Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:February:20 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1998/2/20 [Uncategorized] UID:13704 Activity:nil
2/19    It's about time.
1998/2/20 [Uncategorized] UID:13705 Activity:nil
2/19    It's about time.
 _   _    _    ____  ______   __  ______        _______ _____ _____   _  ___
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 _     ___ _        _
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|_____|___|_____/_/   \_\
1998/2/20-21 [Recreation/Woodworking, Computer/SW/Mail] UID:13706 Activity:very high
2/20    In Pine how can you selectively forward emails from a certain address?
        For example, I want to keep all mail going to Soda, but for mail from
        my brother, I want it to be forwarded to my work address.
        \_ man procmail - mogul
        \_ man filter
           \_ duh, there is no man-page on filter.
                \_ Pretty much if you're using Pine, you couldn't understand
                   a man page anyway.  They wrote pine for secretaries not
                        \_ Secretaries my ass.. as if they have ever seen UNIX
                   \_ man mutt for something better
                           in their lives..
                           \_ Our secretaries use unix.  Top of the
                              secretarial gene pool.
                                \-MailAgent is the Top-of-the-Gene-Pool mail
                                processing system. Probably the only one that
                                some knowledge of group theory/set theory to
                                understand the man page. --psb
                   geeks.  Use slocal if you need to be clever.
                   \_ Oh, I forgot that anything that's easy to use has to
                      be for idiots.  Hopefully someone will drag you into
                      the next century.
                        \_ No, anything that's hard to use but is intended to
                           be easy belongs in the secretarial pool.  If Pine
                           was so fucking easy then why ask how to do what
                           _should_ be a really easy thing?  slocal is just as
                           hard/easy, does more, and has examples in the man
                           page.  If you're such the "pine is easy to use"
                           babbling moron, then why not provide the answer?
                           Shouldn't be more than 2 or 3 clicks and a drag.
                           \_ Oh my.   pine is a mail READER, not a delivery
                              agent.  You can't DO what has been asked with
                              pine.  Use procmail, slocal, or simply be
                              selective about which address you give to who.
1998/2/20-21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:13707 Activity:high
2/20    Why have CGI scripts stopped working?  Now I am seeing "Premature end
        of script header" message in the error.log even though the same script
        was unchanged and was working fine just few days ago?  Has any
        configuration change been implemented on the Web server?
        \_ *chuckle*
          \_ recompile.
1998/2/20 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server] UID:13708 Activity:nil
2/20    Apache 1.3beta5 Released
1998/2/20-21 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/HW] UID:13709 Activity:high
02/20   Where can I find a good ssh client for the PC? Thanks.
        \_ Windows PC?  F-secure from Datafellows is functional.  What do you
           mean by "good"?  Since UCB EECS is buying a zillion licenses at
           $7 each, you could just grab a copy from someone.  Should be all
           over the place right now and more licenses are coming soon.
           (I mean "F-scure client licenses for Windows").
        \_ You can't.
1998/2/20-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:13710 Activity:high
02/20   Quick Linux consulting needed *immediately* wrt an errant Ethernet
        card on a Red Hat 5 Intel Linux box. $100 for maybe 45-90 mins work.
        Contact for more info. - anirvan
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:February:20 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>