Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:November:06 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1998/11/6-8 [Finance, Industry/Startup, Finance/Investment] UID:14919 Activity:nil
11/5    So my friend works @ LinkExchange. Does that mean he's rich now that
        M$ bought them for $250M?
        \_ If he's the owner of LinkExhange then he's rich
           if he's just a worker, unless his boss's willing to give him a raise
           he won't be rich.  He may even lose his job if M$ decide not to use
           the old employees...
        \_ If he's the VP there, then he might be rich.  If he's a janitor
           there, probably not.
        \_ my boss (who's the Presid. of that other banner exchange co.)
           tells me LE was venture capital funded, so owners will probably
           get ~ 40% of that $.  It was the venture capitalists who were
           probably pushing hard for the sale.  Remember... the target is
           30 times your initial investment in 5 years if you're a venture
           capitalist. -jctwu
1998/11/6-8 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:14920 Activity:moderate
11/5    anyone know of a good source of info on hardware other
        words i have 4 uw sca drives that id like to stick in an external
        cabinet so that they act like one big fast 68 pin drive level 0 is
        all that is desired...-mrehrer
        \_ Uh... I believe raid0 is a mirror.  You mean raid1?  A single
           contiguous non-striped block?  Why would you want to do this?
           You're 4 times as likely to lose all your data due to disk
           failure and you don't get _any_ performance benefits.  What are
           you trying to do?
           \_ RAID 0 is striping. Why would you do this in the hardware?
              Many OSes support this in the OS (e.g. NT and HP-UX). If
              you want hardware RAID then you'll have to buy some more
              hardware (controller at the least). --dim
              \_It would be reasonable to assume that what i asked for
                is actually what i wanted....the reason that i said i
                i wanted hw to do the striping is because the devices i
                have are sca 80 pin drives which i had originally intended
                to use with 80->68 pin adapters but have had very limited
                success with the adapters i have a sw striper but hw would
                be not worried about losing data i realize
                the inherent instability in level 0....-mrehrer
                \_ Dude, don't fuck with dim.  He knows what you want to do
                    better than _you_ do.  He has the biggest penis on soda,
                     and he's ALWAYS RIGHT!!!!1!
        \_ Question rephrased:
           I have 4 80-pin drives that aren't working well on my Mac. I'd
           like to pop them in an enclosure with a 68-pin connector on it
           and connect *that* to my Mac. It is also desirable to stripe
           the disks if I can for performance reasons. What are my options?
           \_ you can put those 80 pin drives (likely they are sca or
              single connector a-a-a-a) in a 68 pin scsi chain with an
              adaptor available from places like central computer.
              these adaptors provide data, power, and pinouts for
              scsiid,term,spinonpower,blah blah.  they go for like
              20 bucks or so.  You can also try finding an box with
              an sca backplane which is cooler but I am not sure on cost.
              Striping can be done from a hardware card but striping can
              also be done from software (linux/solaris/*BSD/Irix/others
              have software that can stripe multiple disks into one logical
              unit)  last i looked, such software is still an add-on cost
              for macs.  Note that in a simple stripe, one disk will take
              out the entire set of disks in the stripe.  If this is jsut
              for scratch space say for editing stuff thats get saved
              to more reliable media later, this is fine.
1998/11/6-8 [Computer/Networking] UID:14921 Activity:kinda low
11/6    Anyone with experience with DSL? Is it as advertised? Is it worth
        >$130/month? Cable modems aren't offered in my area, but DSL is.
        \_ A friend of mine is splitting his PacBell $90/mo DSL with two
           other people and he's been pretty happy with it.  I saw one
           person downloading an entire mp3 in a mere ten seconds.  You
           need to config a linux router box or ip masquerading though
           but it shouldn't be too bad.
           \_ I'm using pac bell's $89/mo DSL. pretty good deal, and way
              cheap.  Its pretty zippy, real life throughput within 90%
              of theoretical maximum (128k up 384 down). -Eric
              \_ And I'm getting work to pay for 1.5MB/384k =) -h0zer
1998/11/6-8 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:14922 Activity:very high
11/6    To the Intel workplace poster-- Intel may suck, but DEBACLE SUCKS
        EVEN MORE!!! Word of advice to you new grads: DO NOT, DO NOT work
        for Debacle, Slimebase, and InferiorX no matter how well they pay
        & how good a facility they have. 99% of the jobs there are for
        stupid|average intelligent|brain-dead people.
