11/15 The Star Wars Episode I trailer will be shown on Tuesday, 11/17
at Jack London Cinema with Meet Joe Black and The Waterboy. After
that, the trailer will open to the public starting 11/20.
\_ Trailer online at a variety of places. official one @ http://starwars.com
***IF*** you can even get into the site.
\_ Igonore all the flamage below this line and go to:
\_ The complete list of theatres is available at
\_ It's a movie... it's only a movie... relax. Count down from 75.
\_ It's not just a movie!
\_ It's just a movie. Son, you need to count down slowly
from 1 million, taking a valium after each 10,000.
\_ infidel!!!
\_ I thinik you have the valium dosage too low, it should
be at each 100.
\_ You're right. I didn't realise this wasn't even
the movie, but a trailer for a movie. We'll start
him off with 5 valiums to start and then just do
an IV drip until he's at the edge of OD.
Dangerous, I know, but it may be the patient's only
\_ " Help me, Obi-Motd. You're my only hope."
\_ It's only a _trailer_. Even worse.
\_ it's only a MOTD entry. Just slit your wrists for
responding to it.
\_ it's only my asshole. now shut up and lick.
You don't realize how many times this line was shown on ____/
the 306 Soda projection screen during the Help Session
today... I mean, yeah, sure, people are allowed to say what
they wish and to make themselves out to be as loudmouthed
and stupid or as cultured and educated as they want, but
\_ I just saw it. Oh. My. Fuck. Ing. God.
does it really *have* to be the case that the soda motd
and wall are seemingly-infinite sources of tastelessness
and pointless flamage? Might not this sort of babble be
part of the reason that newbies are turned *off* to walling
and the motd? In order to make my point stick, signed: --brg
\_ Yo Mr. Genius, heard of a .hushlogin file? And no one is
impressed that you're willing to sign your high horsedness.
\_ -rw------- 1 brg csua 0 Sep 7 1997 /home/digital/brg/.hushlogin
I wasn't teaching the help session. Sign your name;
you're not "everyone". Besides, my complaint is not that
blocking it out is impossible; incidentally, 7 Sept. 1997
is also the day I got my CSUA account. The complaint is that
anyone who chances to see it thinks "Holy shit, the CSUA is
full of three-year olds!" As officers of the CSUA it seems
like we should be working to make the CSUA less obviously
full of cliquishness and rampant pointless screaming and
more like a place and a community where CS undergrads who
*aren't* already part of the CSUA feel like they could join
in without getting themselves toasted the first time they
try to say something by some vengeful tenured undergraduate
they've never met and never will meet who happens to have a
chip on his shoulder. The fact is that the core group of
active CSUA members (and by that I mean outside of soda the
machine) is pretty darn small these days, and "come get a
soda account so you can wall" is something I can only barely
say with a straight face to someone I don't think has a skin
thick enough to classify them under the species of Armadillo
dirty words on the motd. -John
or Tortoise. --brg
\_ As far as I remember, the "active" membership hasn't been much
bigger. Active wallers, same thing. Just because the old
members are still around doesn't mean there's no new blood.
And if there isn't, it's probably due to factors far beyond
dirty words on the motd. I think that having an informal
online environment, in addition to public machines in the
lounge, donut runs, help sessions and stuff like that actually
would increase the csua's attractiveness. -John
\_ Ok, you've proved you're a genius. Now you can go and apply
that genius to changing the personalities of everyone you
think is a loud mouth on soda. Good FUCKING luck. When
you're older maybe you'll understand you can't change people.
Having a dinky title like "CSUA Librarian" doesn't give you
either the power or the authority to change anyone, much less
the right to try. I suggest you jon the Star Wars fans in the
Valium IV Drip Club. You're not just the President, you're a
client. -- not a whining bully like brg
\_ Too, I have noticed the resounding lack of new blood
in the CSUA, and until the day we can all join hands
and sing, let's take this to the next logical step.
What are some ways we can attract more people to
enliven this community? Are there ways we can agree
on? Do we necessarily want new blood, because if
not the name-calling, purported levels of eliteness,
and ass jokes will continue! - tpc
\_ I kill all of you. - danh
\_ It's time for . . . Happy Point! |