1998/4/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13894 Activity:nil |
4/2 The prospect of an empty motd.public was too terrifying to contemplate. Rather than restore a worthless motd from last week like any number of soda idiots might, I'm starting a new one. Please note that I've made certain that this new and improved motd has no more content than the last one which someone else deleted. -motd addict |
1998/4/3 [Uncategorized] UID:13895 Activity:nil |
04/02 You too can start a career in the exciting and rapidly-growing field of STUFF! Get your information packet today! \_ What's the URL? \_ How much money you get from it? ^_^; |
1998/4/3-6 [Consumer/Camera] UID:13896 Activity:high |
4/3 Can someone explain something about digital cameras? What format do they save images in (JPG? GIF? BMP?)? And can I take these saved files to a film shop and have them print them on regular old Kodak paper? (Any ideas how much that would cost?) \_ Image format depends on the kind of camera you're using. The Kodak camera I used saved images internally in TIFF/EP, and came with software that let you download to the host computer and save in the format of your choice. You _can_ print digital images to normal light-sensitive photo paper, but you'll probably end up using a dye-sublimation printer instead. _Media_ cost for a dye-sub printer is about $3-$4/page, I don't know what a service bureau would charge you on top of that. -- kahogan \_ The quality of images printed from a digital camera will also be much lower than a real photograph. Most models without exorbitant costs are intended for WWW work, not printing or design, and you will probably notice. \_ megapixel cameras, which have quality as good as typical point-and-shoot cameras, have come down into the $500 range \_ I stand corrected. -- 1-year-old digital camera owner \_ I used a Sony DSC-1 (Digital Still Camera) last month. This costs $400, and stores 33 640x480 (16-bit color?) images in JPEG format on 4 MB internal flash memory. Transfer to PC is via supplied cable to a serial port at 38400 bps. Image quality ranges from 30-80% (depending on how still you hold the camera) of a $50 35mm camera. I agree that 1024x800 cameras are a better bet for 35mm quality, and most come with zoom. I agree cameras like the DSC-1 would be good for WWW work. -jctwu \_ http://www.dcresource.com is a good source of info -tom |
1998/4/3-6 [Uncategorized] UID:13897 Activity:high |
4/3 Where's the address to report campus network problems? Connectivity to the outside world seems to be down, and I remember hearing Ken Lindahl bitch about how people weren't registering complaints via the trouble ticket system or something... \_ trouble@socrates, or 2-4920 -tom \_ is it forwarded to /dev/null? \_ not even. They just bounce it at port 25. \_ eh, trouble@socrates gets reasonable response for me, although that might be because all the people with a clue over there know who I am. -tom \_ then why do you get a response? |
1998/4/3-4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:13898 Activity:nil |
4/3 The cover of the latest issue of the perl journal is pretty hilarious. \_ This is the sort of super-geek stuff you should definitely never sign. You poor sad lost little boy. Most men would be telling their friends about the cover of the latest Playboy or SI. And then you wonder why people think computer people are losers and anti-social geeks? \_ Ha ha, yes. Quite droll, with a great deal of verve. \_ D00D, WHUT WUZ 0N 1T???/?? 1 WUZ SUPP0Z3D 2 G3T 1T 1N TH3 MA1L, BUT MY M0M TH1NKZ THAT C0MPUT3RZ R A T00L UV SATAN (AND THAT 1"M RU1N1NG MY GRAD3Z BY SP3ND1NG 2 MUCH T1M3 0N TH3M), S0 2 SAV3 MY S0UL, SH3 T00K 1T 0UT UV TH3 MA1LB0X && SHR3DD3D 1T!!!1!!!!1!!!! (AND MY _26OO_ AND _W1R3D_, 2!!1!!!) WHUT D0 1 D0???//??? H3LP!!1!!! |