Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1995:February:09 Thursday
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1995/2/9-12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31741 Activity:nil
2/7     Add your t-shirt ideas to /usr/local/csua/t-shirt.
1995/2/9-12 [Uncategorized] UID:31742 Activity:nil
2/6     Q-ZAR INFORMATION: Check out ~mogul/qzar-info for up-to-date info.
        Mail me to get on the mailing list if you haven't already or if you
        didn't receive this as mail earlier today. -mogul
1995/2/9-12 [Uncategorized] UID:31743 Activity:high
2/2     There will be another general meeting Thursday the 16th at 8pm,
        location is 306 Soda.  Primary topic of the meeting will be the
        election of a new VP.
1995/2/9 [Uncategorized] UID:31744 Activity:nil
2/9     Squish Dickylee!!! --smurf
         \_ I second that!!! --boss
         \_ I support squishing Dickylee!!! --tom
1995/2/9 [Uncategorized] UID:31745 Activity:nil
2/9     Free Danh. --Mr. Squisher
1995/2/9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31746 Activity:nil
2/9     bh came into the CSUA office today, and wanted to tell me that there
        have been complaints about lots of noise coming from the CSUA
        office.  I think he was referring to the screaming and cursing that
        was happening here earlier during a doosh fest, and the fact that
        Zep was blared quite loudly as well.  He wants us to keep it down,
        which I think we should.  I asked him to go to Q-Zar, and he said he
        gets enough exercise walking up and down Hearst.  --mogul
1995/2/9-11 [Uncategorized] UID:31747 Activity:nil 72%like:31764
2/9     Twin mattress and bed frame for sale - good condition - $50...
         -mail brooke
1995/2/9 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:31748 Activity:nil
2/9  Theodore == multiple login from different annex boxes man. Can we turn
        off the little fuckers account now?
          \_that is fucker's ... where is your grammar boy?
             \_ that should be "grammar, boy", as it is
         unlikely that you are talking about a
         child schooled in English who goes around
         explaining mistakes.
           \_ he was just being obtuse. he really meant:
            "... where is your aaron"

theodore  ttyrn    annex-64-1.Berke Thu Feb  9 03:03 - 03:25  (00:22)
theodore  ttyri    annex-64-1.Berke Thu Feb  9 02:58 - 09:40  (06:42)
theodore  ttypC    annex136-4.Berke Thu Feb  9 01:04   still logged in
theodore  ttyrY    annex136-4.Berke Thu Feb  9 00:40 - 02:57  (02:16)
1995/2/9 [Uncategorized] UID:31749 Activity:nil
2/9     Read the crappy article about the WWW in today's SF Chronicle and be
        sure to write a polite, literate reply to the author telling him what a
        complete dumbshit he is.  I've never seen someone with so little
        understanding.  My response'll be in ~mogul/rbr later.  I'm
        interested in what other people write to him. --mogul
         \_ Some time ago this very same "rbr" guy wrote
          an article (in Chronicle) on porn on the Internet.
          It was in response to yellow press bullshit put
          out by some dumbfuck at LA times as a commentary
          to what really happened at LLNL/LBL. Anyway, his
          article was about 50% wrong, although he seemed
          to have a basic understanding of issues that were
          at stake. I flamed him via email... -petr

     _                _ _     _      _ _
        ___| |__   ___    __| (_) __| |_ __( ) |_   _ __ _   _ _ __
/ __| '_ \ / _ \  / _` | |/ _` | '_ \/| __| | '__| | | | '_ \
\__ \ | | |  __/ | (_| | | (_| | | | || |_  | |  | |_| | | | |_
|___/_| |_|\___|  \__,_|_|\__,_|_| |_| \__| |_|   \__,_|_| |_(_)

        \_ FINISH HER
1995/2/9-12 [Uncategorized] UID:31750 Activity:very high
2/9     Are you interested in seeing the [brand spankin' new] SF
        Museum of Modern Art this Sunday?  I am thinking
        of planning an unofficial trip there.  Please send
        email to choice for more details. -choice.
           \_ how long does the star exhibit last until?
        \_ enjoy waiting in a long line.  -caliban
1995/2/9 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:31751 Activity:nil
2/9     Christ on crutches, Spamter & Siegel are at it again...

        Spam them hard, flood-ping 'em, mail 'em /dynix
        That's, -- floodping away.
        Also send em some false positives just to make the
        signal-to-real-signal ratio unbearably low
        \_ I didn't see it.  Did Robo take them out again?
           In any case, the subject alone seems fradulent.
        \_ here's the orig header.  is forged.  hit every group.  -hh
From: (Consumer Credit Advocates)
Newsgroups: alt.cesium
Date: 9 Feb 1995 03:14:19 -0500
Organization: Consumer Credit Advocates, PC
Approved: postmaster
Message-ID: <3hcisr$>
        and check out:
[soda] /~> fm
Login name: ccapc                       In real life: David Markowitz
Directory: /net/u/11/c/ccapc            Shell: /net/u/11/c/ccapc/spamsh
Last login Thu Feb  9 04:15 on ttypd from
This account has been disabled.  It was a trial account and was
used to spam netnews.  Our apologies.
1995/2/9-11 [Uncategorized] UID:31752 Activity:high
2/9     Finger remailer@soda for information on how to use the anonymous
        \_ help dpetrou nivra setol and i find a house - danh
         \_ Free danh. --smurf
            \_ and me
1995/2/9-11 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:31753 Activity:high
2/9     on-line service surfer wanted for about
        10 hours of work.  send mail to hh@xcf if you're interested.
        you must have familiarty with and access to prodigy, aol,
        and compuserve.

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You're dead.
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1995:February:09 Thursday