1998/1/23-26 [Uncategorized] UID:13547 Activity:high |
1/22 Stop the logging or we shall continue to kill 1 celebrity each week - the trees. \_ Starve the trees, those commie scum! \_ Kill the spice girls and we'll never cut another tree again. \_ Starve the trees, those commie scum! \_ Fuck the trees, those commie scum! \_ That could hurt, as seen at: http://www.calvert.com/sfdt/fan-shows/12-17-97/hot_stuff.html \_ Cute, but I'm sure there are better ways to spend bandwidth and programming time. |
1998/1/23 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:13548 Activity:high |
1/22 Clinton is such a stud!!! Flower, Jones, and Lewinsky. STUD MAN!!! \_ he's kind of a chubby chaser, tho. Ande they aren't that pretty. \_ At least the last one wasn't an embarrassment. \_ Then you must think Woody Allen's a REAL MAN \_ not true, clinton has MORE number and even YOUNGER ones. \_ Nah, I doubt Bill will marry Chelsea anytime soon. \_ Although he's certain to sleep with her, get her a series of jobs she isn't qualified for, then try to hush her about it. \_ Clinton, shminton. Check out sony bono's wife http://www.abcnews.com/sections/us/bono0122/index.html Now that was some 62 year-old stud butt. \_ So he bought a bimbo, so what? \_ don't get it. I still think Clinton has a bigger penis. \_ size doesn't matter -ari \_ isn't that just something nearly dickless guys say to try to keep their wives faithful? (and fail) \_ Obviously you haven't seen the jpg of ari naked. \ URLP ? |
1998/1/23-24 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:13549 Activity:very high |
1/22 Earthlink is offering 60-70K for web designers in Pasadena (Southern California). I read in Time Magazine last year that Stanfurd grads in the "Web Design Industry" were being offered and making 75-100K straight outta college. Should I look for greener pastures, or count my blessings and send my resume? \_ 100% pure bullshit. At Cnet, designers get paid much less than Software Engineers. I have an MSCS ftom Stanfurd, and I wasn't offered more than 70k. \_ Forget web design. get yer MSCE degree and then you'll rewl. \_ So what is the average starting salary for Cal CS? \_ Depends on how good your blow job skill is \_ depends on what the working conditions are like I guess. If they make ya put in 50-60 hour weeks, or be on call or whatever they do (I don't know) then it might really suck. But if you don't \_ You should just transfer to stanford before it's too late. have a life now, it prolly doesnt matter so GO FOR IT!! \_ You should just transfer to stanfurd before it's too late. That way, you can also cheer for a team that actually wins games. \_ What "Time" meant to say was that some Stanford grads managed to get such offers. I'm sure some UCB grads did, too. It's not very realistic to assume the median salary was 75-100K straight out of school (which implies no experience, which is probably not the case). I work and live in Pasadena, and know people who were employed by Earthlink. They all got outstanding offers. Most of them aren't there anymore. Draw your own conclusions. I should say that none of them had jobs as web designers, though. Earthlink can be cool, but it's high pressure and high stress. Send your resume. If you don't get the job, then this is all moot anyhow --dim \_ Web designers are so over-rated. Anyone one can be a web designer regardless of w or w/o CS degree. Don't need to know cs160's or cs170's. \_ I think that CS160 would be quite useful for WebWeenies. \_ Maybe they meant to say web developers instead of designers. Web developers, straight out of college, depending on their talents, can get into the $75K range. Also...if it's HR (or non-technical people who work off of checklists and go by college degrees), strange decisions can easily be made. IT professionals straight out of college can make anywhere between $35K and $80K. A wide range, I know, but it all depends on the skills you pick up. --chris \_ Oh, what's the difference? Still WebWeenies. \_ imho...web development is a large category, but the way I see it, it refers to web _development_ which means stuff beyond adobe photoshop and graphics..and more like C, Perl, and JAVA coding around databases like SQL, Oracle, and Sybase with a web outcome. Companies pay top dollar for these skills. --chris |
1998/1/23 [Uncategorized] UID:13550 Activity:nil 54%like:13546 |
1/21 Can someone please make <DEAD>www.csua/motd<DEAD> link to motd.public? |
