Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:June:02 Tuesday <Monday, Wednesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1998/6/2-4 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:14162 Activity:high
6/1     Is there any way to measure time to the nearest milisecond (or
        (less) under Windows NT 4?  Can someone tell me where I can find
        the answer to this question?  Thanx. -dcw
        \_ WINDOWS NT isnt accurate to the nearest millisecond.
        \_ If it's a Pentium (P5/P54C/P55c) you can read the performance
           counter registers which tell you the exact number of clock
           cycles since reset.  I believe the PPro/PII have something

#include <time.h>
clock_t start, finish;
start = clock();
  finish = clock();
  duration = double(finish - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

Routine     Required Header     Compatibility
clock       <time.h>            ANSI, Win 95, Win NT

The clock function tells how much processor time the calling process has
used. The time in seconds is approximated by dividing the clock return
value by the value of the CLOCKS_PER_SEC constant. In other words, clock
returns the number of processor timer ticks that have elapsed. A timer tick
is approximately equal to 1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC second. In versions of Microsoft
C before 6.0, the CLOCKS_PER_SEC constant was called CLK_TCK.

(this was taken fron MSVC++ 5.0 help files.  Note that clock() returns -1
if the clock is unavailable for some reason.) --emarkp
           similar.  486 doesn't.  AMD, Cyrix, etc.: dunno.  --phr
        \_ KeQueryPerformanceCounter and if 1 microsecond is not good
           enough, look at -tracs
        \_ Using Visual C++ 5.0, there was some ftime function that
           put ms info into a structure. good for random seeds -jctwu
           \_ You idiot, there's only 20 bits in a microsecond.
              \_ you idiot, it should be "there ARE only 20 bitS...."
                                                        - your english prof.
              \_ in theory 20 bits is bad, but it works really well
                 in practice - mail me if you want to talk about it
        \_ look for clock() in the MSVC++ 5.0 help files -- emarkp (abridged)
1998/6/2-4 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:14163 Activity:kinda low
6/2     I'm looking for information on cassette tape to CD replicators.  I have
        some old deteriorating audio tapes that I would like to burn it into a
        audio CD.  Anyone with information on such a machine?  Thanks a lot.
        \_ buy CD-R drive ($400).  Plug your stereo into the audio-in of your
           computer.  Record tape using free software.  Make CD.  -tom
              \_ a cheap CD-R could be had for $250 or so nowadays, EIDE
           \_ Thanks, but I'm looking for something that I can put in a tape
              and a CD and it'll burn automatically.  I'm making the CDs in
              high volume.  It's educational audio tapes, not for music piracy.
              |_ So you're saying educational piracy is okay, but music
                 piracy is bad? Anyways, like the next guy implies,
                  Make a good "master" copy by hand, then just buy a
                  1->6 CD replicator machine.
              \_ after you have the audio image on disk, you can burn as
                 many CD's as you want without having to record the tape
                 again.  I personally think this is _way_ better than a
                 cassette tape to CD replicator idea since your cassette
                 will wear out during replication especially you want _high
                 volume_ unless the machine stores the audio data somewhere
                 during replication.  Of course CD-R is not going to be
                 high volume.  You might want some professional
                 help if you really need the volume, or you could pay
                 a couple hundred thousand dollars for your own
                 CD-stamping machines. <g>
        \_ Yeah whatever, pirate.
        \_ Hey can I borrow/rent your burner when you're done?  -- KopyKat
1998/6/2 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Reference/History/WW2/Japan] UID:14164 Activity:high
        \_ I'm surprised it was Italians instead of the Japanese.
        \_ -- it's free, and probably just as
1998/6/2-4 [Uncategorized] UID:14165 Activity:nil
6/2     Wednesday.  9:00.  Casa de Nick.  B5 and Southpark. -nweaver
        \_ How many new southparks have there been since Cartman's Dad Part 2?
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:June:02 Tuesday <Monday, Wednesday>