1998/2/18 [Computer/Domains] UID:13689 Activity:high |
02/17 Gates says DNS is "digital nervous system" for networks of personal computers. -- yuen \_ you left out "and so he invented 'DNS'" \_ no he didn't - not alone at least - other people at Micro$oft helped... \_ digital_nervous_system: get your competitors to use it, so that you can be the only one left standing. |
1998/2/18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:13690 Activity:high |
2/17 VB rules too much. I am never going back to C++ programming again. Fuck Java also. \_ VB sucks so horribly if you have to go beyond what little it provides \_ "VB rules" "VB sucks" mmm... intelligent arguing. \_ Play nice, children. \_ And it looked so much like you'd be fully recovered after that massive, traumatic brain injury. A shame. |
1998/2/18-20 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:13691 Activity:high |
02/20 INTEL PENTIUM 200Mhz $115 INTEL PENTIUM 166mHZ $89 INTEL PENTIUM 150mHZ $75 INTEL PENTIUM 133mHZ $55 If interested, please email swings \_ Are these old processors you have, or is this a business? \_ well, they're definitely old processors.... \_ okay, you got me there. But I meant, is he selling 'pre-owned' or not. |
1998/2/18 [Computer/Domains] UID:13692 Activity:nil |
02/17 Anyone know how to track email sent from a remailer? I've tracked the message to what I think is the host computer. It gives a message ID and the domain name. Any ideas? |
1998/2/18 [Uncategorized] UID:13693 Activity:nil |
02/18 ROBERT SMITH VS. MECHA-STREISAND, new ep of south park tonight - danh |
1998/2/18-19 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:13694 Activity:insanely high |
02/18 date +"x%m/x%d" | sed 's/x0*//g' \_ Why not just say "2/18"? \_ strangely enough, this is a university with an intl reputation and many intl students. this is also a university with many pretentious students who want you to think that they are suave and intl. \_ You mean pretentious? If its ok with you, I'll just stick with "2/18" for today. \_ Why not say "18/2"? \_ Why not say date +"%m/%d" | sed 's/0\([0-9]\)/\1/g' \_ cuz you can use 'x' as magic marker. \_ is it permanent or one of those water soluble ones? \_ but using markers is inelegant. \_ Actually its a nice trick and easier to read. \_ but it doesn't teach you what to do if you don't get to control the initial output format. The second one does. \_ but you do get to control date's output format via '+'. the date and sed are meant to work together. \_ You're still missing the point. \_ I see your point. You're being academic. Out here in the RW, I think it's a nice trick and makes it easier to read. I'm not in some CS class. I work and like to see the little tricks other people use in their work which may apply to mine. |
1998/2/18 [Uncategorized] UID:13695 Activity:high |
2/18 Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. is now free. \_ FREE WAREZ!!! \_ Is it really warez if the author has released it free to the public? I think not. Anyway, is this something you *really* want installed on your system? Keep in mind Derek Smart is psychotic. |
1998/2/18-19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13696 Activity:nil |
02/17 Illegal ads from swing deleted. Using CSUA resources for personal or commercial profit is verboten. |