11/19 First we had Silver, then Gold, then Platinum, and now First
USA is offering Titanium Visa. The question is, my girlfriend
is encouraging me to mess around with her best friend. Does
this sound really weird to anyone? The friend seems interested
but doesn't know my girlfriend wants something to happen.
\_ You and he should have a frank conversation.
Then go down on each other.
\_ Ask them if they'll both come to bed with you at the same
time. Only then will you be a true pimp daddy. -John
\_ Already did that. I love watching lesbo sex. Getting a
double blow was great too.
\_ ____ ____ _
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\_ Go Ali!
\_ What does that have to do with credit cards?
\_ If you have to ask, you don't know.
\_ If I know, I don't have to ask. I really have no clue. Can
you please explain? -- geek
\_ "gf/bf" could mean f*ck-buddy and/or marriage candidate. I think
you'll figure something out.
\_ You should definitely max out on your 401k, especially if
your company matches.
\_ Is she cute? Is she Asian? Then go for it! (unless you're
white) - hoyt s.
\_ btw, incidentally, there's a school of thought which goes
something like this ...
"If you want to dump your SO, best to get him/her to like someone
else and then you can have them dump you or a mutual dump." -jctwu
\_ Akin to first response, is she a she?
\_ When she got off the bus, then the he was a she
\_ I think you should look into the different interest rates
on the two of them, as well as fees and anything else
they might offer, such as free phone calls, frequent flyer
miles, and decide if the higher limit is worth it. -John
\_ You and he should have a frank conversation.
Then go down on each other.
\_ Sounds like she is ready to dump you.
\_ No no no. You got it all wrong. Brown shoes with brown belts.
Black belts with black shoes. Matching wallets a plus, but
\_ Okay, let's all step back from this for a second and
remember: an OS is a tool to get things done. One may be
more appropriate in one situation than another, but the
reverse may be true.
\_ This whole discussion is hypothetical because guys on soda
don't have girlfriends.
\_ http://www.realdoll.com
\_ Shit man, I have VirtuaGirlfriend. That's all I need.
\_ I did, but then I got married. So technically she's no
longer my girlfriend.
\_ Heh. You dropped the soap. |