8/17 Favorite movie line of all time:
"You have chosen... poorly."
\_I am a doctor and know little Kung Fu.
\_ "You're goin' down!"
\_ "I am de cleaner."
\_ "To clush your enemies, drive dem before you, and
hear the lamentation of der vemon."
\_ "Did you eat the penis?"
\_ "Go ahead! Squeal like a pig, boy!"
\_ "I am Serpentor! This I command!"
\_ Um, wasn't it "He chose... poorly."? Cuz wasn't that knight
talking to Indy?
\_ oops, you're right. I knew someone would correct that. thanks.
\_ "I am damn unsatisfied to be killed in this way!"
\_ "Your fu is weak, you must train harder if you ever expect
to defeat the Manchus." or something close --oj
\_ "I have suffered from the poisonous juice to master the
invincible kung fu!"
\_ "You must listen to the grasshopper at your feet"
\_ "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh "
\_ "Go away, you Arthur King, you. I fart in your general
\_ "What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?"
\_ "Laugh it up, fuzzball."
\_ "Hhello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You kill' my father.
Prepare to die." ^^^^^
\_ got smth against
the past tense?
\_ that's how he
says it, wasn't it?
\_ no.
\_ when he's
describing his
plans to the
MiB, it is.
\_ "What!! What will come out no more?!"
\_ "Is this a test to see whether I'm a replicant, or a
lesbian, Mr. Deckard?"
\_ Mr Worf; Fire.
\_ The gun is good. The penis is evil.
\_ "A repo man's life is always intense"
\_ "You do a lot of stumping back in the hippie days?"
\_ "Ho Ho Ho.....We meet again Jesus"
\_ Better yet: "Dude, don't say pigfucker in front of Jesus."
\_ Ignorant fools. "You're such a fat fuck Cartman(sp) that
when you walk down the street people go, God dammit!
That kid's a big fat fuck."
\_ "Mommy, the cat's being a dildo!"
\_ Wasn't that "I kick ass for the lord!"?
\_ "Your mother ate my dog!"
\_ Fuck my ass! Fuck my ass!! Fuck my ass!!!
\_ it did not say "best lines from Hustler White"
\_ "Yippeekai-ai, mother fucker"
\_geeks who quote The Holy Grail are deserving of scorn- danh
\_You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause
some watery tart threw a sword at you!
\_ "I'll buy you corndogs."
\_ "You ruined my new jacket! Kill him a lot."
\_ We're on a mission from god.
\_ Officer! That man tried to have SEX with me!
\_ Prepare for the foul warmth of my tongue!
\_ "Say, that's a nice bike."
\_ Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! Nooo.
\_ Mom! Dad! It's evil! Don't touch it!
\_ "They're baaa-aack..." -tpc
\_ Jwang's version of Devil in a Blue Dress: "Colored trees ain't
good enough for you?"
\_ "I trust I make myself obscure?" "Perfectly."
\_ Dis-ap-POINTED!!!
\_ "I want my two dollars." |