Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:March:16 Monday <Tuesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1998/3/16-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:13809 Activity:low
3/14    Anyone know how to make Frame5 output postscript usable for
        inclusion in a LaTeX document?  (No, print to file doesn't work.)
        \_ ps2epsi in Ghostscript. -moray
           \_ that actually doesn't work, because not only is frame5 post-
              script not eps, but it does dumb shit like screen clearing, etc.
        \_ Search for "fixfm5ps" on the net (in case anyone out there is
           still wondering, besides dpetrou . . . ) -- kahogan
1998/3/16 [Uncategorized] UID:13810 Activity:nil
1998/3/16-18 [Computer/HW/Printer] UID:13811 Activity:low
3/16    I'm looking to buy a new printer. While it will be used for mostly
        black-and-white text, it needs to have color capability. I'd like
        to spend no more than about $500. Looking at HP 890Ce, Epson
        Stylus 800, Canon BJC-4300, and Lexmark 5700. Any other
        suggestions or recommendations? --dim
        \_ I bought an HP560c a few years ago.  Works fine for text and
           does color on normal paper.  Normal paper color looks washed
           out in photos and images, but colored text and charts are fine
           with normal paper.  I never put the more expensive paper in it.
           If you get this used or a later model in the same family, it
           should do the trick.  Pretty cheap too.
        \_ Check if you haven't already (printer user sect).
           Generally color reaches a plateau in quality unless you want
           to spend > $1000.  I've personally used an Epson Stylus 600
           which is supposed to do very good color for $250. -jctwu
1998/3/16-18 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes] UID:13812 Activity:very high
3/17    Hi, I'm getting kind of desperate now. Here is the repost:
        Does anyone know where to obtain specification on PC serial port
        interface, for input AND output? More specifically, which TTL/CMOS
        serial decoder do I need to buy to do I/O for a typical 152 or EErobot
        project? THANKS!
        \_ Pins 2,3 for send/receive.  What more do you need?
           \_ yeah, knowing the port #'s and irq's isn't very
                \_ IRQ 3 and 4, 2e8, 3e8, 2f8,3f8.  Anything else?
        \_ Try some sort of electronics hobbyist store.  Or ask your TA.
        \_ I remember finding this data on the web when doing my 150
           project.  Just hunt around for a little while.  It is out there.
        \_ When I took 150, the chip we used was made by Maxim. Why not
           check and look for datasheet on their
           interface chips?
          \_ Good advice, especially since the serial port uses some 12
             volt signaling, and you probably only want a 5/0/-5 volt
             power supply.  Maxim chips rock.  -Evil 150 head TA.
1998/3/16-18 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:13813 Activity:low
3/16    does anyone have a copy of the linuxppc cd that began
        distribution in feb?....i already ordered mine but would
        like to  start playing now....                  -mrehrer
        \_ uh huh... I can't believe this.  The world's first linux pirate.
           Is such a thing even possible when they offer it over the net
           for free?  Or is the PPC version not free on the net?
           \_ It is probably legal to duplicate (or make multiple installs)
              from one of those CDs; this is certainly true of Slackware,
              Debian, and noncommercial RedHat CDs.
1998/3/16-17 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:13814 Activity:nil
3/16    (really)
        Anyone using Linux 2.1.x kernels noticing a big boost in
        networking performance (specifically PPP and NFS?).     -randal
        \_ I don't use 2.1.x, but the newsgroup
           'comp.os.linux.system.development' has various comments on NFS
           performance recently:  apparently, linux's NFS is very slow
           as a client to certain NFS v3 servers with buggy implementations.
           FreeBSD is supposed to be better, 2.1.x isn't finished yet.--PeterM
1998/3/16-17 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:13815 Activity:very high
3/17    Hello, I am looking for suggestions about two things:
        1. what is a good CD-R to get. Price [as long as we are still in
        the commercial electronics and not $10000 range] is not important,
        I would like it to write fast [4x is best consumer speed?], not
        break [so willing to pay for name brand using good components],
        easy to use [good software ... unix and windows?], and i suppose
        it woul dbe nice to have multi-write capacity.
        \_ Smart @ Friendly CD-R 4006 Deluxe (SCSI)
           I have it and really love it. I can even record 4x off an EIDE
           HD, which almost noone recommends doing. Lots of Adaptec software
           which is unparalleled. Yes, it has multi-write capabilities
           (even software that treats it as a writeable disk drive)

                \-is this the one that is about $600? i saw this at a
                certain unnamed unhelpful southbay consumer electronics
                store but had never heard of S&F ... are they actually
                repuatable company? --psb
        2. is there a decent book on windows for a total windows illiterate.
        and i mean total. on the other hand i dont need to have general
        computer concepts like the difference between files and memory
                \_ You shall be crushed, your bloody, battered bones fed to
                \_ psb, u shall be crushed, your bloody, battered bones fed to
        explained to me. in fact ideally it would mention design issues
        [like does windows9# mmap ... not looking for programming reference
        but would like to be abel to analyze design of a system]. --psb
        \_ PSB, why don't you fuckin' stop rambling.
