1998/4/22 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:13992 Activity:nil |
4/21 I need WinNT 4.0 command-line equivalents of nice, sleep, and kill. Any around? -jctwu \_ http://www.itribe.net/virtunix Unix95 Collection Version 7 contains the utilities you seek. \_ tanx! =) \_ Sure. The installer is at ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/ \_ Why do people insist on posting this sort of religious stupidity? Out in the RW, you don't always have the religious CS school choice to use whatever you feel like. Yes, NT pretty much sucks, and so what? The answer to an NT problem is *not* "Uh uh uh! Install linux/freebsd/unix! Uh uh!" Get a clue. Try real life for once. \_ Why do people insist on posting this sort of "Oh _yeah_????? Why don't you pussy CS students try living in the _REAL_ world???" macho bullshit? If your job consistently forces you to use tools you dislike on a regular basis, then maybe you weren't thinking too hard when you selected your workplace. \_ Give that attitude to a prospective employer and you won't have too many workplace choices, boy. Or maybe not every \_ The San Francisco Bay Area is by all accounts a seller's market for technology jobs. People who prefer to work on Unix have any number of options around here. That's why this "real world" isn't as dismal as all that. \_ Wait until the market gets saturated. Then you'll beg for those MVS jobs. \_ Yes, and an asshole with a bad attitude in _any_ market will have a shorter list of jobs at a lower salary with less opportunity for advancement and is less likely to get a good reference in the RW, dismal or not. The world \_ "Asshole with a bad attitude"? You've had a lot of personal experience here, I take it . . . \_ DOH! I am struck to the quick! HAHAHA! Spare me the attempted wit. "I know you are but what am I?" is beneath a Cal student, any Cal student. \_ except saarp -tom is run by and for and is about people, not computers. one is the super genius techical guru you are and simply wants a decent job to pay the rent? We can't all be the GiantPenis BoyWonder you obviously are. Or... maybe some people actually *prefer* NT and just want a few of the unix tool ports but otherwise think Unix sucks? I'll be looking for open minds like yours the next time I interview. I merely implied it before, but since you said it, I'll agree: you are a stupid CS pussy with zero RW clue. Happy? \_ yes, I am a giantpenis wonderboy. and you're a nobody. Men like me invent the technology that shapes the future. You're a fucking nobody and you will stay a nobody for the rest of your life because of your lack of brain power. I AM THE COGNITIVE ELITE BECAUSE I WAS BORN WITH A HIGHER IQ. NOW GO BACK TO YER SYSADMIN JOB AND MAKE SURE THOSE THE MACHINES ARE RUNNING SMOOTHLY WHEN THE REAL ENGINEERS NEED IT. \_ BoyChild, engineers are dime-a-dozen cogs. Only management and sales count, and sales only counts when sales are good. Don't fool yourself. Boys like you are hired by the dozen and fired by the dozen. Given that I'm posting on the motd and I'm also not a student, a clever boy like you could figure out I already have an engineering/cs degree from Cal and unlike you might know what I'm talking about. What makes your future degree better than the one I already earned? Perhaps the cognitive elite isn't currently over-enrolled at Cal this semester? Can't wait for a chance to interview a few of you and ask some of those personality/attitude questions. \_ Uh, I (the person who posted the "why do you work in a job that regularly forces you to do things you dislike" comment) _am_ already out in the real world, thanks. And I regularly interview people. The only difference between us seems to be that I haven't decayed into a condescending, dour, bitter asshole like yourself. \_ I'm glad you have the talent, skill, experience, and perfect personality that allows you to choose your title, salary, and working arrangements at the company of your choice. I seriously doubt most here are in your unique position. Coming straight out of school, there is zero chance they'll start like that. Given a choice between a smart, flexible kid who will do the work I need done without religious lip and a smart, religious, mouthy kid who will do the work I need done but constantly bitches about how >insert free *nix here< would do it better because *nx is the answer to everything, I'll take the smart flexible kid