1998/7/24 [Recreation/Dating] UID:14375 Activity:nil |
7/23 I love sex. |
1998/7/24 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:14376 Activity:nil |
7/23 A friend of mine needs temporary housing until Aug. 28. Please email me if you know any availability. -- zyin \_ There is no housing, only Zuul. |
1998/7/24 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:14377 Activity:nil |
1998/7/24 [Uncategorized] UID:14378 Activity:nil |
7/23 Any accusation on M$, M$ spokes person will always say: "It was not intention." \_ [sic]P \_ Wow, I never thought I'd see the letters "SICP" used together outside of Abelson and Sussman ... cool. \_ They even do it with identically bad grammar. \_ Why not? Someone in the Oklahoma City bombing case even argued that the defendant shouldn't be guilty of murder because "even thought he knew that setting off a bomb in that building would cause death, his intention was not to kill people." Hey Mister, I want to pull the trigger on your head. I don't have any intention to kill you. I just have an intention to pull the trigger. |
1998/7/24 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:14379 Activity:nil |
7/23 What C/C++ compilers are being used in the workplace for Windows software development? \_ VC++ is probably the most widely used \_ Borland C/C++ or C++ Builder. |
1998/7/24-27 [Computer/HW/Scanner] UID:14380 Activity:nil |
7/23 http://www.dailycal.org/archive/07.23.98/news/death.html http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~jwang/ishida.jpg \_ this is so sad, I knew the guy too \_ how did you meet him, jwang? \_ i don't know Ishida, nor did i post any of the preceding note in the motd. i merely scanned in a picture from the Chronicle when people asked for it on wall. -jwang |
1998/7/24 [Uncategorized] UID:14381 Activity:nil 75%like:14383 |
7/23 short men are so sexy. *SMOOCH* |
1998/7/24-27 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:14382 Activity:moderate |
7/23 How do you do this in sed, not perl? s/(.*).gif/$1th.gif/; s/(.*).gif/\1th.gif/ \_ sed: 1: "s/(.*).gif/\1th.gif/": \1 not defined in the RE \_ try this instead (ugly, but works): sed 's/.*/&th.gif/;s/.gif//' \_ sed 's/\(.*\)\.gif/\1th.gif/' (sed uses \( and \) to mean "save this") also, don't forget to \ the . so it doesn't mean "any character" --dbushong \_ woo woo, that's what i was looking for. you da man! \_ This being said, perl regexps are significantly nicer than sed, perl -e 'regexp' is nicer than sed 'regexp' And if you're applying it to an entire file in place, you can say perl -pi -e 'regexp', whereas you need to create tempfiles for sed.. --dbushong \_ but this is what i wanted to do: foreach f (*.gif) mv $f `echo $f | sed 's/\(.*\)\.gif/\1th.gif/'` end it seems like it's better done at the command line. I didn't think you can do that in as few bytes (and processes) in perl. \_ You can do it in 1 process, and approximately the same number of bytes, in perl. -tom \_ Yeah? So? sed is for real men. You sound like a limp-wristed, lisping girly-man. You probably use emacs instead of ed, too, I'll bet. \_ ed? You pansy faggot! I use cat, don't make any mistakes and never need to edit a file because I thought ahead and did it right the first time! \_ why are perl regexps "nicer"? \_ In general, they require fewer backslashes, support all the standard operators, and add some new and useful (if tricky) things like non-greedy qfiers. |
1998/7/24 [Recreation/Dating] UID:14383 Activity:nil 75%like:14381 |
7/23 short men are so sexy. *SLURP* \_ correction, short men are so cute, not sexy. *SMOOCH* |