                \_ you shall be crushed, your bloody, battered bones fed to
                   just punishment for crossing the path of His Holiness,
                   the psb.     -psb #1 Fan
                   by a plague beggarman.  This shall be your righteous and
                   just punishment for being a superficial FUCKHEAD.
                \_ psb shall be crushed, your bloody, battered bones fed to
                \_ You shall be crushed, your bloody, battered bones fed to
                   wild dogs, the dogs trampled by elephants, their mashed
                   carcasses fed to wild pigs, the pigs shall be speared
                   lengthwise, left to rot in the burning sun for half a
                   month, whereupon their festering remains shall be burned,
                   the ashes dumped over the lip of a raving volcano, carried
                   by a plagued beggarman.  This shall be your righteous and
                   just punishment for being opposed to the will of the psb
                   psb forever.  -psb #1 Fan
                   just punishment for being opposed to the will of the antipsb
                   and lacking sufficient intellect or imagination to do
                   anything more "clever"
                   and lacking sufficient intellect or imagination to do
                   anything more "clever" than edit someone else's motd entry.
        \_ Go psb -psb fan #4
1998/3/16-17 [Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:13816 Activity:very high
3/16    How do you forward all your mail to a different address, except for
        those from a certain domain?  For example, suppose I want to
        forward all my soda mail to, but I don't want
        those messages from <DEAD><DEAD> to be forwarded.
        \-It depends how tall you are. If you are sufficiently tall,
        you can do it with two mailagent rules. In the first sequential
        rule you do a From: <regexp-for-soda> {BOUNCE:}
        and then From: <regexp for <DEAD><DEAD> {SAVE local-file} or {LEAVE}.
        Hoever this isnt what you asked first ... in which case you would
        use the All: {LEAVE} directive. --psb
        \_ TRANSLATION:
                It depends on how smart you are. If you are as smart as I am,
                you would do this (which most people will not even understand
                and I will not be nice enough to elaborate further). If you
                don't understand, don't feel bad, because you are just stupid.
                                -- partha
                \_ anyone who doesn't understand psb deserves a long and
                   miserable life.  The lost masses are undeserving. -psb #1 Fan
                                -- anti-psb asshole  [psb rules!]

                                -- partha "TOO SMART FOR YOU" banerjee
        \_ Any time something simple could be explained, PSB starts to talk like
           a fuckin' lawyer, trying to reiterate the fact that he has superior
           knowledge and that we don't. FUCKIN PSB!!!!! Why don't you die!!!!!
           \_ Is ignorance really that blissful?
           \_ You'll get yours when judgement day comes.  -psb #1 Fan
                \_ You jealous fuck, stop pucking your asshole on the motd,
                \_ partha!!!!! stop pucking your asshole on the motd,
                   just how broken and stupid you really are.  -psb #3 fan
          \_ Personally I think the way psb talk is superficial, and the guy
             above is right, psb does sounds like a fucking lawyer and a
                \_ stop pucking your asshole on the motd,
             wanna-be-intellectual asshole.
                \_ psb, stop pucking your asshole on the motd,
                   bow to your superiors and one day you *may* understand
                   just how broken and stupid you really are.
                |_ I won't stoop to editing other people's motd entries but
                   I will do minimal fixing on childish alterations.  -psb #1 Fan
                \_ So how come after all this arguing over whether psb is good
                   or bad, nobody's actually answered the original question?
                        \_ Because the answer is trivial, psb is not.
1998/3/16-17 [Uncategorized] UID:13817 Activity:nil
3/16    New thread dedicated for psb:
1998/3/16-17 [Uncategorized] UID:13818 Activity:kinda low
        3/16    I'm new to motd. Who is psb, why is he such/such not a hotshot?
                \_ I am psb #1 fan!!!!!!!!!! If psb tells me to jump
                   bridge, I jump bridge, because psb is always right. GURU!!!
                   \_ Impostor.
1998/3/16-17 [Uncategorized] UID:13819 Activity:high
        3/16    I believe that psb is perfect to write ambiguous grammer for
                SAT/GMAT/LSAT/GRE questions for ETS.
                   \_ psb is simply perfect.  -psb #1 Fan
                        \-blah, blah, blah. --psb
1998/3/16 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:49813 Activity:nil
3/16    Does anyone know where to obtain information on PC serial port
        interface, for input AND output? Thanks.
        \_ Pins 2,3 for send/receive.  What more do you need?
           \_ yeah, knowing the port #'s and irq's isn't very
                \_ IRQ 3 and 4, 2e8, 3e8, 2f8,3f8.  Anything else?
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:March:16 Monday <Tuesday>