1998/11/14-16 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:14954 Activity:moderate |
11/13 I have a text file that I want to have a leggaly admissible time stamp. This should be easy with some type of public key. Is there a service like that? \_ I don't think there exist any such electronic notary service. If the recipient trusts you then you yourself can put a time stamp on the text file and then you can use pgps to sign it. Therefore your recipient knows that there's only one person that can medle arount with the time stamp. \_ There is no specific recipient --- it's not an email message. I just need to prove that I created it on some specific day. \_ print it out and take it to a notary. \_ Is there no electronic/"hi tech" way to do it? \_ case law too new, risky to do it high tech unless you are Novell/MS/etc. and have $ lawyers - do it old-fashioned way |
1998/11/14-16 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:14955 Activity:nil |
11/13 What's up with the following? just a routine passwd change... http://soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU% passwd Error: /dev/d0f3 Failure level 2 \_ This means they just posted your password & login to the net. |
1998/11/14 [Uncategorized] UID:14956 Activity:nil |
11/13 How much is it to fix scratches (paint blemishes, about the size of 3 playing cards) on the left-rear bumper of a mid-90's $18K car? Advice much appreciated. Next time, Ride Bike. |
1998/11/14-16 [Reference/Military, Reference/Religion] UID:14957 Activity:moderate |
11/13 Hello UN Weapons inspector. Thanks for not inspecting us in the past couple of days, giving us ample time to hide our weapons of mass destruction. Feel free to inspect us now. Thanks. \_ hello again UN Weapons inspectors. I'm so glad you fell for this crap for a third time. Nobody thought you would. Now would you might bending over just a *little* more? \_ Lucky Inspectors, bending over \_ There seems to be a lot of backslash against Muslim countries and its leadership. Muslim is a good religion and you guys should have more respect for its belief. -muslim #1 \_ This guy isn't Muslim, just a fake. If he was Muslim, he would have said "Islam is a good religion." \_ No, just against the ones that blow up airplanes and eat babies and burn US flags. We like bombing non-muslim countries who do that also, nothing personal. -John |
1998/11/14 [Uncategorized] UID:14958 Activity:nil |
11/13 Next time, Ride Bike. |