1998/7/11-13 [Computer/Networking] UID:14319 Activity:nil |
7/10 Does anyone know any good sources of info about getting through a digital (altavista) firewall. (not socks 5 compatible) -crebbs \_ Hammer the admin until he gives in. \_ From which direction? In either case, the hammer approach will often produce results. \_ good question. I am behind the firewall and want to get out to the (un)real world. -crebbs \_ Is this a firewall or a bastion host? If it is a firewall, try a port scan from a machine likely to be allowed out (like the mailserver, or an ftp server). If it's a bastian host set-up, either get on the bastion host, or fuggettaboutit. \_ It's Hammuh Time! |
1998/7/11-13 [Computer/SW/Languages] UID:14320 Activity:nil |
7/10 How do you turn off that beeping sound when you use write/nwrite? There isn't a setting in my terminal program. I've tried setting nobeep variable at the shell level, but no help either. \_ Read the man page for nwrite, under ".nwriterc" \_ Beep? I don't get a beep. I didn't know it beeped. Seriously. Is my computer defective? \_ there's obviously a problem in the monitor-keyboard interface \_ New stuff at the top. \_ Top of what? The motd? I'm *replying* to something here. New topics at the top of the motd, new sub-threads of a current topic at the bottom of the topic. Clear now? Anyway, everything else beeps just fine. Maybe my telnet client is filtering or something. Thanks anyway for trying. \_ This entry is dated 7/10, below 7/9 entries. Twink. \_ English lesson: I didn't write the original post. I wrote that I never get beeps. Shove it up your fat ass, moron. I'm *replying* to something. I don't know or care who posted the original on whatever date, you asshole. If you're going to be a MOTD Cop, at least do it right, idiot. |
1998/7/11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:49814 Activity:nil |
7/10 A quick and dirty spam filter i wrote: http://www.csua/~jefe/.nospam I'm not really sure how well it works and it might even filter out real mail. \_ You expect us to run a binary without source or do you expect that a shell script can be run if an arbitrary user's process can't read the shell script to find out what shell to run on it? -rwx--x--x 1 jefe csua 2490 Jul 11 00:57 /home/j/jefe/.nospam --jon \_ There is no binary involved. It's all perl script as stated at the top #!/usr/bin/perl. Your procmailrc file will automatically invoke it if it has: :0 | $HOME/.nospam |