5/18 I thought the last episode of Seinfeld is suppose to have Wizard of Oz
material in it, according to the preview. What happened?
\_ Seinfeld? What's that?
\_ Did anyone else find the last episode to be of a Camus-esque
existential quality? They summed up the whole absurdity of it all.
\_ Shut up. Its a TV show for Chrissake.
\_ And a tremendously overrated one at that.Good riddance.
\_ Yes, we know. We also know Seinfeld was a TV show. What
is your point? That we should kill our television ?
Please don't take yourself so seriously in the future, and
get back to work.
\_ No, my point was that people shouldn't take a *TV SHOW*
seriously at all, in any way whatsoever. It's a sad sad
statement about people in general that the end of a sitcom
would generate _any_ sort of publicity, much less noise of
these levels. I'm glad to see the ad hominen attack is
still being put to bad use on the motd.
\_ Again you are taking yourself too serioiusly.
The statements above were clearly tongue in cheek.
("Camus-esque ... quality")
And next time spell your Latin correclty.
Get back to work.
\_ Damn X-Files and their psuedo-cliffhangers! Now I'll haveta shell
out $7.75 to find out where Mulder goes from here.
\_ May be so, but it inspired a number of intellectually
insecure sodans to become chess experts on walls and display
their ignorance like fuckin peacocks. You know what peacocks
are good for? Being mounted on long sticks, ignited, and
waved around the place like a flag, only they're not flags,
just flaming impaled peacocks. Fuckin LOSERS. - (fucker)
\_ Once again, I envy this response. I too was going to
post some sort of pseudo-flame, but this is way way
beyond (better) than anything I was thinking of.
Thank you for not letting me make a fool of myself, and
my hat is off to you.
\_ _That_ was a great flame? It could barely set off a match
soaked in oil.
\_ Yes, it was.
\_ I wrote the original comment, and I don't even
feel singed. |