Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:February:04 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1998/2/4 [Uncategorized] UID:13621 Activity:nil
2/4     Why do corpses get all puffy when they're submerged in water?
        Don't hesitate to shower me with your disgusting explanations.
1998/2/4-5 [Computer/Rants] UID:13622 Activity:insanely high
2/4     Bill Gates has been hit by a cream pie.  See
        \_ and the computers used in the factories used to make that
          cream pie are running MS windoze.  And that's why gates is
           now worth 50 billion or so.
           \_ Actually, that pie was made by a little old lady in a small
              community bakery.  She uses a computer to help keep her
              books, but it's a Commodore PET using whatever passed for a
              home computer OS in the 1970s.  I have documented,
                        \_ consisting of a command line and
                        commands such as "run" and "load"
                        \_ What's unclear about "run" and "load" commands?
              undeniable proof, you scum sucking, pro-M$ bigot.
              \_ show me. url? or am i to believe a name-calling weenie? :-*
              undeniable proof, you scum sucking, pro-M$ bigot.
              \_ show me. url? or am i to believe a name-calling weenie? :-*
                \_ CNN.
              \_ The sad thing is that even in the 70's the BASIC that ran
                 on the PET was written by M$oft. -ERic
                 \- I thought M$haft was brought to life in the early 80's...
                   \_ It "went public" in the early 80's; before that,
                     it was a partnership between gates and what is face
                     (allen) since i think 1975.
                     \_ The good ole days when a company actually had to
                       make money to "go public"
1998/2/4-5 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:13623 Activity:high
2/4     I have an obsession to crack root to read people's emails.
        Is that normal?
                \_ yes
        \_ ask marco
        \_ How would you do it on shadowed systems?
                \_ The Shadow knows....
                \_ <DEAD><DEAD>
        \_ Don't bother.  As a sysadmin who has had real work reasons to
           read mail files over the years, I can assure you that no one's
           mail is worth reading, much less the effort required to acquire
           the access to do so.
           \_ but you get some good jokes sometimes...
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1998:February:04 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>