        \_ ew, databases has got to be the dullest field to get into.
        \_ That's why you get a job at Scient.  Good atmosphere, great
           people, and challenging assignments.  Check out their site at
   They've already had great reviews in the
           Wall Street Journal and the New York Post.  For a 10 month
           old company that's amazing.
           \_ It is not a coincidence that db jobs are one of the highest
              paying jobs in the software industry. It is definitely NOT a
              glamorous job... no, it is dry and stupid. Anyone stupid
              who has a lot of patience can do quite well in a db industry.
              Although it is a stupid job, someone has to do it (like sewer
              engineering... not glamorous, but someone has to do it). So
              remember kids... sewer engineers may get 6 digit figures, but
              do you really want to do it?
        \_ How different are they from Viant (or formerly known as Silicon
           Valley Internet Partner)? I knew they were found by the same
           \_ Difference in focus.  Scient is dedicated to eBusiness and
              does anything and all things related to eBusiness.  Also,
              Scient is interested in Long term relationships, not just
              one time deals.  Plus, Scient is looking at $15M in business
              in year 1 alone.  This has never been done before, and we
              are 2-3 years ahead of ANYONE.  email brianl for more info.
              -- brianl
           people. I have to warn people who are thinking about stock
           options offered by those small consulting companies: not only
           they offer very few shares, also the shares might get dilluted
           when they issue more shares. Only the founders and a few people
           on the top + VC people get the money. Plus, challenging
           assignemnt usually means not living at home, travelling 365 days
           a week. Consulting is not as glamous as the info. session and
           the sales pitch by the consultants.
           \_ Difference in focus.  Scient is dedicated to eBusiness and
              does anything and all things related to eBusiness.  Also,
              Scient is interested in Long term relationships, not just
              one time deals.  Plus, Scient is looking at $15M in business
              in year 1 alone.  This has never been done before, and we
              are 2-3 years ahead of ANYONE.  email brianl for more info.
              -- brianl
        \_ I interned @ Sybase. Lemme tell you, it is not a friendly
           atmosphere. What's the point of cubicles when you get those
           fold-out blinds covering the entrances? Everyone seems to be
           in their own little world. What's worse, group memebers are
           not always even in the same aisle or group of aisles.
           \_ Sounds bad, but why is it a problem that your group members are
              not nearby in this day and age (i.e. phones and e-mail)? --dim
              \_ Furthermore, if your team isn't right next to you, then
                 you can get up and walk around sometimes, even meeting
                 people outside of your team.  This is a problem?
                 \_ I guess my point is, where I work now, we often have
                    spontaneous, informal meetings in the aisles. That's
                    hard to do if everyone's spread out. And with the blinds,
                    people huddle themselves within. You can't meet people
                    that way. Also, I rarely saw anyone walking around
                 \_ I guess my point is, where I work now, we often have
                    spontaneous, informal meetings in the aisles. That's
                    hard to do if everyone's spread out. And with the blinds,
                    people huddle themselves within. You can't meet people
                    that way. Also, I rarely saw anyone walking around
                    Sybase, at least in Atrium.
        \_ I WORKED at Sybase. The general rule there is trust no one.
           Everyone is out to look after #1; themselves..
        \_ brainl's troll erased. Brain washed employees are banned from wall
                    Sybase, at least in Atrium.
        \_ I WORKED at Sybase. The general rule there is trust no one.
           Everyone is out to look after #1; themselves..
           \_ One more Scient plug.  I work at Scient.  This is the BEST
              environment to work in.  No cubicles.  Everything is open.
              Everyone gets the same view from our 28th floor office in
              SF.  We all work together.  We win as a team, we lose as a
              team.  There is no "i" in team.  Everyone helps everyone
                \_ Is this guy for real?
                  \_ It must be flame bait.  But then again, I know alot
                     of dysfunctional CS grads...
                     \_ Which begs the question: are you dysfunctional for
                        entering CS, or were you turned dysfunctional b/c
                        of CS?
                \_ Do YOU think for yourself or everyone thinks for you?
1998/11/6-8 [Recreation/Food] UID:14923 Activity:nil
11/6    The coolest thing since sliced bread: -tcmoore
        I got first dibs. Also
        \_ what's so cool about sliced bread?  Or anything having to do with
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:November:06 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>