everytime. When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. BTW, send those flexible ones my way, you can have the mouthy little bastards. Either way, they're all still dime-a-dozen coming out of school. (If I pay you to run my Apple ][e network, that's what you'll do, your choice is to go elsewhere). \_ Not every free Unix advocate will insult a boss or tell a boss to switch operating systems. I developed on VB once because that was what I was hired to do. I was polite and did the work and didn't bash Microsoft horribly, but _I didn't stop caring about it_ either. Behold, my old boss wrote me e-mail recently about how people keep telling him Linux is worthwhile, and he may have to try it one of these days. You don't have to insult everyone like certain OpenBSD founders we know do in order to make progress for free software. If you can tell that all progressive groups != ISO, you can surely see the same about "*nx" advocacy. We will win -- slowly. \_ who's the asshole that starts every post with, "Out in the RW...?" yeah, we really need life lessons from you. \_ You seem to. What's your point, if any? \_ that your "i'm out in the RW" crap is old. go away. \_ And that you're assuming that we all live in a "real world" that's as broken as yours . . . |
1998/4/22-23 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:13993 Activity:moderate |
4/21 Any opinions on <DEAD>jps.net<DEAD>? Do they suck? \_ They sucked donkeys as of a year ago. I dunno if they've improved service since. \_ They haven't. They still suck. -niloc \_ Actually, they now blow goats as well for a low annual fee \_ New, personalized sheep service soon! -- marketing@jps.net \_ They sucked donkeys? ewwww... \_ Do they charge extra to watch? \_ why do they suck? any specific bad things? \_ if you have to ask you've oviously never tried it contact the North American Man Donkey Love Association \_ If you have to ask you've obviously never tried it Contact the North American Man Donkey Love Association (<DEAD>www.namdla.org<DEAD> for more information \_ try 2 hour wait on tech support phone, dead air 50% of the time on dial-ins, refused connections on shell server and non-functional 56K support. |
1998/4/22 [Reference/History/WW2/Japan] UID:13994 Activity:low 72%like:14001 |
4/21 _The Rape of Nanking_ is an excellent book. -android \_ Where can I get it? Library?... \_ http://www.amazon.com \_ any decent bookstore should have it. \_ Which one? "The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II" or \_ this one, by Iris Chang, they were showcasing on Sproul. \_ Or try "The Rape of Nanking: Justifying Anti-Japanese Sentiment in the 1990s" "The Rape of Nanking: Rally Cry of the PRC Militarists" I know for sure that it is good. "The Rape of Nanking: An Undeniable History in Photographs" ? |
1998/4/22 [Uncategorized] UID:13995 Activity:moderate |
4/21 That Animal Liberation guy on the Campanile needs some help! \_ yeah, bring a gun \_ What guy? Are the nutcases from Santa Cruz back in town? Last time some fucking idiot from SC climbed up a bio building and sat on a ledge for a few days, all his worthless, unshowered freak friends left behind several days worth of trash, melted candles into otherwise nice places to sit, and were kind enough to leave an old toilet bowl behind on the sidewalk. Yay animal rights activists! That's the way to turn people to your cause! \_ It was Josh Trentnor, that was awesome. I don't see how his nailing himself to the side of Tolman inconvenienced you in any way at all thought. - danh \_ He didn't; all of his brainless minions did. Just face it; you've been brainwashed by your freak commie inbred lesbian roommates, Dan. Come back towards the light. -John \_ Oh yeah, if he'd actually *nailed* himself to the side of Tolman, the sheer entertainment value of him screaming and bleeding all over the place would have outweighed all the other silly bits. -John \_ I am an animal rightist and I am annoyed with the guy on the Campanile. That's what we have Sproul Plaza for. Good causes don't excuse bad tactics. \_ I always wanted to hunt animal activists and cook them on a spit. \_ don't bother. they leave a nasty taste in your mouth, just like when you have to listen to them. \_ Overheard by the Campanile: "Climb on down now or the bunny gets it!" \_ I'd like to see just one of you cynical shits do ANYTHING marginally risky for your morals and beliefs, provided such morals and beliefs exist. \_ But is this guy helping or hurting his cause? If he is only making more people think that animal rights people are wackos, then it seems like he is hurting his cause. |
