3/3 I need advice : Which do you go for when choosing between nice beautiful
C++ code which may not run as fast, or quick dirty C-type hack code that
runs about 10% more efficiently?
(Time is important, but so are aesthetics) -bwli
\_ C >>>> C++
\_ in the same way that Fortran >>>> C. Get a clue.
\_ no, in the same way kludgy >>>> way fuckin' kludgy
\_ If the 10% more efficient is critical to the project, then
you don't have much choice, but if it is not critical then
a decent programmer wouldn't hack it into dirty C-type code.
\_ Thanx -bwli
\_ If your C is so ugly, why do you think you can make your C++
so beautiful?
*\_ Hey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Actually, I was
exagerating (on both ends) to make it more interesting. -bwli
\_ I find it significant that Clancy seems to be the only professor
that even condones C++, let alone likes it (as far as I know).
\_ Berkeley is heavily invested into C, that's not surprising.
People who run IBM mainframes like COBOL, too.
\_ OO is just higher order functions with dynamic
binding of methods. use Lisp or ML
\_ yup, assembly's the way to go. :)
\_ WTF is beautiful C++ code ???
\_ Please see above (~ 10 lines *).
\_ there is no such thing
\_ Real programmers don't use damn languages. Just type:
cat - > mybin
\_ I don't even do that, I write out my 0s and 1s on paper (in pen)
and then run the program in my head.
\_ C++ is to C as:
a) a parasite is to a host organism
b) lung cancer is to a lung
c) theod0rk is to soda
d) Micro$oft's BOB is to operating systems
e) all of the above
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/ _` |/ _ \| '_ \/| __| | __/ _ \| | | |/ __| '_ \ | '_ ` _ \| | | |
| (_| | (_) | | | || |_ | || (_) | |_| | (__| | | | | | | | | | |_| |
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\__,_|_|\___|_|\_\\__, (_|_)
\_ Even if I could find your insignificant member, I wouldn't
touch the thing. |