Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:May:12 Tuesday <Monday, Wednesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1998/5/12 [Reference/History/WW2] UID:14083 Activity:nil
5/11    World War II Partners joined forces.  Mercedes-Benz to buy
        Nissan.  New car will be named Axis.
1998/5/12 [Recreation/Dating] UID:14084 Activity:nil
1998/5/12 [Uncategorized] UID:14085 Activity:nil
5/12    No, really, nothing below is worth reading.
1998/5/12-13 [Uncategorized] UID:14086 Activity:kinda low
        \_ It's a little late.  (Maybe Sun acquired DEC's sense of timing in
           a special deal with Compaq?)
                \_ Who says its late?  There's nothing late about it.
        \_ King's Gambit? Who's the pawn?
1998/5/12-13 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:14087 Activity:very high
5/12    India underground nuclear test, sending shockwave all over the world:
        \_ Now I know why there are so many Indian engineers at Berkeley.
           \_ bwahahahaha...
           \_ for the beautiful, mustache-free hot babes!
        \_ Great .  Another third world shithole with the bomb.
                \_ You only prove your own ignorance as India has had "the
                bomb" for quite awhile now.  Why not try knowing at least
                a little bit of which you speak before you open your mouth?
                \_ More like, "The third world shithole has proven for a fact
                   they have the bomb, whereas before it was only assumed."
                   \_ Fact: India's 1st public nuke test was back
                      some time.  The only nazi country that is assumed
                      in 1974. They've had it for a while.
                   \_ India has publicly tested nuclear weapon for quite
                      some time.  The only Nazi country that is assumed
                      (but widely confirmed) to stockpile nuclear weapon is
                      U.S. buddy Israel, after South Africa cancelled their
                      \_ Nazi?  Israel?  You scumbag.  Without nukes, the
                         dirtbag Arabs would have attacked and kept attacking
                         en mass and by surprise until all the Jews were dead.
                        \_ If the Palestinians had not been driven out of their
                           homes to make room for the "chosen" race to build
                           their 1000-year "promised" kingdom, they  wouldn't
                           have taken up arms and become freedom fighters.
                         \_ GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
                           \_ "can't we all just get along together?"
                      \_ so why did they start targetting the USSR too?
                         \_ Because they're homophobes and the Soviets are
                            all gay. That's right. They pound more than
                            just vodka. What do you think those spires on
                            that palace in the Kremlin are all about?
                            \_ One nuke under the dOME of the Rock.
                               It is "resting"
1998/5/12-13 [Transportation/Car, Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:14088 Activity:high
5/11    Ve haff high-speed, high-tech, high-gloss Autobahn you peon.
         Learn to build roads, Amerikaner Schweinehund pig dogs.  -John
           \_ But your roads were built by Hitler's minions to move tanks
              around the country.
           \_ It is (or should be) quite well-known that our Interstate
              Highways were built in order to help keep the nation "safe"
              from nuclear attack... -brg
                \_ and Eisenhower built ours to have 1 out of every 5
                miles of freeway straight enough to serve as emergency air
                strips in times of invasion.
                \_ I like Ike!
                \_ Yes, and your point was?
                   \_ That Eisenhower was JUST LIKE HITLER!  (Except without
                      hair or a mustache.)
                        \_ Except for genocidal take-over-the-world insanity
                           and a long list of other "negative personality
                           traits" Hitler had and Ike didn't.
        \_ don't think a M1 Abrams would have too much trouble on any of
           the local freeways.  Figure that even gridlock on these roads
           wouldn't slow 'em down too much.
           \_ But your roads were built by Hitler's minions to move tanks
              around the country.
           \_ It is (or should be) quite well-known that our Interstate
              Highways were built in order to help keep the nation "safe"
              from nuclear attack... -brg
                \_ and Eisenhower built ours to have 1 out of every 5
                miles of freeway straight enough to serve as emergency air
                strips in times of invasion.
                \_ I like Ike!
                \_ Yes, and your point was?
                   \_ That Eisenhower was JUST LIKE HITLER!  (Except without
                      hair or a mustache.)
                        \_ Except for genocidal take-over-the-world insanity
                           and a long list of other "negative personality
                           traits" Hitler had and Ike didn't.
                           \_ That's what you think, and that's what the
                              "approved" historians would like you to believe
                              about Ike.  It's amazing what psychotherapy, a
                              clique of determined kingmakers, and a
                              sheeplike, willing-to-stay-quiet media can
                              accomplish . . .
                             \_ You're claiming that Ike had genocidal plans
                                or that Hitler didn't?  Seek help either way.
                             \_ If Hitler had won, in several hundred years,
                                what would historians have said, since history
                                is written by the victors? Would the millions
                                who perished magically disappear?
                                \_ something like "Lots of criminals
                                   were rooted out and executed ..."
                \_ Wouldn't the cars tend to get in the way?
        \_ But we have CHEAP GAS, GUNS, and COUNTRY MUSIC!!!
           GOD BLESS the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!  USA #1!!!!!!
1998/5/12-13 [Industry/Jobs] UID:14089 Activity:low 53%like:14602
5/12    On campus job opening available. Pays well. See
        /csua/pub/jobs/CCS for info.  -saarp
        \_ Nowhere near as well as the CS job above, but much less brainpower
                is required for the IS&T job.
1998/5/12-13 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Security, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:14090 Activity:low
5/12    As long as all these new jobs are getting announced in /csua/pub/jobs,
        a small request for people to please CLEAN OUT all the old jobs that
        are no longer relevant.  A number of postings there are owned by root
        because they were moved around.  Those responsible for them, please
        let me know if they are still relevant or can be deleted.       -lila
        \_ Princess Lila made a demand!  All must comply.
          \_ "small request".
          \_ Ohhh. Ahh.
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:May:12 Tuesday <Monday, Wednesday>