Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:November:09 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1998/11/9-11 [Computer/Domains, Computer/Networking] UID:14932 Activity:kinda low
11/09   How do I go from a domain name to a numeric IP address?
        \_ nslookup, host, or dig
        \_ gethostbyname
                \_ CSUA: gethostbyname
                   gethostbyname: Command not found.
                   \_ gethostbyname(3), silly.  man 3 gethostbyname
                        \_ CSUA: man 3 gethostbyname
                           No entry for gethostbyname in section 3 of the manual
                           \_ What's your MANPATH?
        \_ DNS
1998/11/9-11 [Computer, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:14933 Activity:high
11/09   The brightness control on my monitor is broken.  I can decrease
        the brightness but can't increase it.  Does anyone know of a
        program I can use to control the brightness of my monitor or
        reset its brightness to a default value?  I'm hoping for something
        like xvidtune which can also control the brightness.  My monitor
        is a Hitachi SuperScanPro 620 in case it matters.  If nobody
        knows about such a program I would appreciate suggestions on how
        I could get the info to write one.  Thanks. -emin

        If there's ever a sellout from soda like the traitor working for:
        > <DEAD><DEAD>
        than we should all (a) kick him (b) reject him (c) spam him
        and if anyone is bored - feel free to investigate their server
        for weakness. By the way, they have a huge form, and the only thing
         checked? is the credit card! not the website, not your name, only
         the CC#/date. Try it yourself, you'll see they're a scam using soda
        emails found by either security holes, or a traitor.
        \_ Not under warrantee anymore?
           \_ It was given to me so I don't have the warranty

        If there's ever a sellout from soda like the traitor working for:
        > <DEAD><DEAD>
        than we should all (a) kick him (b) reject him (c) spam him
        and if anyone is bored - feel free to investigate their server
        for weakness. By the way, they have a huge form, and the only thing
         checked? is the credit card! not the website, not your name, only
         the CC#/date. Try it yourself, you'll see they're a scam using soda
        emails found by either security holes, or a traitor.
              registration. -emin
        \_ what OS?
           \_ LINUX or Win95.  If you have a solution for another OS
              please let me know anyway. -emin
              \_ Win95:  Intel i740 chipset video cards (most available
                 are AGP) have gamma correct built-in to the Display
                 properties.  Works well.  Not quite monitor hardware
                 control but it may help.  Borrow an i740 from a friend.
        \_ Why don't you take it for repair?  It's highly unlikely that you
           can control the monitor brightness with software.
           \_Cuz he stole it.
        \_ 1) Turn off for at least several hours.
           2) Open case
           3) turn up brightness from control that is broken from the
                \_ Turning off the monitor even for several hours does not
                   insure that the charge built has dissipated, be carefull.
           \_ Best to just discharge the CRT  once you turn it off, then you
              can be reasonably sure its safe.  Not something I'd recommend
              for someone who's never done it before, or who doesn't know
              how to safely discharge a CRT.
              \_ Someone told me I had to lick both my thumbs and press them
                 against the tube while I was standing barefoot in a puddle of
1998/11/9 [Computer/Domains, Computer/HW] UID:14934 Activity:high
11/09   Last time someone posted where to look for servers on a remote domain
        like UCSF or someother school.  Does someone remember which file to
        look for?  Something in /etc/...?
        \_ What are you trying to find out?
1998/11/9 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Academia/Berkeley/Classes] UID:14935 Activity:nil
11/09   Hey if any of yous is bored, why not head on over to:
        It's a real short 3 min. online quiz that i need participants for
        for my psych2 class.  oh yeah-i guess one lucky winner gets a new
        unopened hed(pe) cd (i think it's funk/punk/rap) colubiahouse
        accidently sent me.  Thanks!
        \_ psych 2 eh..that was probably the 2nd easiest class i've ever
           taken at berkeley next to 61c.  interesting class though, and
           a good breath class to take. highly recommended.  sorry, but
           i hate rap.
        \_ I think this is a scam to get your email address.
        \_ you don't have to put yer email--it's just if you want to win
           crappy cd. i swear on my abysmal GPA i won't pimp your email
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:November:09 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>