Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:September:16 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1998/9/16 [Uncategorized] UID:14606 Activity:high
Reminder!  Special Session of Micronet THURSDAY:

        Speaker:        Calvin Moore, Professor and Chair, Math Dept.,
                        and Chair of the Commission on Computing.
                        Prof. Moore will be discussing the
                        commission's recent report on the future
                        orginizational direction of computing on
                        the UCB campus.  The commission was
                        mostly made up of faculty, so this is a
                        chance for staff to give feedback.

                        The URL for the report is:

        Time/Date:      12-2pm, THURSDAY 9/17/98

        Location:       223 Moses Hall

        Thank:          You.

        Sincerely:      Michael Sinatra
                        Myriam Godfrey
                        The People Who Bring You Micronet (TM)
        \_ Staff feedback?  They needed more landfill material?
           The only thing more ridiculous than staff feedback is student
1998/9/16 [Uncategorized] UID:14607 Activity:nil
9/15    ucb.class.ba147 -genehkan
1998/9/16 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Bicycle] UID:14608 Activity:insanely high
9/16    There should be a law against road repairs during rush hours.
        My commute just about doubled because they closed off one lane on
        a local street, which slowed ttraffic to a crawl on the highway.
        \_ There should be a law against drivers of single-occupant vehicles
           complaining about the traffic.  -tom
           \_ There should be a law about bike fanatics babbling about things
              they don't understand such as the fact that not everyone can
              live within easy bike distance to their work or get involved in
              a carpool.
              \_ "Can't?" Where in the Bay Area is there employment where
                  there is not housing within a few miles?
                  \_ Uh huh, I suppose it's that easy to find affordable
                     AND available housing. Housing isn't an issue in the
                     Bay Area, right?
                        \_ it's an issue, but it's not impossible.  I've
                           lived within biking distance of my place of work
                           for over 10 years now, even though I've lived
                           in at least 6 different places and had two
                           different work locations.  -tom
                           \_ Have you lived in the south bay within this past
                              3 years?  Finding a place to live is harder than
                               finding a job.  To find one that is within
                              a few miles, good luck.
                           \_ I'll admit, I live at home, 1/2 hr commute to
                              work. I could easily live across the street
                              from where I work for $1600/mo. Worth it? No.
                              \_ Add $500/mo to what you are currently paying
                                 for rent and see if you can afford it. A car
                                 easily costs that much.
                                 \_ Maintenance/car insurance/gas/commuting
                                    does not add up to $500/mo.  maybe $300.
                                    for my current rent + $300 i couldn't get
                                    shit near my place of work.
                                 \_ A car is an absolute necessity.  Without
                                    a car is like no life.  Would you expect
                                                     \_ The life rules should
                                                        be amended to support
                                                        those with no car
                                                        voluntarily.  - ped
                                    to go on a date on your bicycle?
                                 \_ According to the AAM, owning an average
                                    car costs 45 cents per mile, which for
                                    an average amount of driving comes out
                                    to about $500/month.  That, of course,
                                    doesn't include any of the external costs
                                    of driving, such as environmental damage.
                                    It also doesn't include the cost of your
                                    time.  And yes, I go on dates on my
                                    bicycle.  -tom

                                    \_ "Hey honey, let's take a scenic tour
                                        by BART."
                                        \_ I don't know about you, but the
                                           sort of woman I tend to date is
                                           more interested in a person's level
                                           of integrity and personal
                                           responsibility than in what kind of
                                           car he drives.  -tom
                                           \_ I dunno about you, but the women
                                              I date would be annoyed if all
           posts.  -tomy
                           \_ You are one those fucking lucky rich people.
                              \_ I see zero correlation to that statement.
                                \_ tom works for the University, which means
                                   he makes less than the average soda geek
                                              our dates were confined to
                                              within 20 miles. Oh, and no
                                              dates if it's raining...
                                              \_ pussy. you dont deserve to
                        \_ They've been saying _that_ since before you were
                                                 live in a moderate climate.
                                                 Go move to arizona.
\_ How about I don't _want_ to live in the slums where my employment is?  How
   about I like to do more than go to work.  How about I need to shop for more
   than a 6 pack of coke once a week?  How about a trip up the coast?  A drive
                 do provide exercise.
   to visit relatives in San Diego?  How about a late night trip anywhere you
   might get dragged off your bike (like where my work is)?  How about we all
   live in tom's idyllic ideal little world where everyone can use a bike and
   BART/bus to get everywhere and do everything?
        --still waiting for the fantasy; driving in the realworld 'til then
           \_ You are one those fucking lucky rich people.
                \_ Luck doesn't (typically) generate wealth.  Brains, hard
                work, connections, and a winning personality generate far
                greater wealth for most than dumb luck.
        \_ Why waste all day driving to San Diego when you can fly for cheaper
                than the cost of gas?
           \_ And how are you going to get around SD when you get there?
              What if you *enjoy* road trips? --emarkp
        \_ How about you take responsibility for your actions?  One way
           to start would be to sign your name to your inflammatory MOTD
           posts.  -tom
                \_ Because I fear you'll ride the 450 miles to my house on
                your bicycle and rape me with your water bottle.  How about
                you answer some of those very real questions?  Oops, sorry,
                you lose.  You don't have a good answer so you just rag on
                my for not signing my name.  To be honest, the only thing I
                really fear is being associated with you in any way, including
                a "chat" on the motd about your fanatic desire to force
                everyone to live your 60's reject hippy lifestyle.