1998/1/23 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:13551 Activity:kinda low |
1/21 Can you make a table "sunken" instead of raised? I know that to do flat, you just specify <table border=0> but what about sunken? THANKS! \_ Get a good table lathe. |
1998/1/23 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:13552 Activity:kinda low |
1/21 What is a good random seed function using time and $$ in Perl? \_ One use might be to create filenames for temporary files. --dim \_ a silly first try might be my $filename = $$. time; \_ No you stupid! I want to use srand() with a good seed. SHEESH. \_ As of perl 5.004, you don't have to call srand at all; see "perldoc -f srand" for details. If you want a better random number generator, look at Math::TrulyRandom or /dev/random. \_ hahahah. maybe you should rtfm, state your problem more clearly, and see Math::TrulyRandom on CPAN, Einstein. \_ srand(time % $$); \_ (time % $$) does not generate good random numbers. |
1998/1/23-24 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:13553 Activity:high |
1/21 Netscape homepage finally looks decent! It took those idiots 3 years to figure out that: - they're hiring too many stupid people who write c0r3 dump war3z - their web site sucked big time \_ They still need to kill the stupid pop-up menu/tab things that show up if you use netscape4 \_ Yeah, now it's *almost* useful. Too bad one of the companies that helped popularise the web can't get their own web page(s) together. \_ Now if they can give me a browser that doesn't IGNORE its OWN preferences, "Use MY fonts, overriding document", so I don't have 2 millimetre-high fonts on their page... \_ Netscape will give away the SOURCE code of the browser for FREE to anybody starting with version 5.0. Now you can modify the src and give yourself whatever kind of browser you want. \_ NO THANKS. Debugging bloatwarez for Netscrape for free is not my idea of fun. \_ The whole source? To what exactly? \_ Communicator \_ 5.0 _ frame -- a Netscape disease. Can't live with, can't live without. \_ i can sure live without it. |
1998/1/23 [Industry/Jobs] UID:13554 Activity:high |
1/22 Maybe I should hire some of my own interns this summer... \_ No wonder the co-op girl I worked with last summer was hired. She's hired juz cuz she's pretty and my boss prefered talking 2 her even though she knew jack shit 'bout the project. \_ but did she swallow? \_ No shit, genius. How do you think the world works? On pure merit? HAHAHHAHAHHAHAH!!!!!! \_ I find this discussion extremely degrading to women. Typical soda geeks - pretend to be nice in real life but degrade women anonymously - female on soda. \_ you're an idiot. Soda geeks degrade women in real life too. |
1998/1/23 [Uncategorized] UID:13555 Activity:nil |
1/22 Soda crashed today, reason unknown. --wall log |
1998/1/23-24 [Uncategorized] UID:13556 Activity:very high |
YOU ERASE MY MESSAGE I ERASE YOURS \_ Is this the same person who several months back kept erasing the motd and posting this very message? If so, well, the next comment says it all. \_ Imagine a big empty space here, like the one between this person's ears. \_ Don't make us make it harder for you to edit the motd, kids. }:-) \_ There's always the next semester after elections. |
1998/1/23-27 [Industry/Jobs] UID:13557 Activity:moderate |
1/23 root@cory looking for Full-Time UNIX Sysadmin (P/A III) See <DEAD>www-inst.eecs/~kevinm/jobs.html<DEAD> \_ How much do P/A IIIs get in salary these days anyway? \_ I got paid $41K doing P/A II for a professor. \_ Not enough. \_ $45k - $82k according to http://hrweb.berkeley.edu/PAY/parate.htm \_ Don't expect to start at 82k. As a new hire you won't see more than 55k or so since the bozos in personel make up the salary offer, not the hiring department. \_ oh, come on. The same is true in any large software co. This is a very fair price rance, esp considering the laid back environment of a univerisity job. doooofus. \_ Doooofus, I work in the so-called laid back environment of the university. It depends on the job you've got. Many people working for Cal have bitch jobs they're way underpaid for which is why so many key people have left in the last 3+ years. Also, Cal isn't a large software corp in case you didn't notice. Also, 55k was the top end you're likely to start at and you won't see 80k for a good 20+ years. \_ sorry , I should have said "idiot", for staying at a job like that. Lotsa jobs at UC are pretty laid back, and u get more than 55k. Sorry for the confusion. |
12/23 |