
                              us to doubt our current understandings. If he
                              says something is troll, then we must
                              immediately purge it from our minds. That is
                              the way of the Tom.
                              \_ Tom makes me feel safe.  I'm glad he purges
                                 unapproved messages for me so I don't have
                                 to think for myself.  Thanks Tom!
        \_ Two words: squish tom. -not nottom.
           \_ Tom?  Is that you?
                \_ No.  -tom
                   \_ so not not tom != tom?
                        \_ !tom is a set, but nottom is an instance.
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:December:16 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>