                \_ over 70% of trips in the Bay Area are in single-occupant
                   vehicles--that's ridiculous.  Of course when the oil
                   runs out, I'm sure people will find that they "can" live
                   in a more responsible manner.  -tom
                    \_ They've been saying _that_ since before you were born.
                        \_ uh, do you believe the oil *won't* run out?  -tom
                        \_ do you know when tom was born for that matter?
           \_ You mean like all them single-occupant bicycles?
              \_ that don't cause nearly as much wear and tear on the
                 pavement, dont suck up nearly as much petroleum products,
                 dont kill hundreds if not thousands of people yearly,
                 do provide cheap and efficient local area transport, and
                 do provide exercise. --jon
                \_ we also don't complain about the traffic, because the
                   worse it is, the more of an advantage we have.  -tom
                   \_ Yeah, ya'll just create more traffic like the Bay
                      Bridge / cyclists incident last week
                        \_ That wouldn't have affected traffic at all if not
                           for the CHP.  -tom
                                TOM: you are an idiot. I drive the Bay BR about
                                twice a week, and commuted on it for all of
                                last semester! The average speed is 70+mph!!!
                                Unless these bikers ( with their 10 foot flag)
                                were setting world speed records, you're full
                                of crap!
                                \_ sign your name, wimp. -tom
                                \_ Actually its more like 60mph but there's
                                still no need for an antagonistic "protest".
                           \_ Did you graduate from Cal? I refuse to believe
                              an alum from one of the top universities in the
                              nation would present an argument like that.
                                \_ Don't think tom has graduated.
                              \_ They were moving nearly at the speed of
                                 traffic.  There were 17 of them, in the
                                 space that one car would have taken.  The
                                 CHP are the ones who blocked two lanes.  -tom
                                 \_ There's this little issue of it being
                                    ILLEGAL to bike on the bridge.
                                 \_ It was a PROTEST, twink.  -tom
                                    \_ So all protests are illegal by def'n?
                        \_ Just ignore the fanatic prick.  He has nothing of
                           interest to say regarding transportation issues.
                           Just the SOS.
                           \_ as opposed to you.  -tom
                                \_ Glad you agree.  First sane thing you've
                 \_ go tom! if you can't see the bars,
                          then you're not in prison, right? -nick
                        \_ did they lets jmeggs out of jail yet?
                           \_ jmeggs is a twink
                    \_ one thing this occasional bike rider complains about
                       a lot is the condition of roads in the bay area, esp
                       in berkeley since I live here.  I wonder what Jason
                       Meggs and his like would accomplish if they were to
                       lobby for better roads rather than protesting on the
                       local bridges (not that an occasional protest is a
                       bad thing).  Voters of the World unite, oust those
                       elected representatives who don't do right by you --jon
1998/9/16 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes] UID:14609 Activity:kinda low
9/16    what the hell is up with IS&T?  the ucb warhol # is the only one
        working and all eecs #'s have been down for the last half year.
        They should replace those guys with competent people for once.
        \_ I can't speak for IS&T but the people who run the EECS dialups
           ie Rob McNicholas and CSG are pretty damned competent.  Perhaps
           you could mail dialups@EECS.Berkeley.EDU.  --jon
        \_ I dialin to the EECS modems every day and rarely have problems
                -alanc-  (of course, I use the staff/research modems)
           \_ The EECS 28.8 modems have been minorly broken for like 6months
              or so, but it's easy to get around if you have 2 phone lines.
              I haven't complained because this way I never get a busy
              signal =)  --dbushong
1998/9/16 [Politics/Domestic/911, Science/Space, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:14610 Activity:kinda low
9/15    What consumes more power, an empty refrigerator or
        a full refrigerator?
        \_ on startup from an unpowered condition, the full one does
           because you need to cool down a larger amount of stuff
           (most solids/liquids have a higher spec.heat than air)
           but say you have everything cooled down, a sort of steady
           state and you pull the power, then the full fridge will
           stay cooler longer due to the higher "heat mass"  One could
           similarly say that the full fridge requires less energy per
           unit time to maintain a low temperature as all the frozen
           veggies and meat and other things with high water content
           maintain their temperature much better than air.  Of course,
           if you dont plug either fridge in at all, then its a tie,
           though in a strict sense the full one will absorb more heat
           but will give up less heat given a rise or drop in temp. --jon
                \-well there is also the pathological case of say rotting/
                fermeting food which is exothermic. --psb
                \_ is hell exothermic or endothermic? - tpc
                   \_ ~dpc/forwards/hell
                      \_ amusing. But the cited professor was most definately
                         not the original one, as I heard the "final exam"
                         version of this, some time in 1995 or before.
                         (different response cited, though)
        \_ how often one opens and closes a refrigerator really affects how
           much power it uses, more than how much it contains.
           \_ this is true but the question was about the effect of fullness
              on power consumption.