1998/4/22-23 [Uncategorized] UID:13996 Activity:moderate |
4/22 Netcom sucks - can jps be any worse -thinking of switching, any ideas? \_ObNew Stuff On Top. If you want a local ISP, we've been pretty happy with Autobahn (now BayCIS, or something like that). --tabloyd \_I'm actually pretty happy with Netcom bandwidth now. The 56k phone lines are much better than the normal lines. |
1998/4/22 [Uncategorized] UID:13997 Activity:nil |
4/21 If you are paging this motd with less or more you may well just hit "q" and spare yourself from scrolling through the next 173 lines of ABSOLUTELY USELESS MINDLESS BULLSHIT. I suffered it but the rest of you don't have to. \_ Oh _yeah_????? Well, out in the _real_ world . . . Are you sure you want to do this? Are you really really sure? REALLY REALLY REALLY SURE?? OK, you have been warned.. Last chance. I lied... real last chance |
1998/4/22-26 [Computer/Networking] UID:13998 Activity:high |
4/22 I'm thinking about getting SHIP. Anybody hear whether they suck or not $10 seems pretty cheap. \_ [insert lame Titanic joke by EECS freshman who thinks he's all that] \_ Tang is good for 3 things: pregnancy, STD's and sports related injuries. If you health problem doesn't fall into one of those categories, they'll diagnose you into one of them anyway. \_Actually Tang was very good a couple of years ago when I had a stomach virus and could not keep food down for a week. With my current healthcare (Healthnet), however, I keep getting the runaround and have yet to see the inside of my dr's office. Couldn't even get past the receptionist on the phone to get an appointment. \_ perhaps person means new HIP service from CNS? \_ yeah, that's what I meant but everyone seems to think that I'm talking about the university health plan. \_ CNS, like Microsoft, is re-using old acronyms. \_ SHIP = Student Health Insurance Plan. (Tang Center) HIP = Home IP. (service/account/ppp/whatever) Does SHIP also stand for something like Student Home IP? \_ Subscription Home-IP. Like Home-IP, but you pay for it and supposedly there are enough modems to go around. \_ Huh? What for? I already have free home-ip. Who is this service for? \_ tang is mostly incompetent, but at least you can get an appt. \_ anyone else care to make broad, unsupported comments? \_ Unsupported?! Uh, try going there as a woman. Try going there without an STD or sports injury. Been there? Or do you mean that "at least you can get an appt" is the broad and unsupported comment? I'll agree to that. It's hard to get an appointment for something serious if you're not already bleeding. \_ Perhaps you don't understand the meaning of the word "unsupported". \_ The experience of 32000+ students sounds like a good argument to me. You had another measure in mind? \_ gee, you speak for 32000+ students? Who are you? \_ SHIP (subscription home-IP) is EXCELLENT. No busy dial in, connection to Berkeley is excellent. However, connection to outside Berkeley is lousy but that's a trade-off I can deal with. \_ I bought Subscription Home-IP. I like it because my connection to campus is fast. \_ How is SHIP different from HIP? \_ They kick you off every 8 hours instead of 2 \_ http://www.net.berkeley.edu/dcns/modems/ship.html \_ It's $10/month and faster. \_ 56k? \_Yes. Currently K56Flex, will be upgraded to V.90 once the standard is ratified (and cisco releases the updater software). \_ Few (if any) busy signals. \_cheaper than most ISPs (and you get a http://berkeley.edu IP address.) \_ For about the same cost as a 2nd phone line, you can get Ricochet wireless with zero busy signals, unlimited access, and local access to UCBNet from anywhere in the Bay Area. \_ give it up tpc \_ go away aspolito \_ Not until I get another piece of your warm, hairy ass. -aspolito \_ Seattle, too. Kinda slow, though. --tsang |
1998/4/22-24 [Uncategorized] UID:13999 Activity:nil |
4/23 Sun is "consolidating" its "planets" http://www.techweb.com/wire/story/TWB19980422S0012 |
1998/4/22-24 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/HW, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:14000 Activity:kinda low |
4/23 Where can I get a copy of emacs for PC? NT preferrably. \_ Check the FAQ (<DEAD>www.geek-girl.com/emacs/faq/93.html<DEAD> you amorous donkey: ftp://cs.washington.edu/pub/ntemacs/ \_ ftp://ftp.freebsd.com/ |