Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:October:22 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1998/10/22-25 [Academia/Berkeley/Ocf] UID:14807 Activity:high
10/21   One more illustration of the injustices in the world, and why
        UCB is better than other universities:
        \_ Policy is a policy.  No policy is written to satisfy everyone.
           \_ You'd do well in Switzerland, dude.  DER RULEZ ISHT DER
           \_ uh, did you even look at the url?  the point was that the
              policy is unclear and unfair, not just that it sucks.
                \_ I think it's fair. - Bill Gates
        \_ This is slightly discussed in ucb.os.linux (although that thread
           is getting more off-topic now).  -- schoen
                \_ On other newsgroups, all flame wars degenerate to the
                   point where someone is compared to nazis.  On ucb.*,
                   all flame wars lead to UCTwink flames instead.  (Just
                   search the old archive on dejanews for "UNLink 2000")
        \_ Geek protest!  Storm the field during the Cal-UCLA game this
        \_ Geek protest!  Storm the field during the Cal-fUCLA game this
           Saturday for a pro-Linux demonstration at halftime!
           \_ "Your team beat us, but we won a moral victory, because
              we support Linux in the res halls!"?    -- schoen
              \_ Cal's support of Linux will carry us to victory.
                 \_ just not "victory in football"
           \_ As if you geeks are going outdoor.
              \_ outdoor air smells funny. i prefer the overbearing aroma
                 of body odor in the labs, thank you.
        \_ Wow, and I thought the UCB dorms had bad policies...
           \_ For example?  The UCB policies are very loose.  As long as
              it's not illegal... pretty much anything goes.
                \_ As we all know from personal experience, your mom is legal,
                   even if half her customers aren't.
                \_ No strippers in dorm.
                   \_ Can you quote policy on this?
                   \_ For a fact, I've seen strippers on the dorms.
              \_ don't be silly. The rule is "We don't care what you do,
                 legal or not, as long as other people can't tell your're
                 doing it". So, smoking hash in your dorm room doesn't
                 particularly make things happen. Even if you come
                 out of your room completely gonzo, and run into walls.
                 On the other hand, if you decide to keep your doors open,
                 flood the hall with strange odors, and yell
                 "Hey DUUUUDE, comentakeahitoffmyBOONNNGGGG!"...
                 There's a slight chance an RA wil come to investigate.
                 Or at least, to jones something off you.
                 \_ They just told 'em to close the door when I was there.
                \_ So how many sodan's have been busted by the dorm narcs?
                        \_ rsr wins hands down, unless you know anyone else
                                with a restraining order forbidding them from
                                coming within 50 feet of a reshall
                           \_ I know someone with a general campus restraining
                              order.  Does that count?  [this includes dorms]
                                \_ Was their dorm eviction notice delivered
                                        by the bomb squad?
                                  \_No. In court. From that moment on if he
                                    was spotted he was going directly to
                                    prison on rape and related charges.
                           \_ whois rsr?
                                \_ a sodan from long ago
                                  \_ who started bugging people by
                                     joining staff of the ocf, and who is
                                     now a professional sysadmin. be afraid...

          ________                                ________
          | _____|________________________________|_____ |
          | |__________________________________________| |
          | |: : : : |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| |
          | | tissue | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |_|
          | | : : :  |- - - low order explosive - - ----------------------
          | | paper  | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |-|    fuse
          | |: : : : |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| |
          | |________|_________________________________| |
          | |__________________________________________| |
          |______|                                |______|

          endcap                pipe               endcap
                                                   w/ hole

     fig. 1 Housing Office file of Roy S. Rapoport
        \_ My friend in unit one got transferred to another building after
           his bomb went off.  It was set to do so when this prick opened
           his bathroom locker.  Worked like a charm.  Too bad it didn't
           hurt the victim.  He deserved that and worse.
1998/10/22-23 [Computer/SW] UID:14808 Activity:nil
10/21   Go Yanks!
1998/10/22-25 [Uncategorized] UID:14809 Activity:nil
10/22   Is it me, or is soda just gotten very slow? telnet session
        are so slow I can't use pine anymore...
        \_ nah, it's you that is slow.
        \_ This sounds like a network problem.  ssh from the reshalls
           is as zippy as usual.
                \_ See - ucb's net connection is fucked again
                   (unless you're connecting to edu sites over internet2)
1998/10/22-25 [Consumer/PDA] UID:14810 Activity:nil
10/23   ProxiNet is hiring.  See /csua/pub/jobs/ProxiNet or          - sony
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:October:22 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>