1998/3/19 [Uncategorized] UID:13834 Activity:high |
3/18 JON IS SUCH A TOOL \_ Doesn't require batteries, yet more useful than a "Leatherman" . . . \_ how scary is that serrated blade on leathermans? |
1998/3/19 [Health/Disease/General] UID:13835 Activity:nil |
3/18 http://www.sjmercury.com/breaking/headline2/015160.htm Analyzer busted. Fool child and friends arrested. |
1998/3/19 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:13837 Activity:high |
3/18 String foo = "help"; byte[] b = foo.getBytes(); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(b); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais); Customer customer = (Customer) ois.readObject(); bais.close(); ois.close(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("Customers.DB"); ObjectInputStream ois2 = new ObjectInputStream(fis); /* the next line causes the error */ Hashtable Database = (Hashtable) ois2.readObject(); \_ Well, clearly this line is in error. This JAVA code gives the following error: Assertion failed: GET_RESOURCE_ATTR( r1 ) == RaInt64, file /CLO/Components/SLLIC_LITE/Src/lwo/opt_driver.c, line 2514 SIGABRT 6* abort (generated by abort(3) routine) location=7B041EB0. stackbase=7B03AF44, stackpointer=7B03B538 test.bat: 7927 Abort Does anyone know what the hell's going on with that error? This doesn't happen on my PC, but happens on UNIX!!! \_ And Sun Microsystem is sueing Microsoft because Microsoft claims to be Java compliant. Seems to me Sun should sue the other Unix vendor. |
1998/3/19-20 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:13838 Activity:low |
3/18 Does anyone have Win3.1 install disks? I only need the last disk (disk 6). I actually have a legit win3.1, but somehow lost the last disk. Thanks -acheng \_ No, I don't but why do you need win3.1? -curious. \_ Spare 486--wanted to use it for an answering machine. I put win95 on it now, and it runs fine. |
1998/3/19-20 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:13839 Activity:very high |
3/18 http://www.scea.sony.com/net/index.html Incidentally, it plays all PlayStation games \_ I'm sorry, the web site looks exceptionally unprofessional. I don't see why anyone would pay $750 after looking at this web site. \_ Yeah, they can't do a good web site, therefore the product they're selling *must* suck too. How many times have you failed Logic 1A so far? Maybe Rhetoric 10 still has room for you next semester. \_ Lower appeal means lower number of people buying. I highly suggest you take Econ10 and BA10 you fuckin' know-it-all. By the way psb, next time, SIGN YER FUCKIN NAME \-you know i usually do sign my name. the university exempted me from econ1. the economist recently had a good ariticle on research on advertising. Having never taking typing, i never put two spaces after end-of-sentence. --psb \_ *LAUGH* Sign your own name, hypocrite. \_ Uh... what was so bad about it? It loaded fast, it provided tons of info on their product. What's your problem? A web critic *and* a logic genius? You've got it made. How can I be as k00l as y00? \_ I highly doubt it was psb. Not even a single latin word. - not psb \_ motd postum, ergo, sum psb est \_ No, it was me, and I, Sir, am no psb! |
1998/3/19-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:13840 Activity:moderate |
3/19 Is there a way to use PERL or some other scripting language to create a windows95/nt shortcut? I want to have something like a .bat file create a bunch of shortcuts then delete itself. It can't be GUI based or interactive beyond an initial double-click. Pointers, URL's, etc, all welcome and appreciated. -stuck \_ http://www.perl.org/CPAN/ports \_ I got it and version 0.03 of the Shortcut module worked perfectly with a recent version of win32perl. Thanks! |
1998/3/19-20 [Computer/Theory] UID:13841 Activity:high 50%like:13522 |
3/20 Would someone please recommend a good book on Black Scholes Option Pricing Model? \-who is asking? \_ John C. Hull's book _Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives_ does a pretty good job - android \_ duffie's book also does the job, but hull's is better. -fab \_ Beware that some of the Black Scholes formulas have been shown to be inaccurate. Look for Robert C. Merton's \-this is a deep philososphical matter. --psb books as well. I believe he actually did the math for Black/Scholes, despite Merton's objections about the errors in some of Black/Scholes eqns. I think Merton's book is called "continuous time finance", 92. \-David Cox [the finance one of from stanford, not the math guy from i think columbia] has some fine mathematical finance books. --psb \-i know i am going to get it for this, but i am having dinner on sat with a friend of the family who was invited to merrill-lynch by scholes. if you want me to ask him a specific question, send me some mail asap. --psb |
1998/3/19-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:13842 Activity:nil |
3/20 Java development job available from Tom Sawyer Software right here at Berkeley. Sent email to timliu@csua.berkeley.edu for detail. \_ do you get to "teach classes on advanced java" for huge fees, and have the "students" paint your fence for you? |
1998/3/19-20 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:13843 Activity:low |
3/19 Memory is getting cheaper lately. Anyone know when notebook memories will get cheaper? Ie. When a 32 EDO RAM for a notebook will not cost $300 like it is now? \_ http://www.thechipmerchant.com \_ Errr, notebook memory prices aren't *that* high... 64MB for my notebook came out to $210. -nevman |