10/7 Can you name all the Muslim countries on earth that is not at war
with other countries?
\_ Idiots! All of you. There answer is, there aren't any.
\_ Racist pig. Can you name all the white male dominated western
countries that are not at war with other countries?
Muslim hot-headed hypocrite bigots will rule the world!!!
\_ Whitey will pay
\_ Never! Whitey will oppress forever! Whitey will beat
down the minority women with his oppressive white
male giant scaly penis of DOOM. White power! WHITE
POWER! -(fucker)
\_ Try this: name all Judaeo-Christian countries that have engaged
in military actions in the past 5 years, and then do the same for
country of muslim, buddist, and atheist dispositions.
\_ That's "secular", not atheist. There's a difference.
\_ Read carefully. I said disposition, not state religion.
US is disposed to Judae-Chiristianity.
\_ Ok then, name a country with an "atheist
disposition". Are there any that exist that are
bigger than my living room?
\_ One can argue that China is a little bigger
than your living room, and the government has
a clear atheist disposition. It is unfortunate
that the most powerful avowed atheists in the
world are totalitarians, just like the most
powerful theists used to be. It provides some
ammunition for condemning atheism, though we
might retort with the Inquisition, just for
starters. But power corrupts the theist and
atheist alike. -- schoen
\_ One word for you, "Tibet".
\_ Am I the only one who wants to make little
"nuke" stickers to put over the "free" part
of those obnoxious free tibet bumper
\_ Actually, if you had lived in mainland
china for an extended period of time (I
had for 17 years), you will find life to
be more just and fair than, say, the US
30 years ago, and it is catching up fast. As
for Tibet, if you are a Tibetan, you have
to be a Tibetan Buddhist, period. But then
China has millsions of Muslims and Christians,
not to mention many more "real" buddhists and
Taoists. This, however, does not change the
China's disposition as atheist. Similarly,
the existence of atheists in US does not change
its desposition from being religious.
BTW, over the summer I visited regions in the
greater Tibet within China, (Tibetan activists
claim about 1/4 of China and large area in
south Asia as their territory) and found
Tibetans life to be much much better than
native americans in the US.
\_ I did not mean to say anything about the
US v. China, or about Tibet. I was just
complaining that the Chinese atheists are
also totalitarians, which they are. Some
American theist political types are also
fairly totalitarian, and plenty of people
can attest to how little I like the US
government. As an individualist, I may
have different standards of "just and fair"
than other people. On power corrupting
businesses, see ~schoen/power.txt. -- schoen
\_ I'm flattered that you took the
time to type up such a long document
in an attempt to convince me of
something that i can not be
convinced of -- that Government
(as opposed to a particular
government) is intrinsically
"immoral", as you say.
\_ You're welcome, and I deny that
you "can not be convinced of"
that. Someone deleted the "power
corrupts businesses" comment, and
that's an attempt at the response
I would have made, were it not
too long for the motd. Note that
this particular document isn't
really an attempt to persuade you
to be anti-statist, only to be
pro-capitalist. -- schoen
of starvation from the u.s. sanctions? albright claims it is
worth it. today is International Hunger Day.
\_ Population control: if Family Planning won't do it, then let the
military take a swipe at it.
\_ Can you say Cambodia.
\_ They've been doing it just fine for thousands of years.
The mistake was not letting them take it far enough.
\_ Mother Nature's been doing a decent job as of late. Let's
give her a coupla years before we start nuking everyone.
\_ Think of the alternative. 300 million more mouths to feed.
That's a *huge* deal. Not everyone can wave their magic
wand and conjure up food, land, etc. resources just like
that. China would have been a serious hellhole if they
weren't practicing coercive population control measures.
Human rights, shmuman rights. I'm an Amnesty International
member, so yeah, I guess I do care about that, but when
it comes down to it, China's actually being *responsible*
by trying to limit their growth. Can you imagine doing
anything like that in a US context? If Congress or the
President were to consider making a resolution merely
encouraging people to have no more than 2 kids, he/they
would get shot down in a second. Coercive or not, China's
policies have worked, and the world is better off for it.
\_ Try twisting your head around wildly while thinking of the number
of the number of countries that continually increase the amount of
home-grown tomatoes each year. Then hop-up-and-down on one foot,
pat your head with your left hand, rub your belly with the right,
and do your best to name countries that begin with the letter 'W'.
\_ Waco?
\_ Malaysia
\_ They're at odds with Singapore, but it's more of
a Malay vs Chinese thing than Islam.
\_ They've got their differences with Singapore, but
I'd hardly call it a war (see orig. question).
\_ have you ever considered the children in iraq who are dying
of starvation from the brutal sanctions? albright claims
it is worth it. today is International Hunger Day.
\_ Kill em all, let God sort em out! (or is it Allah?)
\_ I consider them next generation's anti-American terrorists.
Better to kill them now when it's easy.
\_ saying that all iraqis are terrorists is like saying that
all eecs majors are nerds...oh wait, bad example.
\_ You're a funny man. 150,000 dead children cracks me up every
\_ Hey, me too! Cracks me up every time!
\_ It's not 150,000 dead children. It's 575,000
dead children.
\_ It's not 575,000 dead children. It's 3,575,000
dead children.
\_ That's all? 3.5m terrorists dead, how many to go?
\_ Fuck you.
\_ are you cute?
\_ Better 3.5M of them than 1 of us.
\_ I'd trade our serial killers for their terrorists
at a 1:3.5m ratio.
\_ People suck -- Nuke the entire planet, and give the cockroaches
a chance. |