Reminder!  Special Session of Micronet THURSDAY:
        Speaker:        Calvin Moore, Professor and Chair, Math Dept.,
                        and Chair of the Commission on Computing.
                        Prof. Moore will be discussing the
                        commission's recent report on the future
                        orginizational direction of computing on
                        the UCB campus.  The commission was
                        mostly made up of faculty, so this is a
                        chance for staff to give feedback.
                        The URL for the report is:
        Time/Date:      12-2pm, THURSDAY 9/17/98
        Location:       223 Moses Hall
        \_ Staff feedback?  They needed more landfill material?
           The only thing more ridiculous than staff feedback is student
           \_ There were two students on the commission.
                \_ Woo woo! Power to the people!  They served drinks?
1998/9/16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:14611 Activity:high
9/16    linux install-fest 2-nite!  all you win95ers should come.
        \_ Where?  And isn't there something like this in the
           southbay at some company?  Does anybody know about
           the southbay one?
        \_ Is this really your idea of fun?  A linux install fest?  Can't
           you do something a bit less geeky for kicks?  Geeze... I'm really
           not ragging you on; I feel sorry for you though.  Try to find a
           girlfriend outside the CSUA or something.  You only live once.
           These truly are the best years of your life and you're throwing
           them away on a "linux install-fest".
           \_ or you could waste them being critical of others! -nick
           \_ mmm...someone who religiously reads the motd on a machine only
              possibly through the knowhow and TIME of geeks they spurn.
              how pathetic.  --dbushong
               \_ In defense of the motd flamer, a motd flame takes about
                 two minutes, and can be done at work.  REading the motd
                 can also be done at work and takes about a minute.  So
                  you really aren't wasting alot of your own time doint it.
                  The install fest is probably for losers...
                  \_ Well, let's see.  The original flamers definition of
                     loser is one who spends their free-time messing with
                     computer stuff, apparently.  Yet anyone who spends lots
                     of time messing with it wouldn't need to go to an install
                     demo.  They'd already know how to do it.
                     Q.E.SomethingOrAnother  --dbushong
                        \_ No, moron, the original person who thinks a linux
                        "install fest" is a sad waste of human life thinks
                        that anyone who goes to a "linux install fest" is a
                        loser.  Don't put in words that weren't there.  And
                        yes I'm at work and got paid to write this.  It took
                        less than 1 minute.
1998/9/16 [Uncategorized] UID:14612 Activity:nil
9/16    This motd has been one of the most entertaining in a long while.
        \_ tom baiting is always entertaining.
1998/9/16 [Uncategorized] UID:14613 Activity:nil
9/16    "I tried to hire God as a TA, but he was busy." - bh
1998/9/16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:14614 Activity:nil
9/16    Found: one object of questionable value, in soda hall. Would
        the owner please make themselves known.
        \_ Found: one owner of questionable value, in soda hall. Would
           the object please make itself known.
           \_ Found: one president of questionable values.  Would the voters
              please admit they elected him anyway.
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:September:16 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>