1998/9/13 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:14584 Activity:high |
9/12 Urgent: Have to sublet my appartment/studio because of emergency. Prime location, furnished, $500 rent see webpage for discription: http://soda.berkeley.edu/~hitran/sublet.html Please if you know anyone who needs housing, have them contact me. -hitran \_ Your web page image (and english) are badly broken. |
1998/9/13 [Uncategorized] UID:14585 Activity:nil |
9/12 I have never seen so many old white men smoking cigaretes before. Man, I'd hate to live in Nebraska. \_ Yes, actually the amount of smoke in Nebraska is enough that a layer of it lies over the entire state, engulfing anybody and everybody residing or visiting the state, instantly giving them lung cancer. \_ If your mascot is a cornhusker you must be a red neck. |
1998/9/13-15 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:14586 Activity:very high |
09/13 Does anyone have Quickbooks that I might borrow it...uh... to, you know, *try it out* before I *buy* it (Win98)? - seano \_ You can get a trial copy off the web site. Works for something like 50 transactions. \_ I'd like to try it out for a few years. I'd also like to copy the docs and burn off a few thousand copies to sell. -seano \_ What a pathetically obvious forgery. Note the lack of ' ' after the '-' before "seano" to be consistent. Note the extra space indent before the \_. Sheesh, what is simple forging coming to? -not seano \_ Uhm, wtf are you talking about? -confused that you give a shit \_ Dear confused. I advise that you examine your feelings of anger, confusion, and rejection. Why do you feel this way? \_ I'm not angry or rejected. Just confused. You may come to realize that these negative emotions are unnecessary to your health and well being, and are holding Feel your feelings, and be happy. - fake seano you back from being true to yourself. Let it all out. Feel your self, and be happy. - fake seano \_ I NEEEEED MY PAIN! -JTK \_ wtf are you using win98 anyways, you cum-tasting whore? \_ Cum tastes gooood! especially after you eat lots of fruit \_ meat (especially red meat) makes nasty-tasting cum, so if you want more blowjobs, become a vegetarian \_ Get someone less prissy to suck your cock. the docs and burn off a few thousand copies to sell. \_ Okay, it looks like I have to set the score straight for you unfortunate abortion mishaps: I don't want a trial copy of quickbooks. I do want to try it out for an unspecified length of time. If there is a SunOS 5.yadda version, I can use that too BUT THERE ISN'T SO I HAVE TO PUT THE WIN95 VERSION ON A WIN PARTITION DON'T I, MR. CUM-CONNAISSEUR. Finally, I don't care when losers forge my name because I'm a megalomaniac impressed by instances like this that illustrate how lesser people actually spend time concerned with me. -(fucker) \_ then why didn't you just ask if anyone had a copy of Quickbooks for you to try? I'm sure someone would have repsonded. \_ whatever flora is stuck in your rectum compliments well the fetid shit in your head... what sorry ass reason do you have for your problem with the way I asked the question and what makes you think no one responded? You are the kind of fool who would be markedly improved by \_ You seem somewhat distraught. Try pot. repeated stomping to the head/neck/genital areas. -(fucker) \_ like i said, if you asked politely someone might answer. |
1998/9/13-15 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:14587 Activity:high |
09/13 I've written a script to convert etext to LaTeX, but I'm still working out bugs. If interested, read /csua/tmp/humbn10.ps.gz (Of Human Bondage) and report errors in or suggestions concerning orthography/typography to me. -dpetrou \_ what is etext? \_ http://sailor.gutenberg.org/gutenberg \_ You need a script to convert from your legacy unixware to something universal like MSWord. \_ MSWord sucks! WordPerfect Rules! \_ Well, at least WP runs on >2 platforms... \_ Wasn't someone working on a GNU word proc? \_ Labeling MSWord the universal format is like labeling chinese the universal language. Just because more people use it than any other, doesn't mean it's the most useful to the largest number of people. \_ The very fact that more people use it than all others combined does in fact mean it is the most useful format for the largest number of people. Hello? Anyone home? Tried a basic logic class yet? Passed? \_ hello? anyone home? "the most useful" is not synonymous with "most used". Get a dictionary. "useful" ~= greatest POTENTIAL use, fulfilled or otherwise. If everyone inexplicably started to use typewriters again, that still doesn't make them more useful. Just more trendy/popular. As for "universal format", that would have to be unformatted ANSI text, seeing as how just about everyone on the planet with a computer can read it, with a minimum of garbage. \_ A typewriter isn't a data format. It is a device that print letters to paper. This is a spurious example. ASCII text is the most useful for the simple transmission of (mostly) unformatted data. MSWord is the most useful for the transmission of formatted computer data. I won't get into FAX machines and such as they don't allow the creation of data, only the retranmission of a copy. Your k-k000l etext may be s00per k00l but if only you and your 3 super k000l friends can use it or are likely to in the future then it's general value is zero (+4 geeks). Most used = most uesful format. \_ ASCII text is the most used format in the computer world. Almost every single computer made can use it, compared to the small fraction that have MS Word installed. \_ Trolling